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Paleoconservatism, shortened to Paleocon is a statist, conservative, economically and socially right-wing to far-right political ideology. It originated in the United States, and stresses WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) ethics, Nationalism, Paternalism, Regionalism, and Traditionalism. It sometimes overlaps with the Old Right, who were Conservatives who opposed the New Deal in the 30s and 40s.[7] Paleoconservatives also overlap with Paleolibertarians[5][6] and Right-Wing Populists.[8]

Economically, although Paleoconservatism is in support of a market economy, they are also staunch Protectionists, in favor of high tariffs and advocate for "economic Nationalism" in different measures & policies, varying from paleocon to paleocon. Paleoconservatism also opposes the Interventionist foreign policies advocated for by Neoconservatives, in fact Paleoconservatives are almost the complete opposite of Neoconservatives.

They also support heavy restrictions on immigration, Decentralization, Isolationism, and a return to traditional ethics & morals relating to gender, culture, and society. This includes opposition to abortion, gay marriage, LGBT rights,[9] etc.[10]

This is often due to Paleoconservatism having a massive overlap with Evangelicalism, and as such having a traditional Christian view of these issues. The Evangelical movement and Conservative Christianity in general is an enormous reason for Paleoconservatism's popularity. Because of the ideological common ground between Paleoconservatives and the Christian Right, it is more often than not that Christian Conservatives are Paleocons and vice versa. While one can be an agnostic or even atheistic Paleocon, it is usually through religion that Paleoconservatives reach their views.

Paleoconservatives see Neoconservatives as Empire-builders, and themselves as defenders of the American Republic.[11]


The Old Right

Paleoconservatism is derived from the "Old Right" movement from the 1910s-1950s, who were a group of Conservatives, mainly Republicans but also some conservative Democrats from the south, unifed by their opposition to Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the New Deal. They typically favoured Laissez-Faire economics and shared ideals such as a defense of "Natural Inequalities", Authority, Traditionalism, Morality, Rule of Law, Nationalism, , Anti-Communism, Anti-Masonry, Anti-Zionism, and Anti-Imperialism, as well as skepticism of the growing power of Washington. They came into being when the Republican Party split in 1910, and was influential within that party into the 1940s. They pushed Theodore Roosevelt and his progressive followers out in 1912. From 1933, many Democrats became associated with the Old Right through their opposition to Franklin D. Roosevelt and his New Deal Coalition, and with the Republicans formed the Conservative Coalition to block its further progress. Conservatives disagreed on foreign policy, and the Old Right favored non-interventionist policies on Europe at the start of World War II. After the war, they opposed President Harry Truman's domestic and foreign policies. The last major battle was led by Ohio Senator Robert A. Taft, who was defeated by Dwight D Eisenhower for the presidential nomination in 1952. The new conservative movement later led by William F. Buckley, Jr., Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan adopted much of the domestic anti-New Deal conservatism of the Old Right, but broke with it by demanding free trade and an aggressive anti-communist foreign policy.

Modern Origins

The terms " Neoconservative" and "Paleoconservative" were coined due to the division in American Conservatism concerning the Vietnam War between the Interventionists and the Isolationists. Those in favor of the Vietnam War continuing, were referred to as " Neoconservatives" (or "War Hawks": foreign Interventionists) while those who opposed the war were called "Paleoconservatives" (foreign Isolationist/ Nationalists).[12][13][14]

Notable Paleoconservative politicians/figures include Pat Buchanan[15], Paul Gottfried, Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson and Mel Bradford to name a few. Despite many misconceptions, Ronald Reagan was not a Paleoconservative. He was an average conservative politician, who was actually closer in belief to Neoconservatism or Neoliberalism, if anything (although Reagan was greatly influenced by Pat Buchanan's beliefs).


Paleoconservatism has seen a revival as of late, with the election of 45th US president Donald J. Trump. Though many Paleocon's view of Trump as a sort of fake nationalist due to his rigorous support of Israel, Interventionism, failure to deliver on many of his campaign promises (notably the wall along the Mexican border), and concessions to File:Progress.png progressive causes such as LGBT rights (outside of trans people). Regardless of how Trump himself is categorized, others regard Trumpism as supported by, if not a rebranding of, Paleoconservatism. From this view, the followers of the old right did not fade away so easily and continue to have significant influence in the Republican Party and all of American politics.

Recently, Paleoconservatism has also seen a mass resurgence in the online Conservative community in the form of the America First "Groyper" movement, founded by Nicholas J. Fuentes. In fact, Nick Fuentes runs a political commentary show by the same name, "America First" on his own website after being banned from nearly all social media (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Dlive, Instagram, TikTok, etc). for his political views, solidifying his status as a member of the "dissonant right". He is currently, one of the only major & mainstream Paleoconservative political commentators/activists, currently online. In addition, Don Blankenship, the presidential nominee for the Paleoconservative Constitution Party, ran for president in 2020.

Influence in other political ideologies

Evangelicalism/The Christian Right

The Christian right, or Christian Conservatism, is a Christian political factions that is characterized by their strong support of socially conservative and traditionalist policies. Christian conservatives seek to influence politics and public policy with their interpretation of the teachings of Christianity.

In the United States, the Christian right is an informal coalition formed around a core of largely conservative evangelical Protestants and Roman Catholics. The Christian right draws additional support from other politically conservative Christians, such as Orthodox Christians and Mormons. The movement has its roots in American politics going back as far as the 1940s; it has been especially influential since the 1970s. Its influence draws from grassroots activism as well as from focus on social issues and the ability to motivate the electorate around those issues.

The Christian right is notable for advancing socially conservative positions on issues such as school prayer, intelligent design, temperance, Christian nationalism, and Sunday Sabbatarianism, as well as opposition to embryonic stem cell research, LGBT+ rights, comprehensive sex education, abortion, and pornography.

Examples of Paleoconservatives who are/were also Evangelicals are Ted Cruz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Mike Pence, John Ashcroft, and Jerry Falwell.

It is worth noting that despite Ronald Reagan himself being closer to a Neoconservative than anything else, he has nonetheless become a hero to both Paleoconservatives and the Christian Right.


The Alt-Right movement emerged from the Paleoconservatives, the younger generation of them, specifically. The movement was founded in 2010 by a former Paleoconservative and American White Nationalist, Richard B. Spencer who launched The Alternative Right to express his personal ideals after working as an editor for a number of Paleoconservative outlets. But the movement was not only influenced by Paleoconservatism, it also was inspired by the Dark Enlightenment, and the Nouvelle Droite.


The Paleoconservatives also greatly inspired the Paleolibertarian movement. It was the result of a political strategy of Rothbard which was allying with Paleoconservative and Old-Right sectors trying to expand Libertarian ideals among them while also using this alliance to appeal towards the Conservative populace of the US. This alliance was criticized by some mainstream Libertarians and also some non-Libertarian circles as trying to ally with racist and reactionary groups, to which Rothbard responded saying that libertarians needed to make themselves look more acceptable to Conservatives.

Many Libertarians such as Lew Rockwell,[16] being the main among them, but also others such as Jeffrey Tucker, started identifying with the term. The alliance ultimately broke up after Rothbard, who was the only tie between Paleoconservatives and Libertarians had, died in the year 1995. Lew Rockwell, on the other hand, kept identified with the term until 2007 when he declared to have dropped the usage of the said term in part because people confused it with Paleoconservatism[17] (That is, the term didn't have its own identity), and because Rockwell realized that the Paleoconservative movement tended to decrease freedom, not increase it.[18]







Groyperism, another offshoot of Paleoconservatism, are extremely conservative and critical of more mainstream conservative organizations, which they believe to be insufficiently nationalist and pro-white. While Groypers are a loosely defined group with no formal leadership structure, they are generally considered to be followers of Nick Fuentes, a paleoconservative political commentator and podcaster.

In the fall of 2019, popular political commentator Charlie Kirk launched a college speaking tour with Turning Point USA titled "Culture War," featuring himself alongside such guests as Senator Rand Paul, Donald Trump Jr., Kimberly Guilfoyle, Lara Trump, and Congressman Dan Crenshaw. In retaliation for the firing of St. Clair and the Politicon incident, Fuentes subsequently began organizing a social media campaign asking his followers to go to Kirk's events and ask provocative and controversial leading questions regarding his stances on immigration, Israel, and LGBT rights during the question-and-answer sessions, for the purpose of exposing Kirk as a "fake conservative".

Texas Republicanism

Texas Republicanism is a variant of paleoconservatism based on the 2022 platform of the Republican Party of Texas, which was approved by delegates at the party's convention in Houston, Texas. The Log Cabin Republicans were banned from the convention. The platform contains several resolutions, including the claim that Joe Biden was illegitimately elected as President of the United States and promoted voter fraud conspiracy theories. The platform also declares homosexuality as an "abnormal lifestyle choice", completely opposes transgender identity, and condemns the 15 Republican senators who voted for the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (S.2938). Moreover, the platform calls for the repeal of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the rollback of all gun control laws such as the National Firearms Act of 1934 and the Gun Control Act of 1968, a non-interventionist foreign policy, withdrawal from the United Nations and the World Health Organization, a ban on sex education in schools, and the right for Texas to secede from the United States.

Westboro Baptist Church Thought


Three Percenterism



Older Paleoconservatives usually act like the stereotypical Southern Christian boomer crank, ranting about how Globalists and LGBT+ people are trying to destroy their Traditional American values and promote Satanic degeneracy. They tend to be extremely politically incorrect and are cause for much criticism for being perceived & labelled as "racist", "homophobic", "anti-Semitic" etc.

Younger Paleoconservatives such as Nicholas J. Fuentes and his followers called "The Groypers" stay mostly consistent with the former, but with a modern Gen Z(oomer) sense of humor, spending heavy amounts of time trolling online, occasionally does live gaming streaming via AF shows They (like the former older generation Paleocons) are often extremely politically incorrect and labelled by the mainstream media as racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, white nationalist/supremacists, bigots, etc.

Flag of Paleoconservatism
  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Color the bottom third in dark blue.
  3. Color the top two thirds with alternating red and white stripes (13 total).
  4. Draw three white stars in the bottom third.
  5. Draw a mammoth in the middle.
  6. Add the eyes and you're done!
Color Name HEX RGB
Dark Blue #002368 0, 35, 104
Red #C0032C 192, 3, 44
White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255


Family, Mates, and Patriots

Bearable fellas or misguided

  • White Nationalism - Groypers, Fuentes, AIP and Wallace like you but the rest doesn't. Also, many of you supported imperialism.
  • Kemalism - I like your fervent nationalism and how you dealt with imperialists and Islamic terrorists with your strict enforcement of laicist laws, but you are still too progressive for my liking.
  • Conservative Liberalism - Good for a lib. For a conservative, shame. Burke was a cool guy though.
  • National Liberalism - Same as above.
  • Alt-Lite - Alt-what? There is no such thing as alt-left or alt-right, so stop spending time online & get back to the factory.
  • Alt-Right - While you may have normalized my ideology among today's youth, I really think you need to take some time off the internet and gaming, kid...
  • Gamers - They need to play a LOT less. Video games turn their brains into mush! Though the way that the Groypers troll online is based.
  • Paternalistic Conservatism - You're a good patriot but you're a little too red. I understand why my non-American counterparts support you though. Also, Tucker Carlson is EXTREMELY BASED!!!
  • Welfare Chauvinism - You're too nationalistic even by my standards and your policy is also a bit too red. But you really like Tucker too, so I guess you're alright.
  • Bismarckism - Largely same as the PatCon guy above. On the one hand, I liked you better before you turned into a closet socialist, but on the other, you were the one to make the good old Kaiserzeit what it was.
  • Libertarianism - Fine people with some great ideas but they don't like the state much and are not conservative enough.
  • Anarcho-Capitalism - Same as above but even wackier, Rothbard was a good friend.
  • Reactionarism - I get that you want to turn things back, but I’m more fond of the 1950s, 1920s, and 1880s than any time period before those particular decades. Also, I'm not sure why he calls himself a "12th-century man".
  • Socialism of the 21st Century - I am no fan of socialism, but many of you, such as Evo, are conservative, and we both agree America should not be imperialist.
  • Putinism - While Putin may be imperialist he is based on how he triggers the libs and f**s. Many of my followers such as Ron Paul, Steve Bannon, Nick Fuentes and Tucker Carlson often defend his good actions from neocucks and neolibtards.
  • Shapiroism - On the one hand, Fuentes hates you. But on the other hand, John Doyle thinks you've been a net positive on the conservative movement.[19]
  • Khomeinism - I like how you annoy that Neocuck and you seem more peaceful than the rest of the Middle East but I will never forgive your violence towards Christians.
  • Conservative Socialism - Conservatism is great but why do you want to do that? Also no, Tucker is not a socialist, he's just a populist.
  • Anarcho-Conservatism - Based conservatism, but with anarchy for some reason? What's that all about?
  • National Capitalism - Maybe Joseph P. Kennedy Sr. was right about the Third Reich after all? But Barbie and Heusinger helped neocucks, while Videla, Cao Ky and Stroessner also simped for that cuck imperialist.
  • Taliban - Congratulations on steadfastly holding your line against those interventionist cucks! But, y'know, Islam is still an enemy of our civilization and unwelcome here... Your attitudes towards women and especially queers are most definitely based, though. Baptist Taliban now!! Still, 9/11 only caused more neocuck imperialism.
  • Industrialism - BRING BACK OUR FACTORIES! Then I'm gonna like you once again.
  • Longism - A "commie", but I still remember when you gave me and my pals free books to school...
  • Catholic Theocracy - Nick and Pat like you but I prefer Protestanism over you. Though I also like Traditionalist Catholicism.
  • Orthodox Theocracy and Theodemocracy - I like your attitude toward these guys, but I prefer Protestantism.
  • Radical Feminism - Go back to where you belong, though we are worthy allies against these guys.
  • Eco-Conservatism and Environmentalism - I agree with both of you on the fact that we must protect the environment. However, I also believe in limited government and therefore can't do very much about it.
  • Neo-Ottomanism - Good cultural policies, but you tried flooding us with illegals, support imperialism and take things too far.
  • Trumpism - THE BEST PRESIDENT I COULD'VE WISHED FOR, BRING BACK OUR COUNTRY! AMERICA FIRST! AMERICA FIRST! But for Reagan's sake! You still bombed Syria and Yemen and quit backing Israel and stop being friendly with Neocucks like Bojo, Kaczyński and Pompeo!

Degenerate Punks, Hippies, Stoners, RINOS, and other atrocities

  • Liberalism - Curse you, and stop making the faqaaooreakin frogs g*y!
  • Democratism - The socialists are taking over America!!!!! Some of us have historically been a part of your party when it was much more conservative.
  • Third Way - Damn you, Clinton and Obama!
  • File:Progress.png Progressivism - Are you triggered yet?
  • Revolutionary Progressivism - Huh, so I guess "Alt-Left" is a thing... Now watch yourself you hippie trash, or I'll wash your damn mouth!At least many of you hate imperialism
  • File:Marxlen.png Marxism–Leninism - Free speech is important but not gonna lie, I love it whenever you get censored. You're right about wars and Israel though, a broken clock is right twice a day. And I don't want anything done to stop you.
  • Cultural Marxism - No, the fact that you stopped trying to spark a revolution and now try to sneak through colleges is horrible, cancel culture and fluorinated water won't help you.
  • State Liberalism - This is the future that libtards and Cultural Marxists want!
  • Liberal Conservatism - RINO trash!
  • Progressive Conservatism - Guess what guys, it's RINO hunting season!
  • Rockefeller Republicanism - You paved the way for those RINOs and you're not even a conservative!
  • LGBT Conservatism and Log Cabin Republicanism - There's no such thing as a traditionalist sodomite. Stop normalizing your sodomy propaganda to our children, you're not a real conservative, you are a RINO!
  • Bull Moose Progressivism - These RINOs exist, thanks to you, you imperialist cuck! I do agree that we need to be sympathetic to the environment, though government should stay out of it.
  • Feminism - Kitchen is where you belong, female. Also, women shouldn't say bad words; RT if you agree.
  • Conservative Feminism - "Thank conservatism for women's rights"? WTF I'm a liberal now!
  • CyberFeminism - You are supposed to cook, not go online! The internet is rotting your brain, turning it into mush!
  • Dengism - The Chinese Communist Party is a great threat to our America! But the way you view progressives is based and now I enjoy calling them baizuo too, besides that he symphatized you. Also, I won't act against you since that would be imperialism
  • Neoconservatism - Exactly what do you conserve? You're just a globalist who wants to take away my country. Also America First, not Israel First.
  • Trotskyism - Neocon unmasked.
  • Imperialism - We do not need an American empire. Be content with what we have already.
  • Reactionary Socialism - I'm not a fan of socialism or feudalism. We had a war to not have a king, y'know! And you're a bit too much like this guy.
  • Bleeding-Heart Libertarianism - Says that Christian paternalism and protectionism aren't something a small government does. Pssh, what does he know?
  • Anarchism - Screw you, the state is awesome!
  • Globalism - Curse you, globetard! America First!
  • Neoliberalism - Another globetard! Stop saying Reagan was a neoliberal, that's not true!!!
  • Zionism - Stop making us waste tax dollars you tiny hat haver!!! Also Google: "Dancing Israelis".
  • Kahanism - Imperialist free-trader Ziotard. Nice cultural policies.
  • FALGSC - ...are you not just the UN again? Anyways, bugger off, NOW!
  • Futurism - Your "art" is trash, your "ideology" is trash, and you belong to the loony bin! The fact that you're pals with one of our enemies doesn't help your case.
  • Queer Anarchism - IS THAT MY STORE?
  • Liberal Feminism - I will personally dissassemble the female-piloted drone, the symbol of f*minist imperialism.
  • Pink Capitalism - Get your wokeness away from me.
  • Xenofeminism - CRINGE TIMES TEN.
  • Atheistic Satanism - Satanism AND atheism? This is probabl- no DEFINITELY the worst ideology ever.
  • Satanic Theocracy - God shall smite you off the face of the Earth!
  • Anarcho-Nihilism - Oh my lord! How DARE you insult my god! You're gonna burn in hell!
  • Christian Democracy - What exactly is Christian about you?
  • Christian Socialism - Oh look, a literal commie with a cross. And unlike the guy before, this one doesn't even try to hide it!
  • Christian Communism - You can't be a Christian, and a COMMUNIST!!!
  • Social Democracy and Democratic Socialism - GO AWAY FAR LEFT COMMIES!!!


Further Information








Online Communities




  1. Carlson has used talking points from both the political left (on the issue of class and economic inequality) and right (on cultural issues).
  2. As Fuentes endorsed Laura Loomer, part of America First who is of Jewish descent, for Congress in the 2022 mid-term elections
  4. Based on party’s 2022 platform.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Rockwell, Lew "The Case for Paleo-libertarianism" (PDF). Liberty (January 1990): 34–38. Archived from the original (PDF) on September 7, 2018. Retrieved January 28, 2020.
  6. 6.0 6.1 De Coster, Karen (December 2, 2003). "Paleolibertarianism". Archived September 27, 2018, at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved January 28, 2020.
  7. Raimondo, Justin (1993). Reclaiming the American Right: The Lost Legacy of the Conservative Movement. Burlingame, California: Center for Libertarian Studies.
  8. Mudde, Cas (August 28, 2015). "The Trump phenomenon and the European populist radical right". The Washington Post. Retrieved May 28, 2020.
  9. Fleming, Thomas (September 8, 2005). "Ethics 01A.1: Gay Marriage, Democracy". Chronicles. Rockford, Illinois: Rockford Institute. Archived from the original on September 27, 2006. Retrieved August 27, 2006.
  10. Matthews, Dillon. "The alt-right is more than warmed-over white supremacy. It's that, but way way weirder". Vox. Vox Media Inc. Retrieved August 4, 2019.
  11. Larison, Daniel. "How Paleo and Fusionist Conservatism Differ". American Conservative Union Foundation. Archived from the original on February 5, 2004. Retrieved January 27, 2018.
  12. Gottfried, Paul (1993) [1988]. The Conservative Movement (rev. ed.). Boston, Massachusetts: Twayne Publishers.
  13. (2006). "Paleoconservatism". In Frohnen, Bruce; Beer, Jeremy; Nelson, Jeffrey O. (eds.). American Conservatism: An Encyclopedia. Wilmington, Delaware: ISI Books. pp. 651–652.
  14. (2017) [1999]. "Introduction: Paleoconservatism as the Opposition Party". In Scotchie, Joseph (ed.). The Paleoconservatives: New Voices of the Old Right. London: Routledge. pp. 1–15.
  15. Judis, John B. (October 3, 1999). "The Buchanan Doctrine". The New York Times. Retrieved January 27, 2018.
  16. Rockwell, Lew. "The Case for Paleo-libertarianism" (PDF) on September 7, 2018.
  17. Kenny Johnsson, Do You Consider Yourself a Libertarian?, interview with Lew Rockwell, May 25, 2007.
  18. Rockwell, Llewellyn H. (May 2, 2002). "What I Learned From Paleoism".

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