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[[File:CultLib.png]] Cultural Liberalism<br>
[[File:CultLib.png]] Cultural Liberalism<br>
Cultural radicalism (Especially in [[File:Nordmodel.png]] Nordic countries)<br>
Cultural radicalism (Especially in [[File:Nordmodel.png]] Nordic countries)<br>
SJW Dynasty <br>
Cultural Leftism<br>
Cultural Leftism<br>
[[File:CultProg.png]] Cultural Progressivism<br>
[[File:CultProg.png]] Cultural Progressivism<br>

Revision as of 16:15, 6 December 2021

Not to be confused with Liberalism.

Progressivism, also called Cultural Liberalism, is the ideology representing the cultural left-wing. Progressivism believes that heritage that stems from the past is not to be held sacred and rather should be left away in favor of what it views as "Societal Progress" (The exact view of which depends on what type of progressivism is held) which usually entails the creation of a culture and social environment that is less strict and conformist and more open and inclusive.

Progressivism is usually heavily associated with centre-left and somewhat bottom politics, although in theory it can align itself with any economic and civic system as shown by ideologies like Pink Capitalism and Kemalism.


What is and isn't considered progressive is highly debatable, however, some ideas that are generally regarded as progressive include LGBT+ rights, feminism, multiculturalism, open borders, internationalism, legalization of abortion, secularism, racial equality, restorative justice, drug decriminalization, religious tolerance, sexual liberation, and more. It is important to note that while all of these ideas are generally regarded as progressive, one does not have to support all of these ideas to be progressive, and conversely, one can support some of these ideas and not generally be regarded as progressive.


Intersectionality is the idea that oppression based on identities mutually enforce each other. For example, they believe that a Black woman might face discrimination from a business that is not distinctly due to her race (because the business does not discriminate against Black men) nor distinctly due to her gender (because the business does not discriminate against white women), but due to a combination of the two factors.

This concept is criticized through the counter-concept of "Oppression Olympics" in which identities are constantly mashed up to find the single most oppressed individual there is, causing an endless downwards spiral of wokeness. Another criticism of the concept that it is not clear what identities count, with memes about various groups being included as oppressed such as landlords or gamers.

Whig Historiography

While not exclusive to cultural progressivism, Whig historiography is the justification for much of progressive doctrine. Whig historiography sees history as the progression to the point of ever greater equality and liberation or in the progressive sense 'wokeness'. In this view, there is no such thing as a repeated cycles, only obstacles to inevitable progress.


Progressivism can appear rather alien, but is really chillaxed when you get to know him. He doesn't mind it when you ask him for money, as he is pro- Nordic Model. He loves weed, but isn't too annoying about it. He likes following trends in social media, especially when it comes to international issues and hangs out with Globalism for that purpose. However, he will be annoyed if there's any issue that doesn't aligned with him and regarded them as "hateful", "bigoted" and "problematic", and willing to seek changes to end such problems.

How to Draw

Flag of Progressivism

Drawing progressivism is extremely easy:

  1. Draw a ball
  2. Color the ball with green
  3. Add the (Preferably light red) eyes, and you're done!
  4. (optional) Add a black umbrella to differentiate it from the libleft quadrant ball.
Color Name HEX RGB
Green #49DB0B 73, 219, 11
Black #141414 20, 20, 20




  • Anti-Fascism - Appreciate the enthusiasm, but don't you think you could tone it down a bit?
  • Jacobinism - Grandpa, your ways are too extreme as I'm against death sentence, including that guillotine stuff, but I'll at least give you credit for starting the whole thing.
  • Anarcho-Communism - You're cool and all, but can you calm it down a bit more with the revolution and such?
  • File:Marxlen.png Marxism–Leninism - Same as above plus the dictators and oppressive regimes.
  • Civic Nationalism - People aren't illegal, but you're preferable to your nationalist brethren.
  • Conservative Feminism - Just because you're a feminist doesn't mean I should tolerate you, because you're conservative.
  • De Francism - You have some cool ideas, but you shouldn't force them on people.
  • Longism - You love welfare and were really progressive for your time but you honestly kinda scare me.
  • Gender Accelerationism - Chill out!
  • Third Way - I like your social policies, but why did you ever think it was a good idea to help him invade Iraq?
  • Islamic Theocracy - Despite I always condemned you for practicing backward and reactionary beliefs, I have to tolerate you for the sake of multiculturalism, tolerance, and humanity besides fighting for your rights.
  • Social Libertarianism - You were kinda cool until you made that tweet supporting Israel...[1]
  • LGBT Conservatism - TRAITOR!!1! At least we both want LGBTQ+ rights.
  • Maoism - The cultural revolution was too extreme, and why did you jail gay people?
  • Men's Liberation - Besides women, men are also victims of Patriarchy! The only way to uphold true gender equality was to smash Patriarchy and embrace Feminism! Hey, what did you mean that "a true patriarchy" does not exist?!! Men are inherently better off than women in our current society in almost EVERY way!
  • National Liberalism - You like civil liberties and all, but can you cut it out with the Islamophobia? Also stop making fun of me and hanging out with them all the time please. BTW DPP from Taiwan is based AF.
  • Neoliberalism - Appreciate the help, but you're not what we need.
  • Progressive Conservatism - You've got some good ideas, but you're not willing to go the extra mile. But doing this when it comes to black and indigenous communities is low key super based.
  • Revolutionary Progressivism - We agree on almost everything, but you take this too far.
  • Social Authoritarianism - You're them but with authoritarian tendencies. Also, fuck Lukashenko.
  • State Liberalism - No, I don't want more transgender drone pilots!
  • Fordism - What's so dystopian about this?
  • Free Syrian Army - I supported you back in 2012 in overthrowing Assad, such a shame many of you got corrupted by These Guys and hate DemCon. But at least Some of your factions are still based though.
  • File:Ego.png Egoism - Individuality is cool and all, but the rejection of universal morality and human rights is a hard pass for me.
  • Elective Monarchism - Wait, monarchs can be elected? I though they were hereditary! Also, you confused me.


Further Information






Videos and Playlists

Online Communities


  2. This is a reference to how many progressive replace "man" with "person", which accroding to them is more inclusive.



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