Social Libertarianism

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Not to be confused with Bleeding-Heart Libertarianism.

Social Libertarianism, clipped to SocBert, is a civically libertarian, economically variable (ranges from Centre-Left to Centre-Right) ideology that leans culturally left. He advocates for a robust decentralized government and social welfare. SocBert believes that both negative liberty (i.e. freedom to do stuff) and positive liberty (i.e. freedom from forces such as poverty, bad health, and pollution) are equally important and therefore libertarian ideology should be reformed to view liberty & justice as being free from all forms of domination instead of only freedom from the state. Socbert tends to agree with libertarianism on most issues, but disagrees on economics and welfare, believing that a welfare state (ideally through universal basic income or a negative income tax) and some forms of regulation are needed to guarantee positive liberties. Social Libertarians either support regular social democratic economic polices ( Libertarian Social Democracy) or social capitalism ( Yangism), depending on which variant.





Yangism is a economically centre to centre-right, culturally left-wing and civically libertarian-leaning ideology, based off the views of former Democratic Party candidate and Forward Party founder Andrew Yang.

  • Human-Centred Capitalism is a reformed version of Capitalism which is geared towards maximising human well-being and fulfillment, instead of corporate profits. It also would replace several traditional economic metrics with an "American Scorecard".
  • Yang is well-known for his advocacy for Universal Basic Income (UBI). His most famous policy is Freedom Dividend, a $1,000-per-month UBI that is given to all US citizens aged 18 or older regardless of employment status, to help fight off job displacement from automation.

Libertarian Social Democracy

Libertarian Social Democracy is a economically centre-left and civically libertarian ideology. It is considered a more moderate form of left-libertarianism. It supports basic social democratic principals and policies but with an added focus on civil liberties and is opposed to rampant statism outside of the economy. They also tend to support Direct Democracy and Non-Interventionist foreign policy. Notable examples of Libertarian Socdems include late former Alaska senator Mike Gravel, left-wing political commentator and youtuber Kyle Kulinski and former Democratic presidential candidate, author and activist Marianne Williamson.

Libertarian Paternalism

Despite sounding like a oxymoron, Libertarian Paternalism states that it is perfectly non-contradictory to have a small state the acts Paternalistic. This would be done through "Nudges", towards the populous in the favor of the state, while still respecting the citizen's right to not listen. An example would be things like cigarettes in most western countries. The citizen is completely free to buy and smoke them, but they are highly discouraged through things like high prices and and warnings on packaging. This model of government action is supported by many Social Libertarians


The SocBert ball is a very charitable, happy, energetic, and pro-freedom ball. Although he likes many people, not many people like him back. He's too much of a "Socialist" for libertarians, so he's called a "fake libertarian" by LibRights. On the other hand, he's also called a "Libertarian Trojan Horse" by socialists. Usually, he hangs out with his mom, Social Democracy, his half-sister, Social Georgism, and his dad, Libertarianism every other weekend. His best friend is probably Nordic Model or Social Liberalism.

How to Draw

Flag of Social Libertarianism
  1. Draw a circle
  2. Fill it with yellow
  3. Draw a rose (It can be hard, If you can't pull it off use a simpler design)
  4. Draw eyes, and you're done!
Color Name HEX RGB
Yellow #F5DC00 245, 220, 0
Black #141414 20, 20, 20




  • Social Democracy - Love you mom, but not your bureaucracy and centralized government.
  • Socialism - Well, your market varieties are all kinda cool. But because of you, I get called a socialist all the time.
  • Distributism - Really interesting, but all that statism and your very conservative social stances leave me quite worried.
  • Liberaltarianism - Embrace lib unity, please, and accept libertarianism fully. Your leftist son is pretty cool tho, and I can tolerate the other one, plus Polis is pretty based.
  • Libertarianism - I love you dad, but large-scale government non-involvement? Agree to disagree.
  • Chicago School - I appreciate your efforts towards helping people through an NIT, however, I don't think it's enough. Also, too little government intervention in the economy! And why you despise my poor brother like that?
  • Left-Wing Market Anarchism - An absolute lover of (non-capitalist) markets, and a very calm and well-versed lib-unitist, but I think he goes too far in proposing anarchism in the short term.
  • Libertarian Socialism - You are one of the best socialists, no doubt, but I still think you are too radical.
  • Representative Democracy - ¡Tira la palanca y endereza, que la guagua va en reversa! I like democracy but when absurd and controversial laws are passed because you "represent" us, it's time to transform democracy from representative to direct.
  • Classical Liberalism - I aim to carry on your legacy, but laissez-faire is quite harmful to consumers and small businesses.
  • Third Way - I can't argue with centrist economics, but you've also picked up some of the worst of neoliberalism and neoconservatism.
  • Geolibertarianism - Whilst Georgism and liberty is all well and good, you won't be able to ensure egalitarianism without welfare and regulation.
  • Tridemism - While I don't like your authoritarian and nationalist tendencies, Social Georgism is based. Also, FREE TAIWAN!
  • Social Corporatism - The welfare is great and all but you're still too authoritarian for my taste.
  • Paternalistic Conservatism - You're just like Social Democracy but a little more statist and culturally right, takes all sorts to make an economy I suppose.
  • Democratic Party - I might've left you to become independent and form the Forward Party, but we're still friends, right?
  • Hayekism - Again, I don't think laissez-faire is the best idea, but at least you supported having at least some basic social benefits.
  • Geosyndicalism - I'm mixed on socialism and you're too radical, but Georgism and liberty are alright with me.


  • Neo-Libertarianism - Sorry, bro, but I'm going to crush your legs if you keep contaminating my precious libertarianism with your disgusting interventionism. Go away with those morons and leave us alone.
  • Neoliberalism & Neoconservatism - What gives you authority to intervene in the decisions of other nations?
  • Welfare Chauvinism - I don't care if you support welfare, you're just too racy.
  • Anarcho-Capitalism - Negative liberty without positive liberty is tyranny by another name.
  • National Bolshevism - Not that gang!!!!
  • Dengism - Yang isn't a Chinese spy!!! Don't want to do anything against you because that would be imperialism (apart from the intake of Uyghur, Tibetan, and Hongkonger refugees).
  • Authoritarianism - Would you please stop your Draconian actions?
  • Ochlocracy - Too many crooks spoil the democratic system!
  • Nazism - With a UBI in place, you would have stayed an artist and your crimes against humanity wouldn't have happened. Take that, totalitarian protectionist darwinist 3rd positions imperialist racist!
  • Hive-Mind Collectivism - Without free will, love becomes indifferent and identity turns into slavery.
  • Ba'athism & Putinism - You're everything I stand against. But I oppose taking any actions against you because that would be imperialism (again, except taking in refugees).

Further Information



Online Communities




