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*[[File:XiJinpingThoughtf.png]] [[Dengism|Xi Jinping Thought]] - Partially because of you, my already tense alliance with China which has lasted since Nixon and Kissinger shook hands with Mao and Zhou half a century ago has come to an end. One day we may go to war over Taiwan and the South China Sea. That battle would be a legendary one, indeed.
*[[File:XiJinpingThoughtf.png]] [[Dengism|Xi Jinping Thought]] - Partially because of you, my already tense alliance with China which has lasted since Nixon and Kissinger shook hands with Mao and Zhou half a century ago has come to an end. One day we may go to war over Taiwan and the South China Sea. That battle would be a legendary one, indeed.
*[[File:Mansphere.png]] [[Manosphere]] - I hate wokes and I support Saudi Arabia, but why the f*ck shouldn't I hate ISIS, Taliban and Iran? They are terrorists who want to kill America. Also, Stop complaining about Women in my army.
*[[File:Mansphere.png]] [[Manosphere]] - I hate wokes and I support Saudi Arabia, but why the f*ck shouldn't I hate ISIS, Taliban and Iran? They are terrorists who want to kill America. Also, Stop complaining about Women in my army.
*[[File:Prog-u.png]] [[Progressivism]] - The Vietnam War was to stop a Country from doing chaos, not an invasion!

==Further Information==
==Further Information==

Revision as of 10:46, 18 June 2022


Neoconservatism (also referred to as NeoCon) is a branch of conservatism originating in the United States during the 1960s that favors a broadly interventionist foreign policy. He's usually much more defined by his foreign policy than his domestic policy - NeoCon can fall into a number of groups or camps regarding domestic affairs, and will oftentimes "sell" his vote on a domestic issue in order to buy someone else's vote on one of his foreign policy proposals. Neoconservatism typically advocates the promotion of democracy and interventionism in international affairs, including peace through strength (by means of military force), and is known for espousing disdain for File:Marxlen.png communism and other forms of political radicalism. Culturally, most NeoCons are right-leaning, usually being pro-life among other things, but still liberal on certain issues. However, there exist a large fraction of much more culturally liberal politicians who advocate for neoconservative foreign policy, often called Liberal Hawks, who tend to overlap with the Third Way branch of liberalism.


The United States

The idea of the US and The West as a promoter of freedom and democracy through militaristic means has existed since the early 20th century and was popularized after the end of WWII with the defeat of the Axis Powers. However, the term "neoconservatism" wasn't coined until the 1960s during the midst of the Vietnam War.

Between the 1950's and the 1960's, future NeoCons endorsed the Civil Rights Movement, racial integration, and the movement of Martin Luther King Jr. Also, during this time, there was widespread support among future NeoCons (who were classified as Liberals at the time) for widespread military action to prevent a File:Marxlen.png communist takeover in North Vietnam.

The initial Neoconservative movement was brought forward by the repudiation of the Cold War and the "New Politics" of the new and File:Progress.png Progressive American "New Left", which NeoCons believed was too close to the counterculture running rampant in the United States at the time and too alienated from the majority of the American population. The "New Left" which the NeoCons were dissatisfied with supported/believed in some radical aspects such as "Black Power", which accused white Liberals and northern Jews of hypocrisy on integration and of supporting supposed Settler Colonialism during the Israeli-Palestine conflict during the late 1960's. Finally, they were most unsettled by the File:Progress.png New Left's "anti-anti communism", which during the mid-to-late 1960's that included outspoken support of File:Marxlen.png Marxist–Leninist policies. Many were particularly alarmed by what they saw as antisemitism stemming from "Black Power" communities in the New Left.

As the policies of the New Left made the Democrats increasingly leftist, these intellectuals became disillusioned with President Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society domestic programs. The neoconservatives then rejected the counter-cultural File:Progress.png New Left and what they considered Anti-Americanism in the non-interventionism of activism against the Vietnam War. After the anti-war faction took control of the party during 1972 and nominated George McGovern, the Democrats among them endorsed Washington Senator Henry "Scoop" Jackson instead for his unsuccessful 1972 and 1976 campaigns for president.

A theory of neoconservative foreign policy during the 1970's was criticizing the foreign policy of Jimmy Carter, which endorsed détente with the Soviet Union. During the 1990's, neoconservatives were once again opposed to the foreign policy establishment, both during the Republican Administration of President George H. W. Bush and that of his Democratic successor, President Bill Clinton. Many critics charged that the neoconservatives lost their influence as a result of the end of the File:Marxlen.png Marxist Soviet Union.

After the decision of George H. W. Bush to leave Saddam Hussein in power after the first Iraq War in 1991, many neoconservatives considered this policy a betrayal of democratic principles. During the early 2000's, the presidency of George W. Bush did not initially show strong endorsement of the neoconservative idea. This, however, changed dramatically as a result of the 9/11 attacks. During Bush's State of the Union speech of January 2002, he named Iraq, Iran, and North Korea states that "constitute an axis of evil" and "pose a grave and growing danger". The Bush Doctrine of preemptive war was stated explicitly in the National Security Council text, "National Security Strategy of the United States" that was published in September of 2002. It stated, "We must deter and defend against the threat before it is unleashed (...) even if uncertainty remains as to the time and place of the enemy's attack. (...) The United States will, if necessary, act preemptively". The Bush Doctrine was greeted with an extremely positive reception by many neoconservatives. By 2010, U.S. forces had switched from combat to a training role in Iraq and they left in 2011.

Since Trump took office, neoconservatives have supported the Trump administration's hawkish approach towards Iran and Venezuela, while opposing the administration's withdrawal of troops from Syria and diplomatic outreach to North Korea.

  • Henry Kissinger: Henry Kissinger is a German-born American politician, diplomat, and geopolitical consultant who served as United States Secretary of State and National Security Advisor under the presidential administrations of Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford (1969-1974, 1974-1977). A Jewish refugee who fled Nazi Germany with his family in 1938 to the US where he was drafted into the US army in 1943. Kissinger was assigned to the military intelligence sector of the 84th Infantry Division and came to see combat in the division as the US allied forces advanced into Germany, the country he and his family had fled from. Kissinger was eventually reassigned to the Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC), where he became a CIC Special Agent assigned to tracking down Gestapo officers and other saboteurs, for which he was awarded the Bronze Star. After his service in the US army in WWII, Kissinger would come to play an important role in shaping US foreign policy during the Cold War. This include:
    • Vietnam War - Henry Kissinger was very skeptical of US involvement in the Vietnam War as it seemed near impossible to find an agreement that would suit both the Communists of North Vietnam and the US-backed government of South Vietnam.

When he came into office as National Security Advisor under President Richard Nixon in 1969, Kissinger favored a negotiating strategy under which the US and North Vietnam would sign an armistice and agree to pull their troops out of South Vietnam while the South Vietnamese government and the Viet Cong were to agree to a coalition government. However, because of the conflict of interest between Nixon and Kissinger, and the North and South Vietnamese governments, US involvement in the Vietnam War would continue until the mid-1970s. Henry Kissinger along with Vietnamese communist revolutionary Lê Đức Thọ was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on December 10, 1973, for their work in negotiating the ceasefires contained in the Paris Peace Accords on "Ending the War and Restoring Peace in Vietnam." However, Thọ rejected the award as he argued that peace had not been achieved and after the Fall of Saigon Kissinger attempted the return his award as well.

    • US-China Relations - Henry Kissinger is perhaps most known for his contribution to US-China relations which helped the People's Republic of China's current rise as a superpower. The motive for the diplomatic outreach to communist China had its ground in the Sino-Soviet Split that happened in the 1950s-1960s because of ideological differences between Mao Zedong and Khrushchev. The US government under Nixon sought to exploit this rift between the two largest communist countries to advance its own geopolitical agenda.

Kissinger made two trips to China in July and October 1971 (the first of which was made in secret) to confer with Premier Zhou Enlai, which resulted in the withdrawal of US troops from Taiwan, and the recognition of the PRC on the UN Security Council at expense of the Republic of China's representation at the UN. His trips paved the way for the groundbreaking 1972 summit between Nixon, Zhou, and Mao, as well as the formalization of relations between the two countries, ending over two years of diplomatic isolation and mutual hostility.

Henry Kissinger has continued to act as a mediator between the US and China to this day. He was one of the few prominent US politicians who opposed imposing sanctions on China in the wake of the Tiananmen Massacre of 1989.

    • Other - Henry Kissinger is infamous for his support for anti-communist dictatorships to stop the spread of communism. As National Security Advisor under Nixon, he supported Pakistani dictator, General Yahya Khan, in the Bangladesh Liberation War in 1971. Kissinger actively participated in the CIA's destabilization and sabotage of Chilean Socialist Party member Salvador Allende's presidential campaign and presidency through various coup attempts, elections interference, and sanctions that would result in the 1973 Chilean coup d'état and General Augusto Pinochet's rise to power.

As Secretary of the State under President Gerald Ford, he supported the Argentine Military dictator Jorge Rafael Videla's Dirty War against left-wing opposition and backed Indonesian dictator and President Suharto's invasion of East Timor and its subsequent genocide. Kissinger was also actively involved in negotiations regarding the Rhodesian Bush War. Kissinger, along with South Africa's Prime Minister B.J. Vorster, pressured Rhodesian Prime Minister Ian Smith to hasten the transition to black majority rule in Rhodesia.

Interestingly, Henry Kissinger unlike most modern-era military interventionists and neocons such as John McCain, Anthony Blinken, Samantha Power, etc have remained on friendly terms with Russian President Vladimir Putin. During the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, Kissinger went so far as to suggest that Ukraine should give up territory to Russia to end the war.


The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, commonly known by its abbreviation NATO, is an intergovernmental military alliance between 28 European countries and 2 North American countries. Established in the aftermath of World War II, the organization implements the North Atlantic Treaty which was signed on 4 April 1949. NATO serves the role of collective security, whereby its member states agree to mutual defense in response to an attack by any external party whether it be another country or a terrorist organization. The NATO headquarters are located in Brussels, Belgium. As of the year 2022, there are 30 member states within the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the last of which to join was North Macedonia in March 2020. NATO currently recognizes Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, and Ukraine as aspiring members.

Yugoslav Wars


War in Afghanistan


NATO intervention in Libya



The Southeeast Asia Treaty Oragnization was created in 1954 and generally speaking, it was an attempt at making an "asian NATO". It consisted of eight member states.

The bloc supported US intervention in Vietnam, but soon after the organization began to show signs of crisis, exacerbating controversy among its members, and later began a process of easing international tensions.

Since the signing of the treaty, France's interest has been steadily declining - since 1965 it ceased to participate in sessions of the Council, then refused to participate in SEATO military activities, and in 1974 left the oraganization.

After the withdrawal of American troops from Vietnam, the authority of SEATO fell sharply. The decline in interest in the treaty was due to the fact that SEATO was unable to be effective as a collective security organization.

In 1977 SEATO ceased to exist.






  • Françafrique - Françafrique refers to the French sphere of influence in West and North Africa. Following the decolonization of Africa during the 1950s-1960s, France continued to maintain close political, economic, military, and cultural ties with its former colonies in the western and northern parts of the continent which have included Mali, Burkina Faso, Chad, Niger, among other countries based on mutually beneficial economic and political arrangements with the ex-colonies. The United States supported France's continuing presence in Africa to prevent the region from falling under Soviet communist influence during the Cold War.

France saw itself as a guarantor of stability in the region and therefore adopted an interventionist policy in Africa, resulting in military interventions that averaged once a year from 1960 to the mid-1990s. Françafrique has been weakened since the end of the Cold War due to budgetary constraints, greater public scrutiny at home and the integration of France into the European Union.


Main Article: Zionism


South Korea

  • Operation Black List Forty: Operation Blacklist Forty was the codename for the United States' occupation of Korea between 1945 and 1948 following the end of World War II and Japan's surrender.

The partition of Korea into occupation zones was proposed in August 1945, by the United States to the Soviet Union following the latter's entry into the war against Japan. The 38th parallel north was chosen to separate the two occupation zones on August 10 by two American officers, Dean Rusk and Charles Bonesteel, working on short notice and with little information on Korea's geography. The US would occupy the Southern part of the peninsula and the Soviets would occupy the North. The Americans hoped to establish a representative government supportive of American policy in the region, and the Soviets hoped to establish another communist nation friendly to their interests.

General Douglas MacArthur, who was in command of the occupation of Japan, ordered the commander of Operation Blacklist Forty, Lieutenant General John R. Hodge, to maintain a "harsh" occupation of Korea, with the goal of establishing an independent Korean government friendly to US interests. Due to due to a shortage of manpower, Hodge temporarily allowed the old Japanese police force to remain on duty for crowd control and similar work until the American replacements arrived. It is said that General Hodge's most significant contribution to the occupation was the alignment of his military government with that of Korea's wealthy anti-Communist faction, and the promotion of men who had previously collaborated with the Japanese into positions of authority.

The Koreans who collaborated with the Japanese imperialists during the Japanese occupation of Korea (1910-1945) would later be known as "Chinilpa" (친일파), meaning "Pro-Japan Faction." Among the notable Chinilpa was the former President and Military Dictator Park Chung-hee who served as the leader of South Korea from 1961 to 1979.

As the US and the Soviets were unable to establish a unified Korean government friendly to both nations' interests, the US sent the "Korean question" to the UN who proceeded with providing the Koreans with UN-supervised elections. However, the elections only applied to the portion of Korea south of the 38th parallel, as the Soviets saw the North as within its own sphere of influence. Exiled Korean leader Syngman Rhee was inaugurated as President of the Republic of Korea on 24 July 1948.

The United States and South Korea signed a military assistance pact on January 26, 1950. A few months later, the Korean War broke out which would last until 1953.

  • Park Chung-hee: The South Korean government, under the administration of Park Chung-hee, took an active role in the Vietnam War, as an ally of South Vietnam and the US. From 1964 to 1973, South Korea sent some 350,000 troops to South Vietnam. The Republic of Korea would come under heavy scrutiny for Phong Nhị and Phong Nhất massacre of 1968 in which South Korean troops were to said have massacred 69-74 South Vietnamese civilians. The ROK blamed said massacre on Viet Cong dressed as South Korean marines.


Neoconservatism in Japan, also known as the neo-defense school, refers to a hawkish new generation of Japanese conservatives most of which are members of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and whom also may have been part of the ultranationalist, revisionist organization of Nippon Kaigi. As members of the post-war generation, Japanese neocons view themselves as free of responsibility or guilt for Japan's conquests past war crimes that happened during the Imperial Era. It is worth noting that some past members of the Liberal Democratic Party and Nippon Kaigi were soldiers in the Imperial Japanese Army during the Pacific War. This includes former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone who was stationed in Borneo during the Dutch East Indies campaign, and the founder of Nippon Kaigi, Koichi Tsukamoto who fought against the British Allied Forces in the Battle of Imphal during the Burma Campaign.

What defines the neoconservatives of the Liberal Democratic Party from other Japanese politicians is their desire to change and reinterpret the country's constitution, especially Article 9 which is viewed as obsolete. This would enable Japan to re-arm to the level of most other countries.

During the Premiership of Junichiro Koizumi, the Japanese government aided western powers in the Iraq War through the Japanese Iraq Reconstruction and Support Group (JIRSG) a battalion-sized, largely humanitarian contingent of the Japan Self-Defense Forces that was sent to Samawah, Southern Iraq in early January 2004 and withdrew by late July 2006.


Neoconservatism originated in Poland after the collapse of Communism in 1989. Polish Left-Wing President Aleksander Kwaśniewski, despite being a former communist, was really supportive of NATO and Poland joined NATO, during his presidency in 1999, Kwaśniewski also intervened in Iraq along with Blair and Bush JR. Currently, Neoconservatism is supported, mostly in Poland by the ruling party "Law and Justice", by former President, Lech Kaczyński, current President Andrzej Duda, and minister of defense Antoni Macierewicz.




  • Václav Havel- was a Czech statesman, playwright, and former dissident, who served as the last president of Czechoslovakia from 1989 until its dissolution in 1992 and then as the first president of the Czech Republic from 1993 to 2003. He was the first democratically elected president of either country after the fall of communism. His educational opportunities in his younger years were greatly limited due to his "bourgeois" background, and thus he would rise to prominence as a playwright who would use an absurdist style to criticize the oppressive communist system of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic.

After participating in the Prague Spring and being blacklisted after the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia, Václav Havel became more politically active and helped found several dissident initiatives, including Charter 77 and the Committee for the Defense of the Unjustly Prosecuted. His political activities brought him under the surveillance of the StB secret police, and he spent multiple periods as a political prisoner, the longest of his imprisoned terms being nearly four years, between 1979 and 1983.

Václav Havel's Civic Forum party played a major role in the Velvet Revolution that toppled the Communist system in Czechoslovakia in 1989. He assumed the presidency shortly thereafter and was re-elected in a landslide the following year and after Slovak independence in 1993. Among the notable things, he did as President was granting general amnesty to all those imprisoned during the Communist era. On 12 March 1999, the Czech Republic joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), one of several former Warsaw-Pact States of Central and Eastern Europe to join said multinational organization.


Italy during the Premiership of Silvio Berlusconi was a solid ally of the United States during the War in Afghanistan and the Iraq War. Operation Ancient Babylon (Italian: Operazione Antica Babilonia) was the code name given to the deployment of Italian forces during the Iraq War, consisting of 3200 soldiers stationed in and around the city of Nasiriyah. Their mission lasted from 15 July 2003 to 1 December 2006. Italy lost 36 soldiers during the said operation.


  • Ion Iliescu-Ion Iliescu is a Romanian politician and engineer, the founder of the Social Democratic Party, who served as President of Romania from 1989 to 1996 and from 2000 to 2004. Iliescu rose to prominence during the communist era when he joined the Romanian Communist Party (PCR) in 1953 and became a member of its Central Committee in 1965. He was eventually marginalized by dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu and eventually came to play a leading role in the Romanian Revolution during the fall of communism.

After the overthrow of Ceaușescu in December 1989, Ion Iliescu was recognized as the co-leader leader of the National Salvation Front (FSN) an organization formed by second-rank Communist party members opposed to the policies of Ceaușescu to fill in the power vacuum caused by the fall of the dictator and lead the transition to parliamentary democracy. In recent times Iliescu has been accused of committing crimes against humanity by approving deadly militaristic measures against civilians during the aftermath of the Romanian Revolution.

In 2004, during Iliescu's second presidency, Romania joined NATO and has taken part in the War in Afghanistan and the Iraq War with boots-on-the-ground troops in both wars.








  • Iraqi National Accord - Iraqi National Accord (INA) or Wifaq is a political party co-founded by Ayad Allawi, Tahsin Mullah, and Salah Omar al-Ali in 1991 during the wake of the 2nd Gulf War as an opposition group to Saddam Hussein. The INA was at the time seen as an alternative, to alternative Shia-led opposition groups operating from Iran, and was largely funded by money from Saudi Arabia; with extra support coming from the UK and the United States.

INA membership consisted largely of military and security personnel who had defected from the Iraqi army under Saddam Hussein's rule and organized attacks inside Iraq in 1992 and 1995. In close cooperation with the CIA, the organization organized attempted a coup against Saddam in 1996, which ended in disaster to infiltration by Saddam's agents.

Following the US-led 2003 invasion of Iraq, the INA entered Iraq playing a central role in the occupation government, and Ayad Allawi became Prime Minister of Iraq in 2003.

  • Iraqi National Congress - Iraqi National Congress (INC) is an Iraqi political party that was led by Ahmed Chalabi following the Persian Gulf War to coordinate the activities of various anti-Saddam groups under the supervision of the US government. INC consisted partially of various minority groups such as Shia Muslims and Kurds who had been brutally oppressed under Saddam's totalitarian Sunni-supremacist dictatorship, in addition to monarchists, and ex-military officers who had defected from the Iraqi army. Differences within INC eventually led to the group tearing itself apart from the inside.


  • Eduard Shevardnadze - Eduard Shevardnadze was a Georgian politician and diplomat who governed Georgia for several non-consecutive periods from the 1970s-1980s as First Secretary of Georgian Communist Party of the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic and as President of Georgia from 1995 until his resignation in 2003.

As First Secretary, Shevardnadze started several economic reforms, which would spur economic growth in the republic despite the nationwide economic stagnation that plagued the Soviet Union. In 1985, Mikhail Gorbachev appointed Shevardnadze to the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs and would play a crucial role in forming Soviet's new foreign policy under the Gorbachev era. He negotiated nuclear arms treaties with the United States, helped ending the war in Afghanistan, allowed the reunification of Germany, and withdrew Soviet forces from Eastern Europe and from the Chinese border. His western-friendly foreign policy put him at odds with Soviet hardliners who saw him as a sellout to the west.

In the aftermath of the Soviet Union's collapse in 1991, Shevardnadze returned to the newly independent Georgia and became the country's second 2nd head of the state in 1995. His presidency was marked by rampant corruption and accusations of nepotism as was the case in all post-communist countries of the former Eastern bloc at the time.

Shevardnadze also faced separatist conflicts in the regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia and the first Chechen war which damaged Georgia's relations with Russia, which accused Shevardnadze of harboring Chechen guerrillas and in apparent retaliation supported Georgian separatists of the aforementioned separatist regions. Georgia-Russia relations were worsened by Shevardnadze's US-friendly foreign policy and strategic alliance with NATO which saw him as a counterbalance to Russian influence in the Transcaucasus.

Eduard Shevardnadze resigned following the 2003 Rose Revolution motivated by the rampant corruption in his administration and electoral fraud in the 2003 presidential election.

  • Mikheil Saakashvili - Mikheil Saakashvili became the President of Georgia following the Rose Revolution that forced the resignation of Eduard Shevardnadze. The Rose Revolution was denounced in Pro-Russian Media such as Russia Today and The Grayzone as a "NATO-backed Color Revolution, " exploited by western corporate interest groups to keep Georgia out of Russia's sphere of influence.

Saakashvili expanded Georgia's role in the Iraq War which had already begun under Shevardnadze. By 2008, Georgia had deployed 2,300 troops in Iraq, becoming the third-largest contributor of troops in the war. In 2004 Georgia joined the War in Afghanistan as well 2004 and the country had become the largest non-NATO, troop contributor to the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan by late 2012, with over 1,560 personnel on the ground at the time.

Domestically, Saakashvili tried to fix the problems that plagued his predecessor's administration. He managed to reduce corruption in the government and took a firm hand against crime resulting in a spike in the incarceration rates. Saakashvili was accused of authoritarian tendencies such as abuse of power and arresting political opponents under the guise of fighting crime and corruption. He also implemented broad privatization and neoliberal policies that resulted in rapid economic growth but increased wealth gaps and inequality.

Saakashvili's administration also oversaw the 2008 Russo-Georgian War with Georgia, on one side, and Russia and the Russian-backed self-proclaimed republics of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, on the other. The war resulted in 200-300 civilian casualties on both sides respectively and around 200 000 civilians displaced.

Saakashvili's reputation was further damaged by the 2012 Gldani prison scandal which exposed the abuse and torture of inmates in the Georgian prison system. Saakashvili's presidency came to an end in 2012 and he left his home country for the US and eventually settled in Ukraine. In 2014 criminal charges were filed by the Georgian prosecutor's office against Saakashvili over abuse of power and corruption. In 2015, Saakashvili gave up his Georgian citizenship in exchange for Ukrainian citizenship to avoid imprisonment in his home country. He eventually returned to Georgia in 2021 and was immediately arrested and remains to this day in prison under poor health conditions.




The economic policy of neoconservatism has been described by journalist Irving Kristol (dubbed 'The Godfather of Neoconservatism') as being one which gives 'Two Cheers for Capitalism', the first cheer being the fact 'it works; in a quite simple, material sense' and the second being that it is 'congenial to a large measure of personal liberty', Kristol argues that these two measures are no small measure which only capitalism has been shown to achieve. Nonetheless, Kristol also criticises capitalism for being a system which puts too much stress and burden on the individual which creates a 'spiritual malaise', which threatens the social order. Withholding the third cheer according to Kristol is a distinctive feature of Neoconservatism.[3]

How to Draw

Flag of Neoconservatism

The design for Neoconservatism is based on the design of NATO, an interventionist organization which is viewed favorably by many neocons.

  1. Draw a ball with eyes.
  2. Fill it dark blue
  3. Draw in white a piece like this in white.
  4. Repeat until there's 4 of them facing towards each other.

And you're done!


Some optional props:

  1. Sunglasses (used for US-centric balls like USA in Polandball and Neoliberalism in Polcompball)
  2. Advanced Combat Helmet
  3. Ace of spades playing card, sometimes tucked into helmet
  4. Assault weapons



  • Industrialism - The military-industrial complex is based!
  • Liberal Conservatism - We're the same for the most part.
  • Conservative Liberalism - Me with more state.
  • Christian Democracy - I'm not really a Religious ideology but we fight against Islamisation and We both love western values.
  • Imperialism - Long live the NATO empire! Long live the free market world!
  • Zionism - Israel is our greatest ally and the only democracy in the Middle East. Really supported him when he needed it back in the '60s!
  • Neoliberalism - My Greatest Ally and BFF. We control the world together.
  • Neo-Libertarianism - He's alright. He advocates for a minimalist state, which I constantly argue with him about! Like, how are you going to have a strong interventionist foreign policy without a somewhat strong state? However, he does support free-market capitalism, so he's splendid in that regard!
  • Third Way - My woker, more welfarist self and best friend who has helped me spread the free market across the globe for the past 30 years. From Yugoslavia to Iraq to Libya, our teamwork makes the dream work.
  • Nordic Model - Same as above. I fully welcome you to NATO, buddy.
  • Patriotism - AMERICA, FUCK YEAH!!!
  • Monarcho-Capitalism & Islamic Theocracy - Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf monarchies are based allies of mine in the struggle against communism and Iran.
  • Banana Republicanism - My good friend who I bring out when countries go socialist.
  • Wilsonianism - A huge inspiration and role model of mine. Intervening in WWI and arresting those that opposed it was the right descision. You did your best when intervening on the side of the Russian Whites during the Russian Civil War against the Bolsheviks.
  • Mediacracy - Thanks for rehabbing my image guys!
  • Corporatocracy - Blackwater and Lockheed Martin are based!.
  • Stratocracy - There's nothing I love more than replacing socialist or Soviet-alligned democratically elected leaders with brutal military dictators!
  • Rama IX Thought - You were truly a great king of the Thai people, your majesty Bhumibol and you got my respect for helping me prevent the spread of communism across South East Asia. However, your son is just an embarrassment.
  • Thaksinism - Thanks for helping me during the War on Terror and making Thailand a Major non-NATO ally in 2003.
  • Pinochetism - "We want to help, not undermine you. You did a great service to the West in overthrowing Allende." -Henry Kissinger
  • Fujimorism - I aided him against the commie terrorists.
  • Islamic Democracy - What I tried to build in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya. The results were quite mixed, though. Pakistan is a based country and a Major non-NATO ally since 2004, but too close to China for my liking.
  • Kagameism - Based for making Rwanda the Singapore of Africa and for supporting the overthrow of Gaddafi. I sincerely apologize for my son's lack of action to stop the Rwandan genocide.
  • Modism - Narendra Modi is a based ally of mine in the struggle to contain the rise of China.
  • Capitalism - The only good economic system.
  • Chicagoan Libertarianism - Best economic school of thought, Friedman and Sowell are based.
  • Ordo-Liberalism - Same for you, Ludwig Erhard saved Germany.
  • Japan LDPism - My Japanese counterpart.
  • Zelenskyyism - Here, have some more weapons and keep up good job!
  • Taiwan DPPism - While I may disagree with nationalism and progressivism, you are still a good capitalist ally against Sino commies.
  • Kemalism - I appreciate your modernization and westernization efforts, so welcome to the club of the free world against communism. You were also a great ally of me, and were much better than Erdogan. Although you hate me for funding him.
  • Liberal Feminism - More female drone pilots/CIA assassins/interrogators/whatever. Your ideals have helped me double my cadres.
  • Neoconservative Feminism - Same as above! Even George W. Bush allows Women into army!
  • Police Statism - You really helped me back in the 60's and 70's with The Hippies, when I neded it and I gave you back by signing The Patriot Act.


  • Gaullism - My French counterpart who've done an excellent job of maitaining capitalism in defeating the Axis in WW2 and maintaining capitalism West Africa free from Soviet influence over the course of history. However, you're too hostile towards NATO and I'm disappointed that Jaques Chirac didn't support the Iraq War. Although you kept France as a free-market empire of its own (just in different way from before) so you got my respect.
  • Democracy - I'll bomb countries to dust just to spread you, so why do you always complain about me rigging foreign elections, aiding dictators, overthrowing elected leaders, and installing tyrants?
  • Anti-Authoritarianism - Yeah, same as above. At least Václav Havel was based
  • State Liberalism - Why do the drone pilots have to be female? And please, spare my domestic traditionalist supporters and don't attack every outdated country, Saudis are still a good friend.
  • Conservatism - My moderate father. He could be a little stronger on his diplomatic issues, but otherwise he's alright. You're still not interventionist enough, and complain when states that follow tradition are invaded!
  • Trotskyism - You have some good ideas, just the wrong economic system to spread. You don’t play well with opposing countries, however, which is a desirable trait. You’re just too left for me. Thanks for teaching me all I know. I love you so much dad.
  • Bull Moose Progressivism - American imperialism? BASED! Just be at least a bit more culturally right, and cool it with the trust-busting! Monopolies helped us acquire the wealth we need to remove commies.
  • Social Liberalism - FDR should have intervened in WWII earlier and not compensated with Stalin. However, Harry S. Truman, JFK, and LBJ were all based AF and your son is perfection.
  • Berlusconism - Thanks for your help during the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq but your friendship with Putin make me nervous.
  • Bidenism - Voting for the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia, the Iraq War, and bombing Syria was hella based. Unfortunately, you lost me on the Afghanistan withdrawal. Just why man?
  • Caudillismo - I like you when you're with me, and hate you when you're against me.
  • Mobutism - I helped you consolidate power after I couped Lumumba. 30 years a later, you fell out of my interests so I helped Kagame overthrow you.
  • Authoritarian Conservatism - We both like conservatism and strong government, but some of you are against me, so I will take them out.
  • Trumpism - Good job with Iran and Venezuela, but let me take down those damn North Koreans! Please tell your followers that my policies actually support the America First agenda.
  • Thai Fascism - Plaek Phibunsongkhram, Sarit Thanarat, and Thanom Kittikachorn were based anti-communist allies of mine during the Cold War but your modern followers make up weird rumors about me wanting to overthrow the Thai Monarchy for some reason.
  • Jihadism - Forwards, my boy, go overthrow those damned File:Marxlen.png Commies and Arab dictators. What do you mean, "I'm an infidel too"? Well I fought this guy in Afghanistan, but also helped him against the commies there too.
  • Neo-Ottomanism - You was based before 2016, but now you are kinda cringe ngl. Despite being a NATO member, and yet, you don't follow my orders. That’s why I won’t stop sanctioning you despite you being an ally of mine.
  • Right-Wing Populism - Love your fanatical anti-communism and opposition to radical islam, however many of you are non-interventionist when it come to regime change operations like the Iraq War and the NATO intervention in Libya. Although some of you like Rush Limbaugh, Andrzej Duda, Ann Coulter, etc. are quite based.
  • Social Democracy - I have overthrown many social-democratic leaders of the third world in the past whom tried to nationalize their country's resources. However, many of your followers in the west still support military interventions. The General Secretary of NATO, for example, is a Norwegian social democrat. Also, Bernie voting for the NATO interventions in Yugoslavia and Afghanistan was based!
  • Chiang Kai-shek Thought - Out of all anti-communist dictators I've supported, you must be the most confusing one. I don't get it are you a socialist or a capitalist? Killing commies is very based but then you also persecuted rich Shanghai capitalists to preserve state ownership of the means of production. It's very confusing. We had a relatively good partnership during the Sino-Japanese war and and the Chinese Civil War Despite my arm embargo and attempt assassination against you. But then after you fled to Taiwan I attemped to coup you as you didn't suit my interests any more.
  • Maoism - I helped you fight the Japanese imperialists during WWII but then we became enemies during the early stages of the Cold War. Luckily, Nixion and Kissinger found common ground with you over our shared hatred for the Soviet Imperialists and we became allies again.
  • Dengism - We've had a complicated relationship over the course of history, to say the least. We were on the same side in many conflicts during the 1970s-1990s, such as the Third Indochina War and the Iran-Iraq War. And some of my followers such as Henry Kissinger still defend you. However, I cannot allow China to end the US/NATO-led rules-based international order so unfortunately, I have to kill you as I did to many of my other former allies who started to go against my interests. Don't take it personally.
  • Aung San Suu Kyi Thought - God, you were a disappointing leader in so many ways.
  • Democratic Confederalism - Your Syrian variant is alright, and I support it over Assad but your Turkish variant is just terrorist and disgusting. Also, Turkey is kinda based!
  • Person Dignity Theory - I helped you against the dirty Vietnamese commies, but you barely listened to me, so you needed to go.
  • Ilminism - I also helped you against the filthy Fake Korean commies, but you hate Imperialism and compare me to him like that's a bad thing.
  • National Socialism - I totally hate you... (Don't look up Adolf Heusinger or Operation Paperclip.)
  • Showa Statism - Nuking you was the right decision. However I have shown mercy to some of you such as Shirō Ishii, Nobusuke Kishi and Yasuhiro Nakasone as they became useful anti-communist allies (and the first was a great scientist) during the Cold War. Also, my Japanese counterpart defends you a lot
  • Salazarism - One of the founding members of NATO but we had our disputes from time to time.
  • Francoism - He joined at me but he doesn't like me and I dislike how fascist he is
  • Authoritarian Democracy - I will let you be, but if I get a single hint of socialism...
  • Gaddafism - He was a useful idiot during the War on Terror. That's about it.
  • Gorbachevism - Good job destroying the USSR, pal. Too bad you were doing it to try and copy him.
  • Yeltsinism - Same as above, although I won't forgive you appointing Putin Prime Minister of Russia.
  • Putinism (Early 2000s) - Back when our relationship wasn't that bad. Too bad your actions in Georgia, Ukraine, and Syria had to ruin it all. Some Cold War-era hawks such as Henry Kissinger and George F. Kennan used to defend you because of your anti-communism but most modern neocons like John McCain and Anthony Blinken hates you.
  • Medvedevism - I'd much rather have you in charge of Russia than Putin since you supported the overthrow of Gaddafi.
  • National Conservatism - We both work together against commies, but the complains about me "ErOdInG SoVeRgInItY" and opposes my goal of international capitalism.
  • European Federalism - Believe it or not I can actually go behind this European Army ideas..... if you Europoors can actually find your will to do it.
  • Paternalistic Conservatism - Spends too much on welfare and too little on warfare, but PiS is still good.
  • Shia Theocracy - F*ck Iran and Hezbollah but I helped you set up the new Iraqi government during the Iraq War. Unfortunately Nouri al-Maliki and sectarian tensions between sunni and shia muslims led to the rise of ISIS.
  • White Nationalism - I supported you against ANC, but now you are bad for PR and you call me a "Zogbot", whatever that means.
  • National Capitalism - Banzer, Videla and Stroessner were useful caudillos, and we are both culturally right authcaps, but culturally too far for me and you complain about my alliances with some of my friends like him.
  • Bolsonarism - Your admiration of Pinochet and the Military Dictatorship of Brazil is incredibly based since I helped said regimes and dictators come to power. What do you mean internationalism is bad?
  • Ho Chi Minh Thought - I helped you against the Japanese imperialists but then we became enemies after you demanded independence from the French and invaded South Vietnam. Even though it is difficult for me to accept defeat, I must admit that you were a worthy opponent for 20 years during the Vietnam War. Our relationship has however improved again since the Đổi Mới reforms and at least we both hate China, although for different reasons. (I still have flashbacks)
  • Ba'athism and Arab Socialism - I helped Nasser overthrow King Farouk I but then we became enemies during the Suez Crisis and the Six Days War. I gave Saddam tons of weapon packages to counter Iran during the 1970s-1980s but then we became enemies after he invaded my ally Kuwait. Assadist Syria was my ally during the Gulf War and during the early stages of the War on Terror but then... Yeah you can tell where this is going...
  • Titoism - My market socialist ally who made the Stalinites and Hoxhaites cope and seethe. I still helped Croat and Kosovo independence movements (better no Yugoslavia than Yugoslavia with M*losevic).
  • Pink Capitalism - Why do you claim to hate me? I bring progress to homophobic countries of the third world such as Iraq. At least we both hate Russia, Cuba, Venezuela and Iran.
  • Green Liberalism - Still bitches about the fact I "stole" the 2000 election from him 21 years later. I won fair and square hippie, get over it! However, your German counterpart is based and I support the Democratic Progressive Party of Taiwan. I will help the eco-friendly DPP against the polluting CCP.
  • File:Soc.png Socialism - I love to exploit leftist infighting (See Sino-Soviet Split or Tito-Stalin split for example) between socialists of different camps. You make it all to easy for me.
  • Pol Potism - Operation Menu and Operation Freedom Deal go brrrr.H̶o̶l̶d̶ u̶p̶, V̶i̶e̶t̶n̶a̶m̶e̶s̶e̶ a̶r̶e̶ i̶n̶v̶a̶d̶i̶n̶g̶ y̶o̶u̶?̶ H̶e̶r̶e̶ i̶s̶ s̶u̶p̶p̶o̶r̶t̶!̶


  • File:Marxlen.png Marxism–Leninism - Awful. Just awful. What can I say about you? You aren't free to the people, don't have free markets, you're cagey, you just... don't do anything good. You really think that communism could work on a large scale? Didn't work back then and it won't work now, especially with me around. Good luck. Idiot.
  • Stalinism - You killed my dad , so we killed you and your entire political movement. F*ck you now and forever, you totalitarian communist piece of sh*t!
  • Khrushchevism - "WE wIlL BurY yoU"? Haha! Collapse of the Soviet Union goes brrr.
  • Brezhnevism - Even worse than above. Although, we did have a brief detente in the 1970s.
  • Juche - You're just a more insane version of File:Marxlen.png him. Leave everyone alone and go away, you adorable little failure of an ideology.
  • Marxism–Leninism–Maoism - What the fuck?? Are you not just him File:Marxlen.png again?
  • Anarcho-Communism - What. Are. You. Why do you exist? I don't think there's even a possibility that you could work, especially without a state. How do you expect to be communist without a state to distribute the wealth? You leave me at a loss for words.
  • Hoxhaism - Listen here you paranoid commie, I do not want to invade you. Maybe.
  • Posadism - I like nukes too but a nuclear war to establish communism? Not on my watch!
  • Bio-Posadism - Wuhan lab! Wuhan lab! Investigate the labs!
  • Democratic Socialism - The only way to preserve freedom and democracy is to replace your goddamn commie democracies with loyal dictators, deal with it!
  • Japanese Communism - You filthy ungrateful commie! Why don't you like our help?!
  • Putinism (Post Crimea) - I had my hopes for you, but here we are over 20 years laters. Now eat my sanctions package for your stupid war in Ukraine.
  • Isolationism - Open the country. Stop having it be closed.
  • Paleoconservatism - Unlike you, I'm not racist and actually care about democracies around the world!
  • Libertarian Conservatism - Ron Paul and his dumber Russian asset son Rand suck, they don't want us to fight wars.
  • Socialism of the 21st Century - Undemocratic, all of you! Fuck Chavez and Morales especially!
  • Kakistocracy - Covered himself in my oil! Brat!
  • Indigenism - Why, yes, I did help steal more of your land and destroyed your way of life... And?
  • Chavismo - Fuck you, socialist dictator! I will sanction and coup you.
  • Khomeinism - Down with Iran, and down with Hezbollah! Please forget about the Iran-Contra scandal!
  • Left-Wing Nationalism and National Communism - Worse than most s*cialists due to complaining about "muh national identity".
  • National Bolshevism - Even crazier than the previous guys.
  • Fourth Theory - [comment removed by moderator]
  • Reactionary Socialism - THE FUCK ARE YOU?!?!
  • Castroism - Embargo goes brrrr.
  • Guevarism - I helped capture and kill Che, cope.
  • Hutu Power - See! This is what happens when we don't intervene!
  • Marhaenism - Yeah, I helped overthrow you and aided Suharto in his mass murder of communists. What are you gonna do about it?
  • Black Nationalism - You're un-American and anti-Semitic. Plus, the CIA and FBI sabotaging civil rights and black power movements was based.
  • Every form of Anarchism - You're ALL Nazis! All of you!
  • Anarcho-Pacifism - Low life scum! [4]
  • Marxist Feminism - Sure, women can also join the army, but why do you think Communism will help women?
  • Longism - An ACTUAL Commie-Fascist!
  • Alt-Right - Stop calling me a ZOGBot, what the hell does that even mean!?
  • Duterteism - You claim to hate communists, yet you simp for fake China, curious. At least we got rid of you and the Marcos era has returned.
  • Miloševićism - You collapsed Tito's Yugoslavia, I don't even want to talk about what you did to Bosniaks and Albanians as well as opposed Kosovo's independence. So yeah, you deserved the bombings.
  • Xi Jinping Thought - Partially because of you, my already tense alliance with China which has lasted since Nixon and Kissinger shook hands with Mao and Zhou half a century ago has come to an end. One day we may go to war over Taiwan and the South China Sea. That battle would be a legendary one, indeed.
  • Manosphere - I hate wokes and I support Saudi Arabia, but why the f*ck shouldn't I hate ISIS, Taliban and Iran? They are terrorists who want to kill America. Also, Stop complaining about Women in my army.

Further Information




Post-WWII Military Interventionists. Also includes liberal hawks.

The United States ( Republicans/ Conservatives)

The United States ( Democrats/ Liberal Hawks)

Commonwealth Realm

Western Europe

Post Soviet States/Eastern Europe

Latin America

West/South Asia

East Asia


Online Communities




  1. It is generally accepted that the neoconservative brand of interventionism is partially influenced by the Trotskyist conception of the permanent revolution being re-applied to Liberalism instead of Marxism. This is believed to be likely as most founding members of the neoconservative movement were former Trotskyists. Nonetheless, the claim that neoconservative interventionism is influenced by the Trotskyist idea of permanent revolution is disputed by neoconservatives, saying that neoconservative stances on foreign policy were formed independently of the Trotskyist conception of permanent revolution and claiming the idea that Neoconservatism is influenced by Trotskyism is paleoconservative misinformation made against them by anti-semitic populists.[1]



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