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[[File:Straight.png]] Straight<br>
|religion =
[[File:ChristyEvangelical.png]] Evangelical Christian
*[[File:Christianright.png]] Calvary Chapel Association
*[[File:Ecumenism.png]] Ecumenism
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[[File:ProDrug.png]] Recreational Drugs<br>
[[File:Satan.png]] Satanism<br>
[[File:Secular.png]] Secular WorldviewsSecularism<br>
== Introduction ==

Revision as of 07:09, 29 January 2023

Invalid user


I'm mostly over the Polcompball community, and I the most I do in this fandom is browse the wiki, as well as making and editing pages. I even have an ideology, SomeCrusaderism, that will be explained further down in the page. Although my ideology is likely to change because I'm in a state of transitioning away from mainstream conservatism.

Political Journey

Apolitical Stage

For the first decade of my life, I had no knowledge of politics and didn't care to learn about it. Time spent thinking about boring grown up stuff was better spent playing Super Mario Galaxy after all!

Alt-Lite Theocrat Stage

My time as a 5th grader (the best age to be interested in politics ofc) was the first time I was even remotely politically engaged. What little knowledge I had came from overhearing my parents complaining about Hillary Clinton and a hatred of Muslims from learning about 9/11 and the War on Terror. The most definitive traits of my beliefs at this time were strong pro-Trump sentiment, theocratic Protestantism, and the greatest influence by far was islamophobia. My weirdest belief at this time was that the Kingdom of Jerusalem should be restored with the objective to conquer Muslim countries and replace Islam with Protestantism. Ironically, this point in my life was when I was at my least religious. I was a very wierd kid.

Neoconservative Stage

After about two years of being in the previous stage, I chilled out and became a more mainstream conservative. Name any basic conservative position, and I would likley support it, whether it be foreign interventionism, pro-police sentiments, etc.

Current Stage


Politics of Friends and Family


Firends & Teachers




I believe that capitalism is the best economic system we ever had, but believes that it isn't without its flaws. Minimal regulations should be put in place for the economy ( minimum wage, workplace safety regulations, making sure that food is edible and your meds don't kill people, etc.) by the states, but nothing to the extent of things like fixing prices for certain goods. The market should be left to itself for the most part, and the only economic stimulus the government should provide during recessions are tax breaks for all citizens. This will increase goods consumption and cause the economy to recover without excessive government spending.

Social Programs

I'm generally skeptical of social programs, especially in regards to stimulus checks and universal basic income. I see it as the government rewarding laziness, screwing over a balanced budget, and there's little assurance that the recipient would use the money for any good. You never know if someone will blow a stimulus check on gambling or drugs, after all. The welfare state should be scaled back so that the dollar can gets its value back and allow people to reclaim greater financial autonomy. However, what differentiates me from many Republicans is that welfare shouldn't be for corporations. They should be left to fend for themselves with zero state support.

Hybrid Trade

I can't say I'm fully in support of protectionism nor free trade. On the one hand, I believe America should increase its trade with Europe and Canada to maintain good relations and decrease the price of goods, but I'm also vehemently opposed to job outsourcing and seek to combat the economic domination of authoritarian regimes like China. In short, trade with American allies good, trade with China bad.


Civic Liberalism


Semi-Direct Democarcy

I think that it's best if the government is run in accordance to semi-direct democracy. In it, representatives administer daily governance, but the people have some measure of sovereignty. This sovereignty can be expressed through popular action, including referendums, popular initiative, and public consultations. Thus, citizens may be able to veto the laws of congress or propose new ones for it.


I believe that most governance needs to be done by state governments, believing that they know what their citizens would need better than the national government and is far less beuracratic and wasteful than the latter. The national government, for the most part, should only concern itself with diplomacy and national security. Matters like same-sex marriage and legal drugs to be decided by states.



I'm a patriotic American and our leaders should strive to do whatever is in the best interest of the country. Although, I can't call myself a nationalist because of my more lax views on immigration and not being averse to international alliances and trade only if it benefits the country. In general, the interests of the USA should come first.


I believe that Trump was right to try to combat illegal immigration, but simply ramping up border security alone was the wrong approach. While adaquate border security is a necessity, a better alternative would be to dramatically scale back the welfare state so that parasitic immigrants would be punished without the hard-working ones being punished alongside them. However, I'm still a civic nationalist, believing that someone's race or culture should have no bearing on whether or not they can immigrate. I'm also a strong advocate for interculturalism as an alternative to assimilationism and multiculturalism, believing that some shared cultural values and a sense of patriotism is essential to the cohesion of any society. Besides, the idea that immigrants are turning America towards secularism and progressivism is a myth, as the majority of immigrants are religious conservatives.


I strongly support interculturalism as an alternative to assimilationism and multiculturalism. Assimilationist countries tend to be very bigoted and hateful to those outside of the national culture and sees how the same becomes of multiculturalist societies tending to self-segregate. Interculturalism is the best of both worlds because it allows for cultural diversity, but there is still a shared national identity that keeps people together.


The U.S. military is way too bloated to be justified as "national defense," as it's only being used to further endless wars and throw away money and lives alike. I'd support the U.S. military being drastically being scaled down, including shrinking the military and withdrawing from most of our foreign bases. It'll save billions of dollars, thousands of lives, and American lives will be no more endangered because of it.

Society and Culture


In general, I'm a Christian Traditionalist that believes the decentralization of power is the best chance the U.S. has at combatting secularism, moral regression, and reverse racism policies such as affirmative action.




I abhor racism, seeing it as being irrational and against the word of God. He believes that people need to be judged by their merits rather than ethnicity. I highly admire MLK Jr. (yes, in spite of his economic views) for his peaceful ways of attaining civil rights and his Christian rationalization of it. However, he still opposes affirmative action, believing that undermines MLK Jr.'s vision of people being judged by their character and skill rather than their race.


This is the part where I piss off both conservatives and libertarians. Drugs should be decriminalized (legal to use, illegal to sell) and the legalization of said drugs should be left for the states to decide. Hard drugs like cocaine should remain decriminalized indefinitley. Drug dealers are comminting a far greater evil than drug users are, so police and prison resources should stop being wasted on the latter.


While being against flagrant hatred towards the LGBT community, I see them and pride culture in particular as being a toxic and dangerous influence on culture. It uses guilt tripping and public shaming and outrage to get conscessions out of the state and companies, just like the Prohibition Movement last century. But no matter how many demands they accept, the movement shifts the goalposts even further. So far to the point that obscene and unscientific things like non-binary genders are forced to be normalized under threat of ostracism. They're going too far, and that any further "progress" must halt. I support asexuals and demisexuals the most (even envying them at times) and most opposed to anything supporting the narrative of a gender non-binary or gender transition.


I'm vehemently against abortion. It's nothing short of euthenasia and the fact that it's being glorified as empowering is both disgusting and terrifying. I vehemently support the Supreme Court's overturning of Roe v. Wade and believe that states should be allowed to enact their own abortion policies with after 3 months of gestation being the national maximum.





Society and Culture

How to Draw

  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Draw a horozontal blue line cutting across the ball and draw a blue circle in the middle of the ball.
  3. Draw four vertical red stripes on the left end, another 4 on the right end, and two in the middle.
  4. Draw a white latin cross inside of the blue circle.
  5. Done!
  6. Optional accessories include a baseball cap with the US flag and a wooden cross.



  • Typicalfan4 / - Based ideology and a good friend from the Anarchy wiki :D.
  • ScarletTheVampireQueen - Same as above but his ideology is bringe.
  • Davilanda13 / - THIS IS GAMING!
  • Cheebow8 / - A based-looking new arrival on this wiki. I hope you can be comfortable here!
  • Zedroball / - Another newcomer who made art for me. Make yourself at home here!
  • Yelvia / - I'm ambivalent about Zionism, but aside from that we're a perfect ideological match.
  • TheFedGuy101 / - We seem to be a close ideological match excluding our minor economic differences.
  • SuddenWriter / - We're quite close in ternms of beliefs, but your economics are more F U N K Y.

Positive Leaning

  • Pirate Tails /- Cringe progressivism but everything else is pretty good.
  • DarknightYuusha-11 / - Market socialism is tolerable and you have quite good diplomatic, social, and civic stances. Gotta love a little federalism.
  • Comrade Shrek / - Sorta cringe ideology, but it's nothing that shitposts and dank memes can't fix!
  • Noel21231 /- A little bit too conservative and third-positionist, but I don't have much more to complain about.
  • Smart Simulator / - Same as above but +statism and -thrid-positionism.


  • Ukraiana / - About as good as a fascist can hope to get as if that was a high bar. Also a surprisingly chill dude.
  • BeryAb /- Fellow enjoyer of McFreedom and McRights, but globalism and progressivism is still soy.
  • KaiserKlausMouse / - You're too statist and leftist for my liking but your cultural and (some) nationalist stances are based.
  • AshleyHere - TBH I don't really know who you are, but we have some shared hobbies and you're quite chill so here you are.

Negative Leaning

  • Pantheon / - Monarcho-Socialism and world federalism is a hard no, but you have decent cultural views by the looks of things anfd you're quite a nice user.
  • Matteel /File:Prog.png - My opposite in many ways whilst still being moderate, but he has all of the right ideas about civic issues.


  • Yoda8soup /File:Prog.png - Another progressive Libleft, but anti-authoritarianism is quite nice and market socialism is interesting to me. But you spoiled your chances when you said I was small brain. Talk shit, get hit.
  • Leninisbased556 /File:Prog.png - Progressive Marxist-Leninist. If you have any idea what I believed then you'd know why he's down here.
  • NotLibra / - Same as above.
  • Marsvner / - "Yeah, I get my political beliefs from Hearts of Iron IV and Twitter. How could you tell?"


  • Conservative Liberalism - The closest thing to my ideology as of now.
  • Christian Conservatism - My greatest social influence. Godspeed!
  • National Conservatism, Paternalistic Conservatism, Distributism, & Paleolibertarianism - The four ideologies that I'm torn between.
  • Libertarian Paternalism & Traditionalism - P E R F E C T I O N.
  • Positive Leaning

    • Mainstream Conservatism - Even though I ditched you to be more libertarian, you're still quite good. But admit it, you're only libertarian when it comes to guns and money.
    • Paleoconservatism - Too statist and nationalistic for my liking but you're far better than Neo"""Cons."""
    • Reactionary Liberalism - Like the above, but better.


    • Christian Theocracy - I don't mind you in theory, but you usually end up getting horribly corrupted like him.
    • Catholic Theocracy - You may be a p*pist but I'll take your conservative followers over liberal Protestants.
    • Civil Libertarianism - You have excellent takes on government surveillance, gun rights, and hate speech laws, but when you talk about abortion and the LGBT I wish my eardrums would burst.
    • Republican Party - I used to support you wholeheartedly, but your increasing statism, jingoism, and support of corporate welfare has pushed me away more and more. Still better than the Democrats, though.

    Negative Leaning

    • Pink Capitalism - Good economics but your cultural views make me want to vomit.


    • Neoconservatism - Your militarism, statism, and drastic increasing of the national deficit have been a disaster for the US. Not even your cultural views can redeem you because of how you ditch them the moment you gain power.
    • Democratic Party - Take all of my complaints about the Republican Party and add moral regression and Keynesian beuracratic hell. NOPE!
    • Anarcho-Communism - As much as you'd like to deny it you 1, can't work (just look at how CHAZ ended up lmao), and 2, are just a doormat for tankies (see what happened to Catalonia during the Spanish Civil War and Anarchist Ukraine). Keep malding.

    Political Test Results


    Equality 21.8% / 78.2% Markets Capitalist
    Nation 63.9% / 36.1% World Patriotic
    Liberty 67% / 33% Authority Liberal
    Tradition 70% / 30% Progress Traditional
    Closest Match: Conservatism


    Federal 70% / 30% Unitary Federal
    Democracy 66% / 34% Authority Moderate Democratic
    Globalist 31% / 69% Isolationist Moderate Isolationism
    Militarist 34% / 66% Pacifist Moderate Pacifism
    Security 33% / 67% Liberty Moderate Freedom
    Equality 23% / 77% Markets Markets
    Secular 20% / 80% Religious Extreme Religious
    Progress 35% / 65% Tradition Moderate Tradition
    Assimilationist 55% / 45% Multiculturalist Neutral


    Reform 22.2% / 77.8% Conserve Traditionalist
    Intervention 37.5% / 62.5% Laissez-Faire Limited Regulation
    Authority 40% / 60% Constitution Democratic
    Particular 70% / 30% Universal Non-Agressive
    Theocratic 60% / 40% Separation Religious Influence
    Accelerate 62.5% / 37.5% Decelerate Productivism
    Assimilation 62.5% / 37.5% Multicultural Assimilationism
    Closest Match: Paleolibertarianism


    Conservatism 77.1% / 22.9% Liberalism Very Conservative
    Cooperation 31.1% / 68.9% Individualism Individualist
    Globalism 32.9% / 67.1% Isolationism Patriotic
    Freedom 52.4% / 47.6% Security Moderate
    Doctrinal 29.3% / 70.7% Textual Textual
    Centralism 35.9% / 64.1% State's Rights Pro-States
    Ideology: Tea Party

    6 Foundations

    Care: 19/30 (63.3%)
    Fairness: 18/30 (60.0%)
    Loyalty: 20/30 (66.7%)
    Authority: 20/30 (66.7%)
    Sanctity: 27/30 (90.0%)
    Liberty: 22/30 (73.3)
    Estimated Ideology: Conservatism
    Next Matches: Neoconservatism, Right-Wing Populism, Fiscal Conservatism

    Dichotomy Philosophy Test

    Materialism 17.5% / 82.5% Spiritualism
    File:Ego.png Egoism 26.5% / 73.5% Altruism
    Idealism 57% / 43% Pragmatism
    Hedonism 25% / 75% Asceticism
    Nihilism 0% / 100% Moralism
    Rationalism 53.4% / 46.6% Romanticism
    Skepticism 35.4% / 64.6 Absolutism
    Closest Match: Theism


    Political Personality Quiz

    Growth Capitalist
    Policy Priorities:


    Presidential Ballot

    Party Ballot

    Political Typology Quiz

    Commited Conservative

    Religious Typology Quiz

    Sunday Stalwart

    American Political Bloc Quiz

    Alt Values

    File:Av-Individual.png Individual 37.5% / 62.5% Collective Social
    Market 87.5% / 12.5% Planned Unregulated
    Essentialism 41.7% / 58.3% Constructivism Balanced
    Pragmatic 41.7% / 58.3% Idealist Principled]
    Universal 43.8% / 56.2% Particular Balanced
    Ecological 33.3% / 66.7% Industrial Industrial
    File:Av-Politicized.png Politicized 62.5% / 37.5% Apolitical File:Apolitival.png Politicized
    Religious 81.3% / 18.7% Secular Fundamentalist
    Futuristic 16.7% / 83.3% Historical Historic

    Ideoshapes Test

    Civil Axis: Liberal
    Economic Axis: Protectionist
    Societal Axis: Very Conservative
    Diplomatic Axis: Nationalist

    Closest matching Idologies: Paleoconservatism, Libertarian Conservatism, National Conservatism, Social Conservatism

    Furthest matches: Leninism, Anarcho-Communism, Trotskyism

    Complementarily opposed: International Socilaism , Social Justice, Technocracy


    Monoethnic 40.3% / 59.7% Multiethnic Slightly Multiethnic
    Monocultural 58.9% / 41.1% Multicultural Integration
    Favoratism 39.6% / 60.4% Equality Slight Equality
    Extinctionism 25.5% / Coexistence Leaning-Coexistence
    Separation 28.4% / 71.6% Integration Integrationist
    Diplomacy 43.2% / 56.8% Protectionist
    File:Prog.png Progression 46.6% / 53.4% Regression Neutral
    Transhumanism 56.5% / 43.5% Primitivism Industrialist
    Pro-LGBT 27.4% / 72.6% Anti-LGBT ( Anti-LGBT)
    Nationalism 52.8% / 47.2% Anationalism ( Neutral)
    Religion 71.1% / 28.9% Secular ( Fundamentalist)
    Essentialism 30.5% / 69.5% Constructivism (Social Influences)


    Pro-Catholic 38.1% / 61.9% Anti-Catholic Somewhat Anti-Catholic
    Pro-Protestant 81.8% / 18.2% Anti-Protestant Fundamentalist Protestant
    Pro-Orthodox 51% / 49% Anti-Orthodox Neutral
    Philo-Semetic 58.7% / 41.3 Anti-Semetic Neutral
    Islamophilic 28% / 82% Islamophobic Extremley Islamophobic
    Pro-Buddhist 47.8% / 52.2% Anti-Buddhist Neutral
    Pro-Hindu 26.7% / 73.3% Anti-Hindu Anti-Hindu
    Pro-Pagan 8.6% / 91.4% Anti-Pagan Fanatically Anti-Pagan
    Satanic 13.6% / 86.4% Divine Extremley Didadic
    Religious 78.4% / 21.6% Atheistic Religious
    Closest Match: Protestant

    Religions Tier List

    Protestant Christianity
    Roman Catholicism
    Eastern Orthodoxy
    Oriental Orthodoxy
    Virtuous Unbelievers
    Cultural Christianity
    Conservative and Orthodox Judaism
    Atheistic Satanism
    Hinduism (would be a tier higher if it weren't for the Caste System)
    Reform Judaism


    Masculine 10.7% / 89.3% Feminine Feminine (not 100% feminine because tomboys ๐Ÿ˜ณ)
    Hyper 56.3% / 43.7% Hypo Medium
    Dominant 33.3% / 66.6% Submissive Submissive
    Deviant 18.8% / 81.2% Pure Puritanical
    Exclusive 93.8% / 7.2% Hedonism Exclusive

    Media I Enjoy



    TV Shows

    Youtube Subscriptions[2]

    Fiction Books

    Nonfiction Books

    Music Genres


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    ๐Ÿ…ฑ๏ธomments ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ’ฏ

    If you want to leave any new comments, do it on my user wiki talk.

    1. โ†‘ He wasn't an egoist, but he was a selfish asshole. Wait, why did I say the same thing twice?
    2. โ†‘ I'm subscribed to more channels than these, but they're the only ones I can comfortably pin a Polcompball ideology on.