User:Comrade Shrek

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Why hello I am Comrade Shrek and I like gaming and shitposting. We live in a period. My ideology is national communism, conservative socialism and authoritarian syndicalism so I’m basically culturally right economically left, but I’m fine with anyone so long they don’t have bad personality. Idk what else to put.


I like shitposting and memeing a lot. I also like gaming and also creating things. I’m interested in history, politics, science, mathematics, meme creation, drawing, geography and whatnot. I am interested in HOI4 related stuff because gaming and nationstates because why not

Also I tend to be ok with most people regardless of their political opinion, so long they aren’t horrible people or have really vile values(liberal :troll:).

Socialist military music is the best


I believe in socialism, left nationalism, social conservatism, religious unity, accelerationism, populism, syndicalism and communitarian values. I would consider myself hardline authoritarian left and rather conservative. I support an authoritarian workers state achieved through revolution collectivizing all industry either into national or local planners run by the workers. I also heavily support strengthening of societal moral values and harshly countering degeneracy, and that everyone has a moral obligation to serve their community and family and nation. Nationalism and national sovereignty is a major tenet of my beliefs, and I loathe all forms of globalization and imperialism.

My beliefs are heavily influenced by Gaddafi, Tito, Nasser, Sankara, Ho Chi Minh etc. Considering how successful Yugoslavia and Libya were doing under patriotic socialism especially in comparison to how horrible Trotsky’s “permanent revolution” went, I am very much a left nationalist and find internationalism soy. Sorry first world western leftists but, socialism and nationalism go hand in hand. Also, Neolib and Neocon politicians can die in a hole.

I believe religion is good and that religious unity is necessary in countering the spread of l*btard atheism(aka anti-theism). We must aside our differences and unite against the overweight fedora tipping redditor. I myself am Sunni Muslim but I support religious unity against atheist degeneracy.



  • Nazbolgang - Fellow based gamer and very epic person. First user here I had based encounter with so epic gaming moment.
  • Immorxy - Halal comrade and based person. We’re ideologically very similar, down with the imperialists and z*onists!
  • Typicalfan - Very cool user based gaming. We do in fact live in a period. Also good art.
  • Yugoslav - Cool person and fellow anti-imperialist. Not into progressivism, but still very cool user that I can proudly call a comrade. Fandom will pay for what they did to you.
  • Poland - Bringe ideology, but one of the most nice users on the wiki.


  • Verona - The basedness never ends. Also very cool user.
  • Spoon - Anti-capitalist traditionalist, but you need better understanding of your ideology.
  • Sr Deyvid - Cool person and based cultural views, not fan of capitalism but generally cool user and also good art.
  • File:Soc.png SamThekingofdoom - Epic gaming moment.
  • Blartyboy - Disagree on things, but syndicalism is based and also is a nice person also good art.
  • Bacon - Cool epic.
  • Þrrtzzh - Very based.
  • Duy - Nice person and bringe-based ideology also good art.
  • Yori - Not fan of reformism but fan of left nationalism, and nice user.
  • Statist anarchist - Very nice person.

Eh ideology but cool

  • AAAA - An*rchist, but fellow hater of c*ppies. Cool user in terms of personality, and shitposting is based.
  • Pirate Tails - Cringe ideology(l*beralism) but cool user.
  • Polfax - Minarchism cringe but cool user.
  • Mapoffish - Has a few takes that are too l*beral but is nice person.
  • Nazor - Ancrap is cringe, but epic user.
  • Logical - Gamer shitposting is based, trotskyism is cringe. Rip, the fandom is literally 1984.
  • Progressive0411 - Cringe ideology, but epic gamer.
  • Only Death May Die - Soulism more like soylism, but alright.
  • Potato6132 - Cringe ideology(except for Albanian ultranationalism which is based) but based user and art.


  • Comrade number - Be a little less soy. You have potential to be cool, just be stop being aggressive.


  • That one bloodwarrior guy - Fed
  • That one KahanK guy - Fed
  • That one Muskrat guy - Fed
  • LARPers and trolls - Feds


Test Results


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This infobox is exclusively for usage in the main namespace, use {{User-Ideology}} for non-canon ideologies.

General Shrekretary Thought is the ideology of Comrade Shrek. It is an authoritarian, economically left to far left, culturally conservative, left nationalist, populist, accelerationist and heavily anti-imperialist ideology near the top left of the political compass. It believes that an authoritarian workers state achieved through popular revolution is necessary to achieve true democracy in every aspect of society - where all means of production are collectively owned by the workers. The ideology also is heavily nationalist and socially conservative, viewing family - community - nation state as the foundations of moral society and globalism as a degenerate capitalist product.

General Shrekretary Thought is influenced particularly by the likes of Josip Broz Tito, Muammar Gaddafi, Gamal Abdel Nasser, Thomas Sankara and various other socialist revolutionary leaders who believed in patriotism.

Economic Structure

The most core tenet of General Shrekretary Thought, socialism is what the ideology ultimately aims to achieve. All means of production must be collectively controlled by the workers themselves, achieved through through both mass action and workers’ state. Capitalism is fundamentally undemocratic and exploitative, the workers of the nation should have democratic control and guaranteed human rights. Globalist capitalism should be resisted.

Collective Ownership

Private ownership, especially of production, is exploitative as it extracts the value of the workers and gives bourgeoisie unearned wealth. The means of production, resources, land and the nation should be collectively owned.

File:Soc.png Workers’ Democracy

Capitalism is inherently undemocratic as it concentrates society into an oligarchic cabal while workers are mistreated. The workers should democratically and collectively determine how the mode of production is handled with equal say.

The Workers’ State

Workers democracy and common ownership should be guaranteed through a strong state by and for the workers themselves. Such state should nationalize and collectivize all industry, then implement localization ensuring workers democracy.

National Planning

Large scale production, infrastructure, healthcare, housing and construction in general, essential services, food and water allocation, education, energy, internet and all other large-scale aspects should be organized on a national scale.

Local Planning

Smaller scale production, local services and products, local/family agriculture, communal activities and all other smaller scale aspects not nationally planned should be locally managed by the communities in decentral democracy subordinate to the nation state.

Production Orientation

As production is collectivized, it should go by the principle “from each according to his ability to each according to his labor”. The unearned wealth of the bourgeoisie under capitalism is unfair, workers should be fairly distributed needs.

National Benefits

The workers’ state should secure the basic human necessities for the people of the nation. Water, food, health, home, maternity leave, education, access to transportation, infrastructure, and a secure job should be guaranteed for all nationals.

Sustainable Socialism

The socialist nation should heavily focus on crushing the capitalist fossil fuel industry and building nuclear power as means to transition towards renewable cleaner sources. In the long term it will see sustainability not seen in capitalism.


The means to bring the socialist revolution should involve syndicalist action. Workers should organize into collective groups and coordinate mass action against a capitalist system to bring it down.

Socialism and the Nation

Capitalism is inherently entrenched through globalization and the destruction of national sovereignty. The struggle against global capital should be done on an individual-national basis, and should embrace national unity.

State Organization

On matters regarding the state, General Shrekretary Thought would be considered highly authoritarian, but with an ultimate goal of full democracy in all spheres of society. The western liberal government system is utterly degenerate, and a total overhaul from the bottom up establishing a workers state is necessary, organized in an authoritarian but semi-decentral framework with strong measures to secure its sovereignty and collective democracy.

On Liberalism

Liberalism in all expects - political, social, cultural and economic - is a disease. The liberal “democratic” system is fundamentally undemocratic as it concentrates power into bourgeoisie while creating the illusion of choice.

Total Reorganization

The state as we know it must be completely overhauled from the bottom up. Liberal “democracy” must be torn down by a workers revolutionary regime, and the bourgeois cabal the corrupt puppet politicians eliminated.

Revolutionary Workers’ Regime

Once the corrupt elements are eliminated and government itself is overhauled, an all-encompassing workers state should exist. Such state should be by and for the people and should reshape all society from the bottom up.

Central Decentralism

The Workers State should be organized in a combination of centralism and decentralism. There should be enough central authority to ensure the nation is united and orderly, but also enough decentralization to give local democratic autonomy.

Government Hierarchy

At the lowest level are the individual communities which function decentrally which make up to regional peoples’ committees democratically elected from below, all leading to the national committee representing all regions of the nation state.

Order and Authority

Order is a must if the nation wishes to resist imperialism. Harsh crackdowns on instability and corruption are necessary, and the state needs to be strengthened and integrated into society to firmly eliminate capitalist entrails.

Justice System

Security is needed to defend the revolution and stop crime. Law enforcement should better represent the national and local people - workplace democracy, adequate training, religion, revolutionary councils. There should also be death penalty for worst criminals.

End Goal

The authoritarianism of the workers’ state is needed to secure true democracy. Workers democratically control the means of production nationally and locally, and strict measures are necessary to eliminate false democracy.

Diplomatic Positions

Diplomatically, General Shrekretary Thought is nationalist and staunchly opposed to all forms of globalization and interventionism alike. The state should pursue a degree of isolationism and heavy protectionism to focus on stabilizing its national affairs and maximizing independence from foreign, especially corporate, entities. Massive effort is necessary to fight all forms of imperialism and global capital as national sovereignty is utmost.

Geopolitical Nationalism

A degree of isolation, especially in regards to intervention, is needed. The nation must first and foremost focus on its own issues a above all else, and the military should be an actually defensive force and not engage foreign conflicts.

Economic Nationalism

There should be significant amount of economic nationalism focusing on maximizing local and national production to ensure sovereignty. The state should heavily focus on crushing the influence of multinational corporations.

Workers’ Nationalism

Those who work for the nation as a collective are true nationals. Every registered citizen within the nation should be guaranteed a job based on their abilities, able-bodied nationals have no excuse for not working.

Border Policies

There should be protection of national borders, since the nation can be subverted by imperialists. Illegal immigrants shouldn’t be allowed and immigration should require thorough examination. Defensive military along borders is also needed.

Cultural Unity

The culture/cultures within the nation should be strongly upheld and supported as with their values. Regardless if a nation is homogeneous or multicultural, there should be cultural unity and sovereignty among the people.

National Sovreignty

National sovereignty is extremely important, there is no justification for trampling on such. Every nationality deserves to be free from imperialism and globalism, and the nation state’s sovereignty must be protected at all costs.

Pan-nationalist support

Nationalities of common interests share struggle against imperialism. Pan-Slavism, Pan-Arabism, Pan-Africa and Pan-Indian-subcontinent are good with right amount of unity and sovereignty and would alleviate many ongoing conflicts.

Struggle against Imperialism

Imperialism is the worst symptom of the disease of liberal capitalism, now manifesting in the form of globalism. It must be countered at all costs, and imperialists are among the heinous criminals worthy of capital punishment.

Social/Cultural stances

Tradition, culture and religion are what keep the people as a collective united and moral, and so General Shrekretary Thought is very socially conservative. It strongly supports the family unit and staunchly opposes what it views as degeneracy such as sexual promiscuity, LGBT(not necessarily the members tho), drugs, abortion, hedonism etc. and believes in racial and gender equality. It views capitalism as the cause of cultural degeneracy.

Importance of Tradition

Traditional values are extremely important to maintain. While some may have been archaic, the majority of cultural values set the foundations of what is moral, trying to destroy them is immoral.

The Family Unit

The family is among the most important aspects of society. A traditional family with a father and mother is the best way to raise children and should be upheld. Society should be organized as family -> community -> nation.


Religion sets the foundation of a moral selfless society. All religions have some sort of value within their community and the state should be organized as strictly pluralist and against ideological atheism.

Stances on Sexual Degeneracy

Sexual promiscuity should be strictly frowned upon - adulterers and prostitutes should be arrested. Pornography should be strictly banned, along with fornication. There should be mandated sexual abstinence until marriage and maturity.

Stances on Abortion and Procreation

Sexual instinct exists for procreation raising a family, not hedonist pleasure. Also, abortion is immoral and should be prohibited unless: the mother and/or baby are at risk, severe defects, or rape/incest. And antinatalism is soy.

Stances on Drugs

There should be a hard stance on hard drugs such as crack, meth, opium - and death penalty for severe traffickers. Weed should also be heavily restricted and health support readily available. Alcohol should also have restriction.

Stances on LGBT

LGBT, as an ideology, is sinful - marriage is one man and one woman. Pride parades should be prohibited, civil unions and sex-reassignment having restrictions. However, there is no inherent problem with LGBT individuals so violence against them is also bad.

Traditionalist Gender Equality

Men and Women are equal before God. Men and women should have total equal treatment and also should act modestly and partake in their roles in the family and society(also not allowing women to work or serve is soy).


All races are equal and there should be no differentiation between people just because of their melanin count. Racialism should be countered in all forms(reverse racism is also racism), there should be no racial bias in any way.

Opposition to Cultural Capitalism

Multinational corporations push lgbt ideology and globalism. Their media divides the workers based on race through reverse racism. The bourgeoisie aim to destroy the family and culture to profit - Cultural Capitalism must be fought before it becomes fordism.

Means of implementation

Simple reformism sticking with the status quo is unsatisfactory and degenerates into liberalism. General Shrekretary Thought firmly believes in revolution through a combination of collective mass action and a populist workers’ revolutionary authority. The status quo is utterly vile, national rejuvenation and a necessary amount of revolutionary violence is needed to push it to its weakest point and tear it down.


The liberal system is degenerate, necessitating total revolution to overthrow it. Reformism is weak and will inevitably degrade - socdems initially believed socialism as end goal, now they want to preserve capitalism.

Mass Action

Workers need unionize into groups of common interests to coordinate mass action against the capitalist system. General strike grinding the system to a halt is necessary to bring the conditions allowing for revolution.

Central Revolutionary Action

Revolution requires a force to coordinate it and prevent it from collapsing. A workers committee should guide the general uprisings and coordinate the mass action to protect the revolution from instability.


A populist movement should go hand in hand with the revolution. As the status quo is increasingly unpopular, the revolution should adhere to a syncretic populism putting aside differences to unite against neoliberalism.


The status quo worsens by the day. Destabilizing it in every way possible - mass action, strikes, uprisings, economic destabilization - is necessary to accelerate it and push it to its knees allowing conditions for revolt.

Revolutionary Uprising

A necessary amount of violence is needed for the revolution to succeed. The workers must not be denied their arms, and armed uprising should occur. After the revolution, execution will be needed to secure stability and punish elite oppressors.

National Rejuvenation

The nation needs to be rejuvenated during the revolution to awaken the youth into the nation’s future. Mass cultural movements - art, literature, patriotism - must rejuvenate the nation state under a new generation.



  • File:Soc.png Socialism - Goal of my ideology.
  • Conservative Socialism - Based. Capitalism is inherently degenerate, socialism with support of moral values is the best way to counter its modern manifestation.
  • Gaddafism - Almost the same as me ideologically! Your implementation in Libya was extremely successful, shame what the neoliberals did to you.
  • Titoism - Another successful implementation of socialism. Also, Tito was a gigachad.
  • National Communism - That’s how you do common ownership of the means of production!
  • Ho Chi Minh Thought - Uncle ho based anti-imperialist. Better than western h*es.
  • Nasserism - Nasser was based and chad. Zionists cope and seethe.
  • Sankarism - Sankara was epic chad and greatly improved Burkino Faso’s standard of living while he was in power. Neolibs seethe.
  • Castroism - Saved Cuba from a hellish fate brought by the American imperialist. Actually cared for its national sovereignty, family values and culture.
  • Guevarism - Chad revolutionary, I don’t deny his views on gay in fact that makes him more based and gamer.
  • Evoism - You were good for Bolivia, down with the imperialists trying to extract and exploit your nation for resources.
  • Marhaenism - Based Muslim socialist nationalist, the imperialists who overthrow you for that genocidal dictator suharto are soy.
  • Mariateguism - Based socialism and left wing nationalism for Peru.
  • Religious Socialism - Based. Down with godless capitalism!
  • Islamic Socialism and Islamic Marxism - Based and halal socialist.
  • Christian Socialism and Christian Communism - Also epic socialist.
  • Religion - Reddit atheists are soy, religion is based.
  • Christian Anarchism - Based for an anarchist.
  • Left-Wing Nationalism - Imperialists are cringe!
  • Nationalism - National sovereignty is based. The nation should focus first and foremost on its own affairs.
  • Patriotism - Loving your people is based.
  • Tradition - Moral values must be preserved to keep society together.
  • Authoritarian Conservatism - A very strong state encompassing society as a whole is needed to uphold traditional values from degeneration.
  • Authoritarian Socialism - Authority and order is necessary to secure true workers democratic ownership of the means of production.
  • Syndicalism - Workers mass action is based!
  • Sorelianism - Nice.
  • Council Communism - Needs a stronger authority to keep it together, but I like workers council democracy.
  • Ergatocracy - Socialism should be secured by a workers state.
  • Maternalism and Conservative Feminism - Gender equality and gender roles are based. Raising family is also based, and pornography exploits women.
  • Ba'athism - Stop watching pornography!
  • Longism - Huey Long Dong.
  • Populism - Down with the status quo!
  • Left-Wing Populism(Ideological) - Economic based. Scares neolib.
  • Right-Wing Populism(Ideological) - Cultural based. Scares neolib.
  • National Conservatism - Tradition and nation is based. But many of your followers are cappies.
  • Left Nazbol - Game.
  • Religious Nationalism - Remove atheist.
  • Accelerationism - Based way of defeating libtardism by accelerating the sociopolitical and economic turmoil to the breaking point allowing for the conditions of revolution. Also gamer.
  • Militarization to an extent - The workers state should be militarized and the workers armed to defend the revolution. But the military should focus on defending the nation, not imperialism so all foreign involved troops must be withdrawn.
  • Civic Nationalism - The nation is composed of all who make up and contribute to its national collective.
  • Cultural Nationalism - National culture should be rejuvenated also national myth is based.
  • Communitarianism - For the community! Selflessness should be promoted as with devotion to the people as a whole.
  • Distributism - Ngl pretty based.
  • Authoritarian Democracy - I am very authoritarian yes, but my ultimate goal is total democracy.
  • (Direct)Democracy - Democracy must be direct and liberal “democracy” must be destroyed.
  • Collectivism - Individualism is a disease that tears apart the values of society. Only as a collective can the people be moral, just, and free.


  • Marxism–Leninism - Some of your adherents are based, but others are very soy. Your modern form is pretty cringe - internationalism and progressivism is gay, and stop hating religion.
  • National Bolshevism - Left Nazbol is not too bad, but right Nazbol is a racist Nazi. Still the memes can be funny.
  • Stalinism - You did industrialize USSR, support family unit when other bolsheviks tried destroying it, and were instrumental in defeating the Nazis. But you have done many crimes and the needlessly central system and relentless purges paved the way for corruption.
  • Leninism - Your application of revolution is interesting and fairly admirable. But the whole period was generally chaotic and needed better organization and the bolsheviks during your time suppressed tradition and nationalism and religion.
  • Monarcho-Socialism - Not really fan of monarchism, but very interesting gamer ideology.
  • Conservatism - Social conservatism ideology is based. But American and western conservatism is degenerate capitalist and hasn’t conserved anything.
  • Paleoconservatism - Not fan of free market capitalism. But you would be much preferable to him since you were isolationist and actually preserved culture.
  • Paleolibertarianism - Small state cannot protect tradition.
  • Ultranationalism - Sometimes based, but can often be imperialist.
  • Jingoism - The workers state should have a degree of militarism and militaristic opposition to globalization but sometimes you can be imperialist.
  • Welfare Chauvinism - Nationalism is based, but welfare capitalism doesn’t cut it. If only you actually adopted socialism, then you would be more cool.
  • British Fascism - Fascist, but we live in a period.
  • Strasserism - Nazi. But unlike Hitler you wouldn’t have invaded and tried to exterminate the Slavs, or persecuting christianity in favor of esoteric cringe.
  • Falangism - Shift left economic and become based Christian totalism gaming.
  • Reactionary Socialism - You are a bit extreme socially, but you are the libtard’s nightmare which is based.
  • Right-Wing Populism - Populism is based but many modern right populists become elitist themselves due to capitalism, also I dislike many of your modern variants.
  • Left-Wing Populism - Can lead the populace to the right direction, but lacks balls the long term due to progressivism.
  • Trumpism - Absolutely cringe, just like all the other US presidents. But you’re funny and also technically helpful in the long term from an accelerationist standpoint(you did partially destabilize america’s status quo, and ngl the liberal reactions are funny).
  • Alt-Lite - One of the less cringe western cons.
  • Bull Moose Progressivism - Imperialist progressive, but can’t deny teddy was pretty Chad.
  • Georgism - One of the few tolerable cappies due to mutual hatred of landlords, and the only culturally left economically right leaning ideology I wouldn’t line against the wall for now.
  • Paternalistic Conservatism - Take the REDpill and join based consoc gang.
  • Bismarckism - Actually kinda chad. Imperialist but cool mustache.
  • Peronism - I don’t have much of an opinion of you, though you are preferable to Videla.
  • Christian Democracy and Islamic Democracy - Religion is Chad but too much l*beralism.
  • Anarcho-Syndicalism - Why you be mean to religious institutions. But that aside you are ancom’s more tolerable and less soy brother.
  • Reformist Marxism - Your heart is in the right place I guess, but reformism is weak and much of your ideology succumbed to capitalist influences.
  • Luxemburgism - Interesting, but I prefer a combination of local councils subordinate to a central authority.
  • Bookchin Communalism - Not really fan of extreme libertarianism, but very interesting and one of the more practical libleft ideologies.
  • Democratic Confederalism - Too libertarian, but pro-socialist kurds fighting t*rk is Chad. Kurds deserve sovereignty, cope t*rknats.
  • Libertarian Socialism - Without a strong state you will fall to the capitalists, but I still have respect for you and stand with you against imperialism.
  • Market Socialism - Cooperative system does not seem too bad, but I prefer planning and you should exist only an a very local level.


  • Neoliberalism - My worst enemy. You are a degenerate global capitalist scum who is the reason for so many of the world’s problems. Satan himself.
  • Neoconservatism - Same as above.
  • Crapitalism - Degenerate hedonistic system bringing forth the destruction of the family, cultural values, workers rights and environment all in the name of profit. Infinite growth under finite resources is the gateway to cataclysm. Unless you are stopped, society is destined to a fate worse than death . Also pork is haram so capitalists are haram :troll:.
  • Liberalism - A disease.
  • Classical Liberalism - Lib.
  • Conservative Liberalism - Lib.
  • Liberal Conservatism - Lib.
  • Reactionary Liberalism - Lib pretending to be a gamer, still cucked.
  • Social Democracy - Cringe. This is why reformism does not help in achieving socialism, it degenerates into another form of liberalism.
  • Regulationism - Regulations aren’t going to make capitalism not gay and bluepilled.
  • LGBT ideology - Sinful and shows degeneracy often in front of kids. Also can be forceful, please let non-western cultures have sovereignty from your western values. But I have nothing against the members as people, so I don’t advocate violence on them.
  • Pink Capitalism - Horrible degenerate scum. Almost misspelled you as oink, but there is no real difference since you are a pig.
  • LGBT Conservatism - I a not a fan of lgbt ideology or capitalism. One of the reasons why western conservatism isn’t that good at conserving in my opinion.
  • Globalism - Degenerate scum who wants to destroy national sovereignty, imperialist with extra steps.
  • World Federalism - UN is 🤮
  • Keynesianism - Cappie.
  • Imperialism - A great evil which condemns countless to horrible suffering. Must be destroyed at all costs.
  • Irredentism - The nation should focus on its own borders not imperialist subjugation of neighbors.
  • US Puppet Dictators - Degenerate scum. The CIA has killed millions in its mass subversion of countless foreign countries in the name of power and wealth. The tyrants and terrorists they backed are responsible for some of the worst crimes.
  • Jihadism - You are the real infidels, twisting religion to suit your own political goals. You think you are truly anti-western even though wouldn’t even be widespread without CIA support and the actions of the French and British Empires.
  • Classical Conservatism - Traditionalism is based but you are Bri*ish.
  • Dengism - GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD. On more serious note, you are a bit cringe.
  • Maoism - Sure you had ideological contributions and did based against the l*ndlords, but that doesn’t mean the cultural revolution and results of the Great Leap Forward weren’t shit.
  • Chinese Blueshirtism - Too aligned with the axis who were cringe.
  • Left Communism - Touch grass.
  • Racialism - Cringe. All races are equal.
  • Zionism - Imperialist oppressor. Israel is cringe.
  • Labour Zionism - Painting yourself with red doesnt change the fact that you are ziotard.
  • Alt-Right - Degenerate overweight coomer who spends 18 hours a day fapping to lolis in a room decorated with body pillows.
  • Nazi - Very cringe. Don’t even need to elaborate.
  • National Capitalism - Also very cringe, Nazi but with even cringier economics.
  • Esoteric Fascism - Crazy genocidal psycho.
  • Showa Statism - Just as evil as nazism.
  • Homonationalism - What and why.
  • Stransserism - Read above.
  • State Liberalism - Hell. And much of the world is headed towards it.
  • State Atheism - Redditor ideology.
  • Anarchism - 12 year old soy ideology.
  • Kemalism - T*rk, though less cringe than other t*rk.
  • Neo-Ottomanism - Erdogay is one of most cringe people in present world, which says a lot.
  • Libertardian, Minargay and AnCrap - Retard.
  • Hoppeanism - Gamer, but ancap which is not based.
  • Korwinism - Similar to above, but minarchist.
  • Shitty economists and the like - Lol cringe retards claiming socialism is unrealistic while advocating foolish unrealistic ideas. H*donism is the source of societal decay.
  • File:Prog.png Progressivism - Ew.
  • Revolutionary Progressivism - LARPer who chugs 80 liters of soy every day.
  • Antifa - Fascism isn’t that good but “antifa” is a bunch of disorganized soy chugging larpers who the red army soldiers that liberated Berlin would be so disappointed with. Basically see above.
  • Jacobinism - Another LARPer.
  • Anarcho-Communism - Idealistic anarkiddie who very LARP and soy. Yes I support a strong authoritarian nation state and oppose lgbt and globalism, and?
  • Anationalism - Absolutely soy and cucked. Anat more like anal gottem.
  • Individualism - Selfish degenerate.


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