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|likes = God, Legitism, Carlos María Isidro Benito de Borbón, tradition
|likes = God, Legitism, Carlos María Isidro Benito de Borbón, tradition
|dislikes = Christinos
|dislikes = Christinos

Revision as of 20:28, 9 June 2023

Carlism is a culturally traditionalist and legitimist political movement in Spain aimed at establishing an alternative branch of the Bourbon Dynasty with Don Carlos, Count of Molina as Head of the Spanish Throne. The movement was founded in consequence of a dispute over the succession laws and widespread dissatisfaction with Alfonsism. He is against Progressivism, as they are against the Clergy, who he believes should have power in the government. Carlism has had many different versions but remains somewhat intact it's original goal remains somewhat intact throughout the years.


It appeared in 1833 being in opposition with Alfonsism as it was very reformist. First of all because it let Isabel II be queen instead of the brother of Fernando VII, Don Carlos. Carlism is a counter-revolutionary movement which is opposed to Enlightenment Thought, Jacobinism, Laicism, Egalitarianism and almost every one who are offspring of them. Their story starts in 1833 when the First Carlist War (1833-1876) started and after a failed war, there were Carlist uprisings in Catalonia and in a smaller scale in Galicia called by someone as the Second Carlist War (1847-1849) which tried to install Carlos VI (Son of Carlos V) as king. Between those two wars, there were in the Affair of the Spanish Marriages (1846) which were intrigues between France, Spain and United Kingdom relating with the usurpator Isabel II and her sister infanta Luisa Fernanda. After several failed wars and pronunciamientos, Spain faced "La Gloriosa", a progressivist revolution which made Isabella II escape from Spain, due to that, Carlism under Carlos VII became the main opposition n the politics as they were supported by the catholic and conservatives, after 4 years, they tried to seize power again in the Third Carlist War (1872-1876), After that loss of prestige and fall of Isabella II, a lot of Isabelline Conservatives and the support of Pius IX, after that they were under a "peace" from 1868 to 1936. They were the most organized right-wing opposition group. After the defeat of the Third Carlist War, a group lead by Aljandro Pidal left Carlism to form a moderate, non dynastic Catholic party, after, emerged with the conservatives of Antopnio Cánovas del Castillo. Of course, Carlism always been in a sort of martial action as they were strongly opposed to the liberal forms, still Cándido Nocedal reorganization of the party with the help of the press, later the Pope Leo XIII published Cum Multa to moderate it. Still this radicalization made Carlos VII to expel Ramón Nocedal, Cándido's son, which thus made them to create the Integralist Party. Meanwhile, Enrique de Aguilera y Gamboa built up a modern mass party centered around the Circulos and were against the political action of Restoration, even leading to participate in 1907 in a coalition with regionalists and republicans. Juan Vazquez de Mella was the most important parliamentarian leader and ideologue from 1893 to 1918, which with Víctor Pradera, they had a great influence in the conservative thinking. The Great War had an influence in Carlism and the pretendent Jaime III, which had ties with the Russian Imperial Family as he lived in Poland. Franz Josef, emperor of Austria-Hungary managed to make no communication with the politics in Spain. After this crises, it made Vázquez de Mella with his followers called Mellists to leave the party. In 1920, Carlism helped to flourish Sindicatos Libres, Catholic Labor Unions to counter with the leftist trade union and have a balance of interests for the upper and worker classes. Under the dictatorship of Miguel Primo de Rivera made several ambiguous and opposed views of Carlism, in that time it was normal for the parties as they were in slumber until the Proclamation of the Republic. When the II Republic was proclaimed, Carlism made an alliance with Basque Nationalist Party and Coalición Católico Fuerista in the core areas of Carlism, Basque Country. A bad notice hit Carlism, Jaime III died. Alfonso Carlos with his 82 years succeed and reunited Integralism and Mellists. They radicalized Carlism with a Basque Nationalism inclination. Then they were some discussions about the role of the Church, after the Republic separated the Church from the state, some Carlists didn't accepted that and created the Comunión Tradicionalista opting for a new confrontation but with the Republic. The Comunión Tradicionalista of 1932 were ultra-catholic, anti-secular and based, Juan Vazquez de Mella argued that Jewish Capital financed the liberal revolution with the Muslim hordes to clash with the Christian Society, in other words, he was anti-Semitic. Navarra was a stronghold of Carlism with two thought, one of them being anti-Basque; Jaime del Burgo and some Jaimis members started organizing some defensive organization called Decurias, being financed by wealth personalities like landlords. In 1932 a coup d'état, the Sanjuarda. After the Revolution of October of 1934, resulting to the death of one Carlist Deputy, several Carlists clustered with the Jaime del Burgo AET and prepared some groups called the Requeté, a well armed paramilitary group, active in Navarra and Andalusia with one goal: Overthrow the Republic and it left parties. 1936 was in the windows and in July the Civil War started, General Mola was relocate by the republican authorities to Pamplona, the hearth of the far right unironically. They were several discussions between Falangism and Carlism but after they cooperated against the Republic. Alfonso Carlos was against this pact but was already established between Mola and the Navarra Junta. The Carlists were defeated in Gipuzkoa and Biscay, after that, Pamplona became the launching point of the Nationalist campaign against north of Spain. After Fal Conde, the leader of the carlist Group went temporaly to Portugal, was used this event to "unite" the Carlists with the Falange under the name of the Falange Española Tradicionalista de las Juntas Ofensiva Nacional Sindicalista or FET de las JONS. Not wanting to leave but being unhappy, the new Carlist prince, Javier IV condemned the Carlists that joined. He was expelled while Fal Conde wasn't allowed to return. Carlists, except Navarrans one, distanced this union and never joined. Under Franco, they had an uncorfomtable position in the regime, there were several problems for Carlism, specially the problem of the succession line. Carlism still clashed with Francoism. Even with that, Franco recognized Carlism noble titles, still recognized as successor of the regime the Renovación Española instead of the Comunión Tradicionalista. After that, Carlism loss his wide public attention. In 1971, Carlos Hugo founded the Carlist Party with vision of a confederalist vision and a socialist autogestion. Two Carlos Hugo supporters were killed by two far-right militants. Carlist Party accused Sixto Enrique, Regent of the Carlism movement and younger brother, to be the responsible of aiding the militants, it is denied by the Traditionalist Communion. After Franco's death, Carlism was very unpopular as demonstrated in the elections of 1977 when only one senator was voted, and in 1979, the Unión Nacional, a far right party with some of the member being Carlist, won one seat in the Cortes of Madrid. In 2002, Carlos Hugo donated the house's archives to the Archivo Histórico Nacional, protested by all Carlist Factions. Now, Carlism is severely fragmented with several claims and differences between the new factions.


Carlism shows no positive emotions as he had suffered from an abundance of wars and coups. He is strongly opposed to  Enlightenment Thought and it's offspring. he wishes for a Fifth Carlist War to establish a Carlist Monarchy. He hates the Carlist Party as he sees them as traitors by accepting Socialism and sometimes supporting Democracy.

Stylistic Notes

Easily provoked, and speaks with a Spanish and Basque accent.

How to Draw

Flag of Carlism

Possibly uite difficult:

  1. Draw a ball
  2. Draw the Burgundian cross
  3. Draw eyes
  4. (Optional) Draw a red boina




  • Conservatism - You are on the right path, but you like him too much for my liking.
  • Hoppeanism - You share my disgust for democracy and have a sweet spot for the monarchy, albeit for the wrong reasons.
  • Capitalism - I may have supported you in the past but your system makes my workers unhappy. Praise God, not Mammon.
  • Falangism - You got betrayed by Franco too so I sympathize but you worked with him.
  • VOX - Too centralist and liberal but far better than the rest of the parliamentary parties.
  • Alt-Lite - Voters of above.
  • Reactionary Liberalism - A guiri that hasn't learned that Catholicism is against his sinful ideology, is still the most tolerable of his family.
  • Gremialismo - Took some good ideas from me but at the end of the day he's just another liberal.
  • National Liberalism - Ex-voters of Ciudadanos now they are the moderate voters of VOX.
  • Fourth Theory - We agree that modernity has failed and a return to a traditional order is necessary, but why do you hate Catholicism so much?
  • Socialism - Wants to abolish Spanish traditions however I was historically involved in the creation of christian trade unions.


Further Information


