Conservative Liberalism

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Not to be confused with Liberal Conservatism.

Conservative Liberalism (ConLib) is an economically center-right to right-wing, civically liberal and culturally center-right to right-wing ideology which seeks to combine liberal values such as free markets, free trade, individual rights and freedom of speech with a more traditional and conservative stance on social and ethical matters. He takes influence from Classical Liberalism, although is slightly less radical and has a greater focus on positive liberty. Rather than being based on progressivism, ConLib's ideology combines liberalism with elements of classical philosophy (the common good, natural rights etc.), Christianity (natural law, social nature of man etc.) and ancient institutions (common law, social hierarchies etc.).

Some of the most notable figures within the Conservative Liberalism were philosophers like Edmund Burke and Alexis De Tocqueville who had believed in Classically Liberal ideas like free trade and conservative outlooks on fiscal, ethical and most social issues (Occasionally reforming only when seen fit).

Conservative Liberals also carry Civically Nationalist views like free movement on immigration (but against open borders and illegal immigration).

Conservative Liberalism understands and acknowledges that classical and medieval politics cannot be restored in the modern world thus distancing itself from Reactionarism.

Conservative Liberalism subscribes to ideas like a small welfare assistance to the lower earning brackets like the Negative Income Tax and Charter Schools rather than a large welfare state as it could be seen as excessively bureaucratic and inefficient.

Conservative Liberalism & Liberal Conservatism

Despite the confusing distinction and similarities with Liberal Conservatism they differ in the sense that Liberal Conservatives tend to be a more moderate in most positions while Conservative Liberals are slightly more radical and some-less statist as they wish to preserve traditional moral values and culture while making reforms occasionally when seen fit, thus varying culturally center-right to right wing.

Liberal Conservatism according to scholar Andrew Vincent, the premise of liberal conservatism is "economics is prior to politics" while Conservative Liberalism is focused on politics believing in ordered liberty under traditional morality and classical-culture with moderate influences from religion alongside economic liberalism.

Liberal Conservatism is related to modern Liberalism (or sometimes even Neoliberalism) and Conservatism while Conservative Liberalism has its ideas attached to Classical Liberalism with a lot of influence coming from Classical Conservatism being seen as a fusion of the two.

The places they have similarity is their origin and the goal they have both ideas are inspired by the philosopher Edmund Burke where they wanted to incorporate a free market in which people can participate and create wealth free from bureaucratic interference.


Australian Liberalism/LNPism





Flag of Pragerism

File:Whatifalthist.png Whatifalthistism

WhatIfalthistism is the culturally centre-right and economically and civilly liberal ideology of YouTuber Whatifalthist, also known as Rudyard Lynch.

Being a historian, his political opinions are primarily based on his interpretation of history, which is primarily a western centric, pro-American, pro-Christian and conservative perspective. Whilst he acknowledges these biases, he goes to great lengths in his videos to try to justify these conclusions through rigorous evidence and hard data.

Rudyard believes that the achievements of the west in the realms of living standards, human rights, wealth, technology, women's rights, and military power are immediately obvious, and is strongly opposed to the modern day 'self loathing' that File:Prog.png educated westerners have of themselves.

Rudyard is very anti-communist. He believes it should be obvious to anyone who looks at the data that attempts to establish communism have always failed, leading to totalitarianism, mass starvation, and economic stagnation, and that countries that embraced capitalism have ended up far wealthier. His personal economic views are fairly pro-markets, but attempts to be balanced when it comes to talking about File:Soc.png leftist and rightist perspectives. His views can be best described as Classically Liberal, believing strongly in economic freedom but also being against monopolisation. He's an admirer of Theodore Roosevelt and his break up of the robber barons. He has been accussed of being alt-right for his collaborations with Monsieur Z and his anti-social justice views.

William Howard Taft Thought

How to Draw

Flag of Conservative Liberalism
  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Draw a horizontal blue line across the middle.
  3. Fill the bottom with blue.
  4. Fill the top with white.
  5. Draw 3 yellow stars on the bottom of the white part.
  6. Add the eyes and you're done!
Color Name HEX RGB
Blue #006AA7 0, 106, 167
White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255
Yellow #FEDA0A 254, 218, 10



  • Classical Conservatism - My good parent! More traditionalist than me but taught me a lot of things.
  • Classical Liberalism - My liberal values come from you and I am grateful forever!
  • National Liberalism - My brethren and a proof that nationalism isn't necessarily fascism!
  • Liberalism (Mainly in Central, Eastern and sometimes Western Europe) - You haven't forgotten about our liberal values we share, but you'll never be as cool as him. Nice try though.
  • Conservatism (Mainly in the US and many other Western countries) - The fact you've gained many traits from me like the love for free speech, free market and individualism is very much based. Just be less statist and acknowledge the benefits of free trade.
  • Libertarian Conservatism - My more anti-statist self.
  • Paleolibertarianism - Another based but more traditionalist libertarian.
  • Liberal Conservatism - A modern liberal that I can talk to from time to time. Hopefully, he can see the light and join me. (Also, we're not the same!)
  • Christian Democracy - Based religious brethren! Christian values are what make the West great.
  • Constitutional Monarchism - Best form of government along with him.
  • Libertarian Monarchism - The best form of Monarchy, Hans Adam II is quite based.
  • Civic Nationalism - Another good nationalist ally that emphasizes respect for rule of law and constitutional patriotism.
  • Hayekism - Sir, you're my favorite economist from the Austrian School.
  • Austrolibertarianism - Menger, Böhm-Bawerk, Wieser, Mises, Hayek, Rothbard, Schiff and many more, such a great company of highly intelligent economists. Classical economics is still better.
  • Eco-Conservatism - Based environmental ally who knows how to talk to socially conservative people to promote the preservation of our environment and natural resources by stating that conservation is a truly conservative idea.
  • Ordo-Liberalism - German Neoliberalism is based.
  • Feuillantism and Girondism - The good guys in the French revolution! The first one is too authoritarian.
  • Neoliberalism - The fact that some of you pretend to be socially progressive doesn't bother me much since we both love free trade and idolize Reagan and Thatcher.
  • Neo-Libertarianism - Oh I like you, just don't tell Him


  • Anarcho-Conservatism - Government bureaucracy might be inefficient but you're too extreme also I think you don't catch the irony of my work.
  • Paternalistic Conservatism - You are culturally right and you might not exactly be a File:Soc.png socialist, but still, your love for the state is abhorrent and we have too many differences in economics.
  • National Conservatism - Usually a good ally of mine who emphasizes on national values, even though he's very statist and can get very fanatical. Please leave NatLib alone.
  • Conservative Socialism - Despite your economic views, your defense of conservatism could redpill your socialist brothers.
  • Liberalism (Mainly in the US & Canada) - Oh dear... What happened to you and why have you stopped deriving ideas from him? At least there's still some good amount of influence left.
  • Social Liberalism - Typical progressive welfarist, but at least still cares about free markets.
  • Paleoconservatism - Please be less statist and edgy, will you?
  • Progressive Conservatism & LGBT Conservatism - I like you depending on how you define yourselves.
  • Reactionary Liberalism - A more extreme version of both me and NatLib who likes to say some extremely questionable things. I sometimes wonder if he's even a liberal in the first place.
  • Right-Wing Populism - You do a good job at promoting my values, policies and my candidates and I appreciate the support and Winnie and Dennie are Based even though you say some utter nonsense sometimes. Don't want to be rude, but you should know when to shut up sometimes. Just sayin'.
  • Alt-Lite - Same as RightPop, although more questionable. Just stay away from him and we'll be fine. That Jordan Peterson guy seems fine though.
  • Hamiltonianism - Hamilton was okay, I guess.
  • Monarchism - Just because I'm conservative, that doesn't mean necessarily that I like you! Be more like them and then we'll get along.
  • Korwinism - Look "friend", your support for conservative values, free markets, and to some extent civil liberties are based. But good lord, your reactionary, monarchist, anti-democratic stances and fanatical nationalism really creep me out.
  • Peronism - Social fascism is cringe and so is being a Nazi sympathizer, but Carlos Menem is based.
  • National Democracy - We have some differences sometimes as you're more ideological and also xenophobic, but those Rybarski, Koneczny and Heydel guys sound smart.
  • Libertarianism - You're not really conservative (despite what some people say), but we both like economic liberalism and free speech.
  • Objectivism - You're not making any sense.
  • Pinochetism & Fujimorism - I don't like you but you were both a great bulwark against socialism in South America so you get a pass.
  • Authoritarian Conservatism - Same as above. We get along well in Turkey and Thailand.
  • Neoconservatism - You're culturally variable but spreading the free market abroad and killing commies is very based indeed. Don't mean to sound like Him but just stop wrecking our civil liberties and sacrificing democracy in the name of it and pull of the patriot act!


Further information











  1. Prominent LNP right-populist politicians include Tony Abbott.
  3. In 2007, Nemtsov, in an interview with Expert magazine, lamented that all the measures of President Putin (maternity capital) are aimed at increasing the birth rate mainly in regions populated by Muslims, and this, according to the politician, will upset the national balance, which is “deadly dangerous for the future of Russia »
  4. If You Live In Freedom, Thank The British Empire
  5. "I am a Classical Liberal with Conservative tendencies" - @whatifalthist
