Progressivism: Difference between revisions

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Athena von Krab (talk | contribs)
m icons for progressive aliases
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|aliases = Prog<br>
|aliases = Prog<br>
Social Justice<br>
[[File:socjust.png]] Social Justice<br>
[[File:SJW.png]] SJW (Pejoratively, by [[File:Altr.png]] [[Alt-Right]] and [[File:Altl.png]] [[Alt-Lite]])<br>
[[File:SJW.png]] SJW (Pejoratively, by [[File:Altr.png]] [[Alt-Right]] and [[File:Altl.png]] [[Alt-Lite]])<br>
[[File:CultLib.png]] Cultural Liberalism<br>
[[File:CultLib.png]] Cultural Liberalism<br>
Cultural radicalism (Especially in [[File:Nordmodel.png]] Nordic countries)<br>
Cultural radicalism (Especially in [[File:Nordmodel.png]] Nordic countries)<br>
SJW Dynasty (by [[File:Altl.png]] [[Alt-Lite]])<br>
[[File:sjwdynasty.png]] SJW Dynasty (by [[File:Altl.png]] [[Alt-Lite]])<br>
Cultural Leftism<br>
[[File:Cultureleft.png]] Cultural Leftism<br>
[[File:CultProg.png]] Cultural Progressivism<br>
[[File:CultProg.png]] Cultural Progressivism<br>
[[File:Cult(((Marx)).png]] Cultural (((Marxism))) (By the [[File:Altr.png]] far-right)<br>Permissive society<br>
[[File:Cult(((Marx)).png]] Cultural (((Marxism))) (By the [[File:Altr.png]] far-right)<br>Permissive society<br>
Culture Destroyers (By [[File:Cultural_Nationalism.png]] Cultural Nationalists) <br>
[[File:culturedest.png]] Culture Destroyers (By [[File:Cultural_Nationalism.png]] Cultural Nationalists) <br>
[[File:Hippie.png]] Hippie (Also pejorative, by [[File:Conservative.png]] [[Conservatism|conservatives]])<br>
[[File:Hippie.png]] Hippie (Also pejorative, by [[File:Conservative.png]] [[Conservatism|conservatives]])<br>
Line 37: Line 37:
[[File:Proggtard.png]] "Um actually, you can't stop the progress. 🤓" (by [[File:Conserv.png]] [[Conservatism]]) <br>
[[File:Proggtard.png]] "Um actually, you can't stop the progress. 🤓" (by [[File:Conserv.png]] [[Conservatism]]) <br>
[[File:Proggtard.png]] Giliprogre (Pejoratively, in [[File:Cball-Spain.png]] Spain)<br>
[[File:Proggtard.png]] Giliprogre (Pejoratively, in [[File:Cball-Spain.png]] Spain)<br>
Watermelon Commie (by [[File:Altr.png]] [[Alt-Right]])<br>
[[File:watermeloncom.png]] Watermelon Commie (by [[File:Altr.png]] [[Alt-Right]])<br>
Julka (Pejoratively in [[File:Cball-Poland.png]] Poland) <br>
Julka (Pejoratively in [[File:Cball-Poland.png]] Poland) <br>
Third Worldism (by [[File:Altr.png]] Ryan Faulk) <br>
Third Worldism (by [[File:Altr.png]] Ryan Faulk) <br>

Revision as of 17:08, 8 October 2022

Not to be confused with Liberalism.

Progressivism, also called Cultural Liberalism, representing the cultural left-wing. It's a way of looking at social reality in a generally constructivist way which claims heritage that stems from the past is not to be held sacred and should instead be viewed all less important than societal progress (The exact view of which depends on what type of progressivism is held) which usually entails the creation of a culture and social environment that is less strict and conformist and more open and inclusive.

Progressivism is usually heavily associated with centre-left to left-wing politics, although in theory, it can align itself with any economic and civic system as shown by ideologies like Pink Capitalism and Kemalism.


What is and isn't considered progressive is highly debatable, however, some ideas that are generally regarded as progressive include LGBT+ rights, feminism, multiculturalism, open borders, legalization of abortion, secularism, racial equality, drug decriminalization, religious tolerance, sexual liberation, and more. It is important to note that while all of these ideas are generally regarded as progressive, one does not have to support all of these ideas to be progressive, and conversely, one can support some of these ideas and not generally be regarded as progressive.


Intersectionality is the idea that oppression based on identities mutually enforces each other. For example, they believe that a Black woman might face discrimination from a business that is not distinctly due to her race (because the business does not discriminate against Black men) nor distinctly due to her gender (because the business does not discriminate against white women), but due to a combination of the two factors.

This concept is criticized through the counter-concept of "Oppression Olympics" in which identities are constantly mashed up to find the single most oppressed individual there is, causing an endless downward spiral of wokeness. Another criticism of the concept is that it is not clear what identities count, with memes about various groups being included as oppressed such as landlords or gamers, although it seems very odd to consider those as "oppressed groups", as landlords benefit from current society and what counts as a gamer is blurry anyway.

Whig Historiography

While not exclusive to cultural progressivism, Whig historiography is the justification for much of progressive doctrine. Whig historiography sees history as the progression to the point of ever greater equality and liberation. In this view, there is no such thing as repeated cycles, only obstacles to inevitable progress.


Progressivism can appear rather alien but is really chillaxed when you get to know him. He doesn't mind it when you ask him for money, as he is pro- Nordic Model. He loves weed but isn't too annoying about it. He likes following trends in social media, especially when it comes to international issues, and hangs out with Globalism for that purpose. However, he will be annoyed if there's any issue that doesn't align with him and regarded them as "hateful", "bigoted" and "problematic", and willing to seek changes to end such problems.

How to Draw

Flag of Progressivism

Drawing progressivism is extremely easy:

  1. Draw a ball
  2. Color the ball with green
  3. Add the (Preferably light red) eyes, and you're done!
  4. (optional) Add a black umbrella to differentiate it from the libleft quadrant ball.
Color Name HEX RGB
Green #49DB0B 73, 219, 11
Black #141414 20, 20, 20



  • Anarcha-Feminism - Slay, quee- uh... anarch?
  • Anarkata - Never Forget George Floyd! BLM!
  • Civic Nationalism - A really respectable kind of nationalism.
  • Left-Wing Nationalism - Like the above guy, but even better!
  • Radicalism - They were pretty much an earlier version of me.
  • Democratic Confederalism - Support Rojava!
  • Dawronoye - See? Both a based, Anti-Assadist Rebel, Minority Rights Advocate and Rojava Ally? Really Based! Such a shame less Syrian opposition groups are like you.
  • Democratic Socialism - Don't care about that whole Socialism thing, but keep pushing those reforms!
  • File:Monkeyzz-Enlightenment.png Enlightenment File:Enlightnenment.png - My ideas can be traced back to here!
  • Bleeding-Heart Libertarianism and Civil Libertarianism - Don't use the power of the state to enforce anti-progress ideas.
  • Feminism - Fight for gender equity equality!
  • Men's Liberation - Besides women, men are also victims of Patriarchy! The only way to uphold true gender equality was to smash Patriarchy and stand in solidarity with Feminism!
  • Liberal Feminism - Smash the Patriarchy! YASSSSSS SLAYYYYYYY QUEEE- MADAM PRESIDENT!!!
  • Guevarism - I mean I don't care much about you or your movement but I still wear you on my T-Shirts to piss off the Regressives .
  • Hong Kong Protestors - [Country] stands with Hong Kong and resist Chinazi!
  • Indigenism - Fuck Christopher Columbus! Take back your land! Down with the Dakota access pipeline! #LANDBACK
  • Kemalism - Good job at modernizing Turkey and abandoning the outdated Ottoman crap.
  • Laicism - Very agreeable, separation of church is state is very necessary!
  • Left-Wing Populism - POWER TO THE PROGRESSIVE PEOPLE! DOWN WITH REACTIONARY ELITES! Wait, are we the elites? If so, I don’t like you, but I don’t think we are
  • Liberalism - You're keeping my beliefs going! Just wish I wasn't always confused with you.
  • Multiculturalism - Respect all cultures! DIVERSITY!!!
  • Pink Capitalism - As the consumers modernize, so should the businesses!
  • Queer Anarchism - LGBTQIA2S+ rights!
  • Reformism - Change is good! Violence is bad!
  • Republicanism - A way better alternative than monarchy.
  • Rockefeller Republicanism - I like this form of conservatism!
  • Social Democracy - My kind of democracy!
  • Social Liberalism - One of my oldest friends, and my favorite kind of liberalism! Roosevelt was awful though, the victims of Japanese internment camps deserve #Reperations
  • Technoliberalism - You're pretty chill; we agree a lot.
  • Tibetan Nationalism - The Dalai Lama is a peacful leader of liberation slandered by CCP supporters and Winnie The Pooh apologists... FREE TIBET! But with all due respect, despite me understanding you meant to show your openess self-determination for certain groups of people, talking about how you were fine with "Europe for Europeans" was really bad-optics.
  • Uyghur Separatism - Together we will take down Winnie the Pooh.
  • Scientocracy - I F#!&ING LOVE SCIENCE!!!! Time to teach those science-deniers a lesson on vaccines and gender!
  • Twitter - Our praxis to promote social change and cancel our opponents.
  • Transhumanism - I appreciate that you want to improve humanity.
  • Mandelaism - Good job at throwing wignats out of South Africa.
  • Acid Communism, Agorism and Soulism - Weed/cocaine/[insert drug] LMAO.


  • File:Soc.png Socialism - Meh economics, but I like the equality. SocDem achieves your goals in a better way.
  • Neo-Marxism - I am not sure what to feel about you. Your cultural policies are good, but /pol/tards use you as an insult against me.
  • Anti-Fascism - Appreciate the enthusiasm, but don't you think you could tone it down a bit? Why bother beating people up when we can cancel them on Twitter?
  • Jacobinism - Your ways are too extreme but I'll at least give you credit for starting the whole thing. Plus, you're my great granduncle.
  • Anarcho-Communism - You're cool and all, but why spill so much blood? Your attempts at establishing your ideology were all failures. Also, gun-rights are cringe! Can't you just vote for the lesser evil of the establishment instead of revolt against it?
  • File:Marxlen.png Marxism–Leninism - Same as above; plus the fact that you create problematic dictatorships. Also, while many of your followers are progressive, the USSR became c*nservative later on in the Brezhnev era, and the boomers who have nostalgia for you have conservative and old-fashioned views.
  • Conservative Feminism - Feminism is based, but why are you a conservative?
  • De Francism - You have some cool ideas, but you shouldn't force them on people. Not by a state, anyways.
  • Longism - You were really progressive for your time but you honestly kinda scare me.
  • Gender Accelerationism - Chill out!
  • Third Way - I like your social policies, but why did you ever think it was a good idea to help him invade Iraq?
  • Enlightened Absolutism - I'm glad you support progress, but absolute power is bad.
  • Yangism - You were kinda cool until you made that tweet supporting Israel...[1]
  • LGBT Conservatism - TRAITOR!!!!!!!!!! At least we both want LGBTQ+ rights.
  • Maoism - The cultural revolution was too extreme, and why did you jail gay people? And stop hanging out with that Nixon f*cker. I'll still take you over Dengism though.
  • National Liberalism - Can you cut it out with Islamophobia? Also stop making fun of me and hanging out with them all the time please. BTW DPP from Taiwan is based AF.
  • Neoliberalism - Twitter tells me that he’s the devil, but I honestly can’t see anything I don’t like about it. He sucked in the ‘80s, though.
  • Juche - Anti porn maniac, but at least likes weed.
  • Revolutionary Progressivism - We agree on almost everything, but violence is never the answer. Also, can you please stop using sexist language such as "pussy"?
  • Social Authoritarianism - You're them but with authoritarian tendencies. Also, fuck Lukashenko.
  • State Liberalism - No, I don't want more transgender drone pilots.
  • Fordism - What's so dystopian about this?
  • Tridemism - Based for getting rid of the outdated imperialism and modernizing China. Chiang and his white terror were horrible, though.
  • Free Syrian Army - I supported you back in 2012 in overthrowing Assad, such a shame many of you got corrupted by These Guys and hate DemCon. But at least Some of your factions are still based though.
  • Elective Monarchism - Wait, monarchs can be elected? I thought they were hereditary! Also, you confused me.
  • Liberal Conservatism - I appreciate that you want to withdraw from the rest of your clan but at the end of the day, you still don't care as much about innovation as we do.
  • Progressive Conservatism - I don't know... It seems to me like you are far too moderate on pushing for change and might only promote some forms of progress instead of all. But with that aside, you are absolutely based when you are applied to Indigenism and other minority cultural groups.
  • Reactionary Modernism & Technoprimitivism - *visible confusion*
  • Technocracy - We're similar and we're both intellectuals but why are you authoritarian?
  • Islamic Democracy & Islamic Feminism - You both are the type of muslims I tolerate the most. I just wish you were a bit more open to secularism.
  • Christian Democracy & Liberation Theology - Same as above, but Christian.
  • Ceremonial Monarchism - We support the monarchy, as long as they don't interfere in national affairs! *later* NOOO THE MONARCH DOES NOTHING AND KEEPS ON WASTING THE PEOPLE'S TAXES, GET RID OF THEM ASAP!!!
  • Interculturalism - While promoting the co-existence of different cultures is fine, you are more to assimilating them instead, and can you please focus on important issues such as racial equity? Still prefer Multiculturalism to you.
  • Bidenism - Better than Trump, I guess...
  • Libertarianism - We both smoke weed and support Hong Kong, but he flirts with conservatives a bit too much for my tastes
  • Zionism - I oppose antisemitism and I like that many of you are pro LGBTQ, but ethnonationalism and being a neocon simp is cringe.
  • Ho Chi Minh Thought - I initially supported you against neocon, but you later became friends with him and now you are culturally conservative.


  • Alt-Right - Chud scum.
  • Alt-Lite - At least you're not as bad as the one above. Still a chud, none the less.
  • Anarcho-Fascism - Fascists believe in the strangest things.
  • Authoritarian Conservatism, Reactionarism & Francoism -Disgusting ultra-conservatives
  • Anarcho-Primitivism - Why? Just…why? Why would anyone want to go back this far? I don’t even know why anyone would want to go back at all!
  • Primal Primitivism - Like the above, but even more insane.
  • Post-Left Anarchism - Some overly pretentious dude who complains how I'm too reliant on "identity politics" or whatever. He just complains about everything and is overall annoying.
  • Absolute Monarchism & Monarcho-Fascism - The worst kinds of monarchy. REFORM OR ABOLISH THE MONARCHY!!! #ขีดเส้นตายไล่เผด็จการ #หยุดคุกคามประชาชน #ยกเลิก112
  • Khomeinism - As much as I hate Absolute Monarchism, the Shah was still better than you.
  • Black Islamism - Look, I'm all for religious freedom and minority rights, but this is just stupid.
  • Brazilian Integralism - Cry harder, green chicken.
  • Neoconservatism - Some folks are born made to wave the flag, They're red, white and blue And when the band plays "Hail to the Chief", They point the cannon at you, Lord, It ain't me, it ain't me, I ain't no senator's son, son, It ain't me, it ain't me, I ain't no fortunate one. At least you also hate Russia, China and Iran, albeit for different reasons.
  • National Conservatism - If you really love your nation so much, embrace progress like them.
  • Burmese Way to Socialism - Genocidal and luddite maniac!!! #StandWithMyanmar #StopRohingyaGenocide
  • Chinese Theocracy - The cycle of dynasties is over.
  • Classical Conservatism - Go away, old man! You're no longer in your prime!
  • Clerical Fascism - Religious supremacism? Easily one of the worst fascists.
  • Conservatism - Your existence enables hatred.
  • Conservative Socialism - Ew, socialism is definitely not always good. And please stop calling everyone you disagree with a radlib.
  • Paternalistic Conservatism - Stop bribing people to follow outdated values using welfare.
  • Welfare Chauvinism - Ethnocratic Social Fascism, welfarism at its worst.
  • Corporatocracy - Pander to me as much as you pander to backwards boomers!
  • Counter-Enlightenment - The Enlightenment was pretty cool, actually.
  • Dengism - MORE LIKE CHINAZI!!!11! NEVER FORGET TIANANMEN!!! Cry harder, triggly Winnie the Pooh!
  • Chinese Blueshirtism - Aren't you just Dengism again?
  • Esoteric Fascism - Sick weirdo!
  • National Primitivism - Yet another sick weirdo! You're like everything I hate jeez.
  • Fascism - Stop spamming that Mussolini quote and that Black Mussolini meme, you can't convince me you're not racist, because actually, you are!
  • Futurism - A progressive fascist is still a fascist. Also, you're an anti-feminist[2] bigot too.Wait, your group wasn't reactionary and fascist in the first place? Oh....
  • Gerontocracy - If you dislike social justice activism then OK BOOMER, you're no longer in your prime! Bernie is cool tho
  • Neoluddism - NOOO! I cannot cancel this reactionary on Twitter because he does not even have internet!
  • Homonationalism - You must be a very conflicted individual. I pity you.
  • Stransserism - Not only do you suffer from gender dysphoria, but you also suffer from political and ideological dysphoria. I pity you too.
  • Hindutva - Smash the Brahmanical Patriarchy!!! AND STOP CALLING ME A SICKULAR LIBERANDU!!!
  • Eugenicism - Ableist and pseudoscientific monster!
  • Hoppeanism - Not cool, dude.
  • Jihadism, Islamic Fascism and any non-moderate Muslims - This is not the type of Islam I want.
  • Ba'athism - Of course, that doesn't mean the Assadist state is any better for fighting it. It is such a shame that the rebels became corrupt tyrants themselves because they were absolutely justified to take you down for all the horrible shit you've done to the Syrian people. At the very least you didn't invade Rojava... yet
  • Korwinism - *Mental breakdown flashbacks*
  • Manosphere - Ew, this is why you're an INCEL!
  • Putinism - Literally R*dzaevky or D*brovin. Путін — хуйло! I STAND WITH UKRAINE!!!
  • Matriarchy - You and your society did not exist as you're just merely that incel's strawoman, and the opposite of Patriarchy is not you, but EQUALITY. What do you mean Matriarchal societies have existed all across human history??? I think you consumed too much fiction then.
  • Trumpism - Literally P*lley!!!
  • Paleoconservatism - It's not California that should leave, it's Texas!
  • Patriarchy - SMASH 'EM!!! The Problem of Every Society!!!
  • Pinochetism - A neoliberal stratocrat is still a white terror tyrant.
  • Fujimorism - Same as above. Being a minority doesn't make you automatically good.
  • Racial Nationalism - RACISTS!!!
  • Ethnic Nationalism - XENOPHOBES!!!
  • Right-Wing Populism - Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, Transphobic, Xenophobic, ...[insert wall of text]... piece of shit! You're CANCELLED!
  • Radical Feminism - Go back to the hell you came from, TERF/SWERF! also YOU ARE JUST INCELS STRAWOMAN AGAIN!!!
  • Reactionary Liberalism - NOO, LIBERALISM BACKSTABBED ME!
  • Conservative Liberalism - You are like him, but a bit more moderate. I especially hate Prager and Peterson.
  • Religious Nationalism - Nah, dude. Freedom of religion and secularism is important.
  • State Atheism - Also nah. Secularism means separation of church and state, including atheism.
  • Kahanism & Revisionist Zionism - Why are there three pages for Jewish-Nazism??
  • Traditionalism - C'mon Man! It's [insert current year]! Can we just END these archaic """traditions""" now for the sake of progress???
  • White Nationalism - Racist Chud, but we both prefer the term Latinx to refer Hispanic people, albeit for different reasons.
  • Ilminism - I will never forgive you for banning me in 1955!
  • Ittihadism & Neo-Ottomanism - Genocidal reactionaries who cannot accept that the Ottoman empire is dead. Also, How do you like that, killers? I recognize the Armenian Genocide! What do you mean the first one is a progressive reformist?
  • Nixonism - Why do you hate drugs and hippies? And no, protecting endangered species does not count as a redeemable quality for people like you. Plus, Operation Condor was fucking atrocious
  • Fourth Theory - Evil Reactionary Chud who is Putin's ideologue.
  • Cosmicism - WHAT THE F*CK DID YOU NAME YOUR CAT?!?! At least he is pro-tech

Further Information






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