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Cosmopolitanism is a culturally progressive, globalist, and economically varied ideology that views all of humanity as being part of a single community, and thus encourages his fellow balls to give their nationalities less precedence than their other attributes when forming their identities and forming relationships of mutual respect with balls from other places.





How to Draw

Flag of Cosmopolitanism
  1. Draw a ball
  2. Fill the ball in dark red.
  3. Draw a tussock-colored martini glass in the middle of the ball.
  4. Draw a tussock-colored globe inside of the glass.
  5. Draw 2 eyes and you're done!
Color Name HEX RGB
Dark red #A00201 160, 2, 1
Tussock #BE9D42 190, 157, 66



  • Marxism - I appreciate his attitude regarding global workers.
  • Trotskyism - World communism? Very nice.
  • Progressivism & Neoliberalism - I like to eat tacos and curry with them.
  • World Federalism - A united global country were all citizens are equal? Sign me up.
  • Multiculturalism - I'll admit you do somewhat encourage self-segregationist tendencies at times, but you're still a pretty good guy.
  • Christian Theocracy - "Here is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's offspring, heirs according to promise." Galatians 3:28-29


  • Globalism - Way too intense for me sometimes.
  • Pan-Nationalism - The only form of nationalism I actually kinda like.
  • Civic Nationalism - Another form of nationalism that isn't that bad. At least he isn't chauvinistic and is willing to accept foreigners and international co-operation. Just please focus less on your country and we're good.
  • Cultural Nationalism - You need to focus on protecting cultures of all countries and not just your country's culture.
  • Eco-Nationalism - Environmental protection is important, but you need to focus more on protecting the environment of the whole world and not just your own.
  • Economic Nationalism - A healthy economy is important, but you need to focus more on making the world's economy healthy and not just protect your economy from foreigners you don't like.
  • Left-Wing Nationalism - Your focus on improving workers' rights is based, but you need to focus on improving the rights of workers around the world as well.
  • National Progressivism - Cultural progress is based, but cultural progressive values needs to spread around the world.
  • Patriotism - Meh. You're not outright tribalistic, just really smug and annoying a lot of the time, which is still better than regular nationalism I guess.
  • Canadian Liberalism - You like to talk about making the first "postnational state", yet a lot of you have some incredibly blind nationalistic tendencies. Seriously, that cultural protectionism crap is pretty cringe.
  • Interculturalism - Some of you guys are incredibly based, but other times you can be pretty nationalistic and more focused on assimilation than proper integration. We undoubtedly need unity but immigrants shouldn't be pressured to completely assimilate if they don't want to.
  • European Federalism - You have the potential to make a truly amazing impact on the world, you really do, it's just that you're often pretty clumsy as you are currently.


  • Reactionaryism - Culture changes are inevitable.
  • Nationalism - The world doesn't revolve around your country.
  • Racial Nationalism, Ethnonationalism & Religious Nationalism - The world doesn't revolve around your racial, ethnic or religious group either.
  • Ultranationalism, Fascism & Nazism - Complete psychos who caused nothing but pain and suffering.
  • Anti-Japaneseism - Your kind of extreme self-hatred literally isn't any better than the blind ultranationalism you hate so much. Do you not realize you can come to terms with a nation's past without being so batshit insane?
  • Stalinism - Seriously dude? Using my name for an antisemitic insult? Not fucking cool.
  • State Liberalism - I don't care if you say you like me. Get away from me you literal stereotype.

Further Information

Wikipedia Articles

