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    Right-Wing Populism shortened to RightPop, also known as National Populism or Neo-Nationalism is a culturally right-wing to far-right, nationalist and economically variable (ranges from center-left to right-wing) ideology. It is a rebranded version of National Conservatism combined with Populist rheotric.

    RightPop's primary belief is that the West's Metropolitan Elite is actively trying to destroy Institutions of the nation primarily through the method of unrestricted and mass migration (although he might mention other methods, countering of these methods then forms RightPop's policies).

    The term right-wing populism is used to describe groups, politicians and political parties that are generally known for their opposition to Immigration, Globalism, Multiculturalism, the "Liberal Elite" and in Europe, the EU. Right-wing populism is generally associated with ideologies such as Social Conservatism, Cultural Nationalism, Anti-Environmentalism, Neo-Nationalism, Anti-Globalization, Nativism and Protectionism. Right-Wing Populists may support expanding the Welfare State, but only for the "deserving", this concept has been referred to as Welfare Chauvinism and is primarily popular in Europe. However there still is a good amount of them who traditionally support Economic Liberalism, specially in the Anglosphere and Latin America.



    Neo-nationalism, or new nationalism, is an ideology and political movement built on the basic characteristics of   classical nationalism. It developed to its final form by applying elements with   reactionary character generated as a reaction to the political, economic and socio-cultural changes that came with   globalization during the second wave of globalization in the 1980s.
    In its extreme forms, neo-nationalism is associated with several positions such as   right-wing populism, anti-globalization,   nativism,   Protectionism, opposition to immigration,   Islamophobia in non-Muslim-majority countries, and   Euroscepticism, where applicable. With globalisation and the idea of a single nation, neo-nationalists see the problems of identification and threatened identities. They call for the protection of symbolic heritage, like art and folk traditions, which is also common for   Cultural Nationalism. However, contrary to popular belief that Neo-Nationalists were capitalists and anti-communists in general, there are several proponents of Neo-Nationalists who are under Communist or Socialist quadrants, such as   Xi Jinping from   China,   Kim Jong-un from   North Korea and the   Vietnamese Communist Party.

      Right-Wing Euroscepticism





    Rise in the 2010s


    Around the world

      United States    

    Main Article:   Trumpism

    One of the earliest examples of right-wing populism in America was the political campaigns of   Pat Buchanan, former advisor to   Ronald Reagan and one of the founding voices of   Paleoconservatism. Buchanan was a controversial figure for his far-right views on certain issues, specifically his defence of   Hitler and denial of the holocaust. Buchanan was critical of the more "liberal" direction the   Republican Party was taking under   George HW. Bush and decided to challenge him in the 1992 Republican Primaries, only to be unsuccessful. In 1999, he left the GOP to join   Ross Perot's   Reform Party. He ran in 2000 against   George W. Bush and   Al Gore, his campaign focused on   Isolationism,   Protectionism and opposition to immigration. None of his campaigns were very successful, but his large influence on the American far-right is often cited as a important footnote.

    The Tea Party was a political movement that was opposed to the   policies of   The Obama Administration. It had close ties to the   The GOP and was based off radical   fiscally conservative principals. The movement was divided between the more   libertarian faction, represented by   Ron Paul and the one tied closer to the   Christian Right within the Republican Party represented by   Sarah Palin. The biggest dividing issue was foreign policy, with the former favoring a   non-interventionist approach while the latter was much more   hawkish.

    In 2016, billionaire and media personality   Donald Trump ran for president as a candidate for the   Republican Party. He mainly focused on issues such as illegal immigration,   Islamic terrorism, political correctness, and reforming the federal government. Despite being very controversial with   The Media and   Liberals, he also became popular with the party's voters. Trump won the primary and was nominated as the GOP's candidate for president, against   Hillary Clinton. In the general election, both candidates turned out to be generally unpopular with the public though Hillary was mostly favored to win, both by the media and polls. Trump won the election in a huge upset and became president on January 20th, 2017. In 2020, Trump lost re-election to   Joe Biden. With people citing his handling of COVID and the   BLM protests for why he lost, among other things.



    France's far-right party   National Front was founded in 1972 by Jean-Marie Le Pen and Several others. The party was well known for its racism, xenophobia, and Holocaust denial. Jean-Marie Le Pen, founder of the party and multiple time candidate referred to the Holocaust as "a detail of history". In 2011, Jean's youngest daughter   Marine took control of the party, ditching some of the party's extreme policies. Marine was pro-choice,   LGBT friendly, and Liberal on several other social issues. Also under Marine, the party became more supportive of   Protectionism and   welfare benefits, but only for disingenuous French citizens.

    In the 2017 election, she made it to the 2nd round but lost in a landslide to   Macron.

    In 2018 the party was renamed to "National Rally" as Marine Le Pen tried to clean up the party's image.

    Recently, due to Macron becoming increasingly unpopular with the French public.   Le Pen is currently leading in the polls for the first round of the 2022 election and is catching up to him in the second.


    The   Alternative for Germany party is a   right-wing populist and   national-conservative political party in Germany, founded in 2013 by Bernd Lucke. In its early years, the party campaigned for   soft eurosceptic and   national liberal policies such as leaving the Eurozone and returning to the D-Mark, ending bailouts to   economically weak EU member states along with mildly conservative stances on social issues. Under the new leader Frauke Petry, the party experienced a sharp turn rightwards (causing Lucke to leave the party), and would much later be catapulted into the national parliament in 2017 after gaining momentum from the 2015 refugee crisis. It became known for its hardcore populist rhetoric, islamophobic (and often xenophobic) sentiment and in recent times, connections to anti-mask and anti-vaccine initiatives. Furthermore, the party campaigns for the introduction of   Swiss-style referendums and public consultations.

    The AfD remains a constant fixture in modern German politics, although other parties are almost universally opposed to forming any sorts of coalitions with the party.

    The   Liberal Conservative Reformers (originally named Alliance for Progress and Renewal) are a minor,   conservative-liberal party founded by original AfD founder Bernd Lucke in 2015 after Frauke Petry's victory in the   AfD's internal power struggle. It supports   economic liberalism,   soft euroscepticism and other policies reminiscient of the AfD's original years. The party remains rather small and unsuccessful.

    The   Blue Party was another minor offshot from the AfD which existed from 2017 to 2019. It was founded by Frauke Petry and her lawyer, the former of whom, after being responsible for the rightward shift of the AfD, was herself eventually pressured to leave her party due to the ever continuing rightward shift of the AfD and its lack of distancing from extremist factions such as   Der Flügel, thus motivating her to found a new party. Its policies were mostly   national liberal and could be best defined as slightly to the right of the   LKR's policies. The party failed to gain any form of popularity and was formally dissolved on 31 December 2019.


    Orbanism is an economically center to center-right, culturally right-wing to far-right, and strongly authoritarian ideology used to represent prime minister of hungary Viktor Orban.


    Lega Nord was originally a big tent secessionist party who wants the independence of the North Italy (named by them:Padania). Under Salvini the party moved further to the right and became a national populist party with a campaign using the line "Italy First" reminiscent of Trump's "America first" campaign.








    The Political Party   Vox is the most successful right-wing populist party in Spain. It supports   Spanish Nationalism,   Centralism,   Nativism,   Economic Liberalism,   Soft Euroscepticism and   Traditionalism.

    This political party was founded at the end of 2013 like a split of   People's Party mainly formed from centralists against the autonomy statutes, The first election in which the party stood it was the 2014 European Parliament elections with Alejo Vidal-Quadras Roca as a candidate in which the party got 246,833 votes, finishing 11th in those elections, but despite the large number of votes received, could not get any seats, after participating in several elections without much success, in the Andalusian regional elections of 2018 the party got 396,607 votes, remaining in 5th place and got 12 seats, obtaining representation for the first time, but when it began to have more voice it was in the general elections of the 2019, in April it got 2,688,092 and 24 seats, but when the elections were held again in November of the same year, in this case it reached 3,656,979 votes and having 52 seats and a greater representation in the Congress of Deputies would not have much success in 2020. with the regional elections of the Basque Country and Galicia but in 2021 and 2022 the party have already begun to have a large number of votes in Madrid, Catalonia and Castile and Lion.

      United Kingdom  

    The United Kingdom Independence Party aka   UKIP. As its name states, was a party mainly focused on the secession of the UK from the EU, led by Nigel Farage. Originally branded as a   Classical Liberal/  Libertarian party with nationalistic and populist tendencies. They started to gain traction in the 2010s, attracting the growing eurosceptics in the country and defecting   Tories who were disappointed in the more liberal direction the party was going under   David Cameron. They also caused tons of controversy, due to their heavy focus on anti-immigration and British nationalism, which caused people to deem them as "racist" and "xenophobic". While not getting any seats in UK parliament due to the country's FPTP system, it got the third highest popular vote in the 2015 UK election and got the most seats in EU parliament in 2014. In 2016, The UK voted to leave the EU, which was what Farage and the rest of the party wanted from the beginning. Farage stepped down as leader due to finally accomplishing his life-dream and UKIP was now stuck in a weird position because of it. However due to Theresa May's delays on Brexit, UKIP could now see a second-boost from this. But instead, the party moved more to the fringe right under Gerard Batten, who hired far-right figures like   Tommy Robinson and focused more on opposition to   Islam. This caused Farage to leave the party and start another under the name of the "Brexit Party", which took all of UKIP's seats in EU parliament. Now that the UK has finally left the EU, as of 2021, Farage is now officially retired from politics.

    Current soon to be formerPrime Minister and leader of the   Tory Party,   Boris Johnson has been cited as espousing populist rhetoric and policies, specifically during his campaigning for   Brexit and the 2019 UK Election. During his premiership, he has implemented   stronger limits on immigration based off the point-based system in   Australia and   law and order policies. However, recently he has come into conflict with other right-wing populists over his lockdown restrictions during COVID.


      Jair Bolsonaro, the current president of Brazil is known and controversial for his ultra-conservative social views, believing in a society based around strong   Christian Values. Being opposed to   Secularism,   Homosexuality,   Feminism, Immigration and   Environmentalism. He holds a open admiration of Brazil's past   Right-Wing Military Dictators and   Pinochet, who he says "didn't kill enough communists". Also a proponent of   neoliberal economics who advocates for heavily amounts of deregulation and decentralization of Brazil's economy, as well as supporting free trade and gun rights.


      Reform Party of Canada was a right-wing populist party from the late 80s to early 2000s, that split off from the   Progressive Conservative Party after disaffection with the leadership of Brian Mulroney, along with members of the old   Social Credit Party, which at that time was actively falling apart. Led by Preston Manning, a former Social Credit Party member, the party advocated for   Fiscal and   Social Conservatism. It took over most of the Tories support and seats, although only gaining a small percent of the popular vote causing failed to go too far electorally due to the voter split between parties and the Canadian FPTP system, especially as the PCs had similar amounts of votes causing large splits in non conservative areas. In 2000, the Reform party along with PC members became the  Canadian Conservative Reform Alliance (Canadian Alliance). The Alliance started with most of the same ideals in a more moderate light however it later became more moderate and focused on moderate Social Conservatism and fiscal issues. In 2001-2002, due to ideological issues the party split in 2 creating the  Democratic Representative Caucus. The Caucus joined into a coalition with the PCs and advocated that the Progressive Conservatives and Canadian Alliance should become a single party.

    In 2003, both parties merged and eventually became the current   Canada Conservative Party, although most of the party had abandoned right-wing populist ideals in favour of a more moderate way. In 2018, former Canada Conservative Party MP   Maxime Bernier founded the People's Party of Canada (PPC). A year prior, Bernier was a candidate for party leadership and had a strong lead in the polls, but ultimately lost to   Andrew Scheer by just 1.90%. The party supports a   libertarian economic agenda and   Cultural Nationalism, it strongly opposes multiculturalism and mass-immigration, while promoting   Climate Change Denialism.

    In 2017 to 2019 Right-Wing Populism became a large factor in the Conservative wave that changed the governments of most provinces to Conservative or Progressive Conservative Parties.


    Bibism is an economically/culturally right wing and statist ideology, used to represent the ideology of Benjamin Netanyahu and of his supporters.


    The 63rd Prime Minister Shinzō Abe (assumed office from 2012 to 2020), a member of the right-wing organisation Nippon Kaigi, has promoted ideas of new nationalism, as does the   Liberal Democratic Party of Japan, which he leads.


    Right-Wing Populism main priority is culture war values, being strongly opposed to Islamism, mass immigration and "globalism". Some take it even further being against what they describe "cancel culture" and "gender ideology". Economically it is variable, ranging from figures and parties such as   Marine Le Pen and The National Rally in   France or   Law and Justice in   Poland who want to nationalize the economy and expand the welfare state, to ones such as   Jair Bolsonaro in   Brazil or   Vox in   Spain who want to deregulate the economy and cut social services.


    Right-Wing Populism is portrayed as a stereotypical... well... Right-Wing Populist. Meaning that he's VERY conservative, often suspicious (but not hostile) of foreigners, LGBT+ people (Mostly, some do tolerate them while being sceptical towards the other categories (i.e. the T community), for instance   Alice Weidel who's against discussion of sexuality prior to puberty and legalization of same-sex marriage despite being a lesbian), non-Christians (if applied to either America or Europe), takes national pride very seriously and NEVER shuts up about it, might even deny climate change or to put it simply, his personality will resemble people like   Donald Trump,   Jair Bolsonaro,   Marine Le Pen,   Matteo Salvini,   Viktor Orban, and   Nigel Farage.

    He is usually portrayed as being rather nationalistic, not liking the behaviour of progressives and/or socialists, and really loving   conspiracy theories and memes, especially Pepe the frog for some reason. He also browses alternative social medias especially Gab,   Telegram and   GETTR as he often get censored by mainstream social medias such as   Facebook,   YouTube and   Twitter.

    How to Draw

    Flag of Right-Wing Populism

    The symbol of right-wing populism is a white fist (representing the power of the common people) on a blue background (representing right-wing economical and cultural aspects).

    1. Draw a ball
    2. Fill it Blue
    3. Draw in a raised white fist
    4. Add eyes and you're done
    5. (Optional) Add a tin foil hat
    Color Name HEX RGB
    Blue #00A3E9 0, 163, 233
    White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255





    •   Libtard - Get outta here and stop making frogs gay!
    •   Social Liberalism - Libtard socialist cultural Marxist, need me to explain more? Also, LET'S GO BRANDON!
    •   Liberal Conservatism &   Progressive Conservativism - Damn Cuckservatives!
    •   Rockefeller Republicanism - Those RINOs are a thing because of you! Still, Eisenhower was great.
    •   White Nationalism - Nationalism is cool and all, but racism isn't. Thanks for the support.
    •   Black Nationalism - Same as above.
    •   European Federalism - We got Brexit done and got our country back!
    •   Neoliberalism - Goddamn Liberal wanting to destroy our country! But Maggie and Ronnie were based though...
    • File:Prog.png Progressivism - Damn Cultural Marxist.
    •   Social Democracy - Damn Actual Marxist.
    •   Marxism–Leninism - Goddamn Actual Actual Marxist! At least you admit it, though.
    •   Marxism - Actual Actual Actual Marxist. You're ruining Western civilization!
    •   Socialism of the 21st Century - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Bolsonaro will kick your ass in 2022 motherfucker!
    •   Environmentalism - Stop killing our jobs! The Paris climate treaty is nonsense.
    •   Multiculturalism - My culture, assimilate or go home.
    •   Globalism - We're coming for ya globalist! I don't like 'em putting chemicals in the water that turn the freakin frogs gay!
    •   National Socialism - Hitler is a socialist! It's in the name, see?! Also, Hitler believes in the   environmentalist crap, and loves those culture-destroying   Muslims in his country!
    • File:Soc.png Socialism - [Country] will never be a socialist country!
    •   Jihadism - Hippity hoppity get the fuck out my country.
    •   Third Way - Get fucked Hillary. Can't stump the Trump! MAGA!
    •   Stalinism &   Maoism - THIS IS THE FUTURE LIBERALS WANT!
    •   Anti-Fascism - You're the true fascist.
    •   Pink Capitalism - You're selling trans pride socks? This is the death of Western civilization...
    •   Queer Anarchism - Faggots, dykes, fag hags, and trannies are ruining Western civilization! REEEEEEEEEEEEE!
    •   Anarchism - Borders stay closed.
    •   Eurocommunism - Didn't communism ruin the lives of millions of Europeans? Why do you support it?
    •   Dengism &   Marxism–Leninism–Maoism - The ideologies of the Democratic party. Also, 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门 (At least you hate Soros tho...)
    •   Green Liberalism - Get a haircut hippie!
    •   Eco-Socialism - Bit of an oxymoron, Venezuela probably has a bad environment right? Thanks for taking votes from Democrats.
    •   Juche - SCREW OFF ROCKET MAN!
    •   Feminism - You want women's rights, yet you protest against Le Pen the first possible female president of France.
    •   Bleeding-Heart Libertarianism - Libertarian, minus the good parts about it.
    •   Liberal Socialism - All liberals support socialism, no exception. Except for   that ultra based one.
    •   Radical Feminism - Feminazis like you should go back to the kitchen and stop cancelling me on Twitter!
    •   Revolutionary Progressivism - Disgusting!
    •   Democratic Socialism - Communist dictatorship disguised as democracy!
    •   Corporatocracy -   Big Tech just keeps on censoring conservatives.
    •   Fascism - Why do people keep calling me one...
    •   Castroism - ¡Patria y vida! ¡Viva Cuba libre!
    •   Kleptocracy - Aren't you the Liberal Elites?
    •   Bidenism - Let's go Brandon!
    •   Blanquism - Damn the socialist elite!
    •   Capitalist Transhumanism - Bill Gates is giving microchips to us through vaccines, and that's a bad thing.

    Further Information




    People (modern times)

    Political Parties






    1. A common trend among news/political outlets (Usually on the centre) is to conflate right-wing populism with populism in general.
    2. Specifically   Marine Le Pen,   Pim Fortuyn and   Alice Weidel


    Template:Authright Template:Conservative Template:Nation Template:Prefixes

    pt-br:Populismo de Direita

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