Maoism–Third Worldism

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Maoism–Third Worldism, also known as MTW or Neo-Maoism is a hyperprogressive and economically far-left ideology that argues for the centrality of anti-imperialism to the victory of global communist revolution. It also argues that the working class in the First World is not majorly exploited (sometimes arguing that it experiences no exploitation at all), and therefore is not part of the international proletariat.

He insists a global people's war is a necessary military strategy for bringing an end to the historically unequal relationship built between the First and Third Worlds. This strategy includes the systematic delinking of the exploited economies of Third World countries from the parasitic First World, and the unification of international forces to deprive the imperialist countries of resources and wealth extracted from Third World countries. To break this relationship Maoism–Third Worldism proposes a joint-dictatorship of the proletariat of oppressed nations (JDPON) to work as a centralized organization to defeat the First World.


  • Leftier than thou
  • Will constantly tell people to read Settlers

How to Draw

Flag of Maoism–Third Worldism
  1. Draw a ball with Eyes
  2. Draw 5 rays of red and 5 rays of yellow from center
  3. Add red hollow star in center
Color Name HEX RGB
Red #C00004 192, 0, 4
Yellow #FFD602 255, 214, 2
Dark Red #860002 134, 0, 2



  • Marxism–Leninism - He's always right.
  • Maoism - We fight the people's war.
  • Pol Potism - I stand with you against first world imperialism. You took a little too far though, not gonna lie.
  • Left-Wing Nationalism - We honor their struggle.
  • African Socialism - We will kick out the neo-colonists from Africa!
  • Trotskyism - A fellow internationalist and globalist. Even though you're a revisionist, I still like your idea of Permanent Revolution.



Further Information



