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Postgenderism is a culturally far-left and transhumanist ideology. It seeks to abolish the gender binary, as it sees it as repressive and arbitrary. It not only wants to abolish social gender roles but also to make biological sex obsolete through transhumanism by using biotechnology and neurotechnology.

How to Draw

Flag of Postgenderism
  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Fill it in purple.
  3. Draw a lavender circle with a stump at the bottom.
  4. Add the eyes; make one of them robotic.

You're done!



  • Marxism - Extremely based analysis, the nuclear family IS an oppressive power structure!
  • Transhumanism - The best way to get rid of gender.
  • Fully Automated Gay Space Communism - LGBT and transhumanist. Based!
  • Xenofeminism - Doesn't get more based than a feminist who's also a gender abolitionist that wants to achieve their goals with technology.


  • Feminism & Men's Liberation - I like that you support equality for all genders, but getting rid of the concept of gender is more logical.
  • Queer Anarchism - Awww so cute, but as I said above, getting rid of gender is simply better.
  • Post-Humanism - Too extreme even for me, and your misanthropic tendencies scare me.


  • Gender - Cringe and must be destroyed.
  • Radical Feminism - Fixed ideals about very utopian woman-driven societies that never existed (matriarchy), idealization of the female sex, strict collectivism and strong hatred towards all types of males (masculine, feminine, androgynous...) make you very spooked and collectivist person without any self-awareness and self-criticism. Patriarchy and men's living rent-free in her head make her even more psychotic.
  • Manosphere - Just like the words above, just replace "matriarchy" with "patriarchy" and "males" with "females". I'm pretty sure that matriarchy and women live rent-free in your head too.

Further Information


