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* [https://ia601009.us.archive.org/9/items/OriginsAndDoctrineOfFascismGiovanniGentile/Origins%20and%20Doctrine%20of%20Fascism%20-%20Giovanni%20Gentile.pdf The Doctrine of Fascism] by [[File:Mussolini.png]] [[Caesarism|Benito]] [[Ultranationalism|Muss]][[Corporatism|olini]] and [[File:Gentile.png]] [[Totalitarianism|Giovanni Gentile]]
* [https://www.amazon.com/dp/0192892495 Fascism] by Roger Griffin
* [https://www.amazon.comdp/0765805936 Giovanni Gentile: Philosopher of Fascism] by A. James Gregor

Revision as of 06:51, 28 September 2023

"For Fascism...the State and the individual are one, or better, perhaps, "State" and "individual" are terms that are inseparable in a necessary synthesis."

Fascism is a totalitarian, culturally alternate modernist, palingenetic ultranationalist and third-positionist ideology. Fascism originates from the teachings of Benito Mussolini and Giovanni Gentile, originally outlined in The Doctrine of Fascism. Fascism has had many iterations throughout history which have built upon Mussolini's and Gentile's ideas, while the form of fascism that does not built off of it, but rather follows the original doctrine is called Italian Fascism or Classical Fascism.

The name "fascism" comes from the Etruscan symbol by the name of "fasces", which is a bound bundle of wooden rods, sometimes including an axe with its blade emerging. This iconography meant to symbolize the common fascistic belief pervading their doctrine, that, in their belief, the citizenry of the nation are weak divided, but strong united under the banner, whether that banner be of state, nation, army, or really anything of the like, much like the tight-bound sticks of a fasces".


Italian Fascism

Italian Fascism is the original fascist ideology, born from the writings and practices of Giovanni Gentile and Benito Mussolini. We see it's historical practice by Benito Mussolini's parties: the National Fascist Party (PNF), which ruled the Kingdom of Italy from 1922 until 1943, and the Republican Fascist Party that lorded over the Italian Social Republic from 1943 to 1945. Italian Fascism is also seen with-in the post-war Italian Social Movement.


Sansepolcrismo is a term which refers to the movement that came before fascism led by Benito Mussolini. The movement originated on March 23 1919 at Piazza San Sepolcro in Milan. The ideological basis was a semi-socialist one, the movement presented itself as progressive in the beginning with a very radical program.

The program declares the movement as nationalist, anti-imperialist and syndicalist promoting the acceptance of the demands of the working class.

It is remarkable that initially the Fasci, according to Sansepolcro's program, were not properly anti-democratic, indeed declaring as their fundamental principle democratic participation in "free elections".

In the Italian Social Republic some of the points of this program were brought up again even if they were never really applied.


Neo-Fascism originates from the aftermath of World War II and the defeat of the Axis Powers. Neo-Fascism tends to believe that it's own nation is superior to all others but is usually less associative with Totalitarianism but still holds the concepts of Illiberal Democracy.

Neo-Fascism is usually right to far-right politically, but still somewhat Corporatist economically. Neo-Fascism caries many ideals from Nazism as it took concepts from the Italian Social Republic (1944-1945).

The first major Neo-Fascist movement was the Italian Social Movement, which was dissolved in 1995. Some people associate Neo-Fascism with Francoism as the Fascist ideology continued to rule Spain up until 1975. A more well known variation of Neo-Fascism is Neo-Nazism which is the version of National Socialism that also began after World War II. Neo-Nazism tends to be more racist than generic Neo-Fascism is, but not as much as Nazism is.

Neo-Fascism has gained recent popularity in Greece following the Great Recession and recent economic hardships in the country leading to the creation of the political party Golden Dawn. In the United States, Neo-Nazism has seen a resurgence following the 2016 presidential election. The Neo-Nazi movement is the third version of the Ku Klux Klan , which evolved into Neo-Fascism and Neo-Nazism after 1950 despite initially being Neo-Confederate. Neo-Fascism also has also spawned Alt-Right.

Stefano Delle Chiaie

Stefano Delle Chiaie was an Italian neo-fascist terrorist. He was the founder of Avanguardia Nazionale, a member of Ordine Nuovo, and founder of Lega nazionalpopolare. Delle Chiaie started out by being involved in various political actions in Italy during the 1950s and 1960s, such as protesting against Eisenhower's visit to Italy or fighting against the Italian Communist Party, and infiltrating and breaking up left-wing demonstrations. Delle Chiaie was known for his close affiliation with various anti-communist dictators.

The Italian terrorist took part in former French army officer Yves Guérin-Sérac's "Aginter Press", an anti-communist mercenary organization founded in António de Oliveira Salazar's Portugal in 1965. Delle Chiaie assisted former Italian navy commander Junio Valerio Borghese in the attempted 1970 coup d'atat Golpe Borghese against the Italian government. After the coup failed Delle Chiaie escaped to Francoist Spain and met with future members of the GAL paramilitary group. Delle Chiaie actively participated in Operation Condor on behalf of US-backed military dictatorships in Latin America and worked for both Augusto Pinochet's political police, the DINA, the Argentine Anticommunist Alliance (Triple A) and Hugo Banzer's dictatorship in Bolivia. He also took part in the 'Cocaine Coup' of 1980 that brought Bolivian military dictator Luis García Meza to power.

During a 1997 hearing in Italy before the Commission on terrorism headed by senator Giovanni Pellegrino, Delle Chiaie spoke about a "black fascist International" and his hopes of creating the conditions of an "international revolution" and admitted to having taken part in the pan-nationalist New European Order (NOE) organization.

Stefano Delle Chiaie died on 10 September 2019, in Rome, Italy.

Distinct Iterations of Fascism

Fascism as a Pejorative

Red Fascism

Main article: Stalinism, National Bolshevism and Strasserism

"Red Fascism" is a pejorative term for communist regimes, used especially in the cold war, even though it had been before. The term's first appearance was coined by Italian archist essayist Luigi Fabbri, in which he claimed that the Bolsheviks would be red fascists and would use fascist methods against their opponents. The Marxists Franz Borkenau and Otto Rühle have also used this term, so much so that Otto Rühle stated that "the struggle against fascism must begin with the struggle against Bolshevism".

Subsequently, the term was further intensified against the Stalin government, especially for its totalitarianism, personality cult, imperialism, forced labor camps, and repression and genocides of some ethnic minorities. The accusations intensified after the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, in which the Times claimed that "Hitlerism is brown communism, Stalinism is red fascism" and Mussolini praised Stalin at the time of the pact. Kurt Schumacher, a survivor of Nazi concentration camps, claimed that pro-communists were "red-painted Nazis".

This term was used a lot in the cold war, especially in various magazines and even with some socialists using this term, such as Norman Thomas. J. Edgar Hoover, former director of the FBI, has already made speeches that cited the term red fascism. Many anti-communists have already used it as a derogatory term against the USSR.

Even though it is a derogatory term, many Nazbols espouse both fascist and communist ideals, the most notable being Sven Olov Lindholm, Otto Strasser, Nicola Bombacci and others.

Currently, the term is still used in a derogatory way used predominantly by rightists (non-fascists) and non-communist leftists.

Liberal Fascism
Flag of Liberal Fascism

The term "Liberal Fascism" was coined 2008 by Jonah Goldberg who explained that Fascism and Social Liberalism had the same root. It only gained attention on the PCB Wiki after MapOfFish LARPed as a Liberal Fascist and explained it as an ideology where Liberalism and Progressivism are enforced through Totalitarianism. Liberal Fascism is often mistaken with National Liberalism.

The term "Liberal Fascism" can also refer to the beliefs of Alberto de' Stefani, who was Benito Mussolini's appointed Minister of Treasury and Finance of Italy from 1922 to 1925. As Treasury and Finance Minister, Stefani implemented classical liberal economic policies such as free trade, tax cuts and privatization of businesses.

Social Fascism

The term "Social Fascism" is used by Stalinists to describe Social Democracy, to make them look bad by making an analogy with a fascist 3rd position and social demoracy's "reformed capitalism". Welfare Chauvinism can be considered a more literal interpretation of the term.



Ultranationalism is one of the tenets Fascist elements tend to agree on. They emphasize the importance of extreme devotion to one's own nation, state, or otherwise, without care to the individual. As such, Fascism could be easily argued to be a rather anti-individualist ideology, in fact extremely so, at least in vein of the greater society.

Economic Third Positionism

Fascism, especially when taken through the lens of the more traditional sort, tend to despise both traditional markets & Communism seeing both of them as degenerate, failures and denigrations to humanity. This corrupted ideal leads them to conclude that the only sound economic system is Corporatism seeing as it as the only non-degenerate with no failures. Mind you, some more modern Fascistic elements have begun to lean toward Marxist or Capitalist (Sometimes mixes of both ), however, generally Fascism is Corporatist economically.

Social and Cultural Stance

Fascism can't be described as fully reactionary or revolutionary but rather a synthesis of Traditionalism and Futurism's radical modernism. It calls for an alternative interpretation of modernism, different from the Liberal one, with a bigger focus on technology, speed and violence. Fascism's views could also be described as a Pragmatic combination of tradition and progress where it takes the "best parts" from both of them to benefit the state and rejuvenate the nation.

However, in the modern-day many neo-fascist movements are seen as culturally reactionary to counter western progressivism, which they believe is a form of "Cultural Marxism". This is also common within Alt-Right spaces. Although, this is usually only a façade and few fascist movements are actually reactionary in policy.


It is common, though it is not a rule, that Fascist ideals and nations tend to be imperialist in nature. For examples of this, we can look back the the Second World War, with the Fascist Italy taking over Ethiopia and Albania, and the Nazi Germany taking over most of Europe. These goals were brought on either by a concept of irredentism, commonly defined as reclaiming lost land to reach your nation's greatest extent, or expansionism, which is the desire to gain more land. Sometimes both can be used as a justification, like in Germany, where the idea of Lebensraum ran rampant.


One of the main features of fascism is totalitarianism. Fascism favors having a totalitarian dictator that has complete control over the country, subjecting all people who oppose the dictator to prison time or execution. In fact the word totalitarianism actually came from fascism and original fascist philosophers as well as fascist dictators were unironic supporters of totalitarianism. Fascism believes the state is everything and there must be total unity of the state and must purge all who even destroy that unity.


Fascist states like to build a large military, for national pride, 'honor', and a show of strength. They usually use the army to pursuit expansionist or Irredentist goals as spurred by Imperialism.

Views on Race & Ethnicity

Many forms of Fascism, such as National Socialism, are heavily based around race and/or ethnicity, however, Classical or Italian Fascism (the original form of Fascism based solely on the ideas of Benito Mussolini) is not primarily focused on race or ethnicity, and instead is based more so around Cultural Nationalism and the ties that individuals have to the nation state.

However, post-1938, Fascist Italy accepted racist theories and began to institute anti-Semitic and anti-black racial legislations. This can be attributed to the influence of the alliance with Nazi Germany on Fascist Italy. Just ignore the fact that western countries also had similar legislation in place.

Views on LGBT

More Classical variants of Fascism have very similar views on gays & most of LGBT+ Community to that of Nazism, meaning that they often hold rather critical views of such people publicly as a way to attack progressive opponents, while allowing such relations secretly to loyalists.[6]

Some Neo-fascists, such as CasaPound Italia, have embraced a pro-LGBT stance however. The combination of fascist ideas with the acceptance of homosexuality, or LGBT people more broadly, is called Homofascism.


Fascism is often seen as contradictory by both leftists and rightists because of its opposition to both Liberalism & Marxism-Leninism, so most leftists claim that fascism is a capitalist ideology, whereas many rightists claim that fascism is a leftist ideology, however, neither of these are correct.

Stylistic Notes

  • Mussolini himself
  • Less cool than his friend

How to Draw

Flag of Fascism

The flag of Fascism is just the flag of the National Fascist Party of Italy, a black flag with a fasces on it.

  1. Draw a ball with eyes
  2. Make it black/very dark gray
  3. Draw a bunch of brown lines and another brown line underneath
  4. Draw a grey axe head next to the lines
  5. On the sticks draw a rope holding the bundle together
  6. (Optional) Draw Mussolini's Fez
    1. Draw a black trapezoid with rounded edges
    2. On the fez draw a red blob
    3. On the blob draw a golden eagle standing on fasces
    4. On top of the fez put a red line

You're finished!

Color Name HEX RGB
Dark Grey #141414 20, 20, 20
Brown #cbab72 203, 171, 114
Light Grey #c4c4c4 196, 196, 196



  • Caesarism - I'm the modern version of you.
  • Imperialism - Friend from the Roman times.
  • Totalitarianism - My father who taught me how to govern the nation.
  • Corporatism - My beloved economic model.
  • National Syndicalism - Syndicates matter too (as long as they're within the state).
  • Cultural Nationalism - Exalting my nation and my culture is essential for the strengthening of the country.
  • Police Statism - Gotta love the OVRA!
  • Keynesian School - "Fascism entirely agrees with Mr. Maynard Keynes, despite the latter's prominent position as a Liberal. In fact, Mr. Keynes' excellent little book, The End of Laissez-Faire (1926) might, so far as it goes, serve as a useful introduction to fascist economics. There is scarcely anything to object to in it and there is much to applaud."[7]
  • Clerical Fascism - My more religious/theocratic son.
  • Monarcho-Fascism - My monarchist son from the good old-days of the Kingdom of Italy. It's still a shame that the king backstabbed me
  • Eco-Fascism - My son who loves the environment.
  • Falangism - My Spanish friend, you're welcome as ever.
  • Austrofascism - My Austrian friend, I think you should ally with Nazis although you both had different ideas, in the end Austrians are ethnically and culturally Germans too.
    • But we are the better Germans!
  • Catholic Theocracy - I thank you a lot for supporting me and acknowledged me as il Duce d'Italia. But you can leave now.
  • Irredentism - We must retake our rightful lands!
  • Nazism - I'm a bit skeptical of this pure race stuff, and you kinda ruined my name, but I can't deny our shared ideals and alliances. You kinda scare me sometimes
  • Showa Statism - Based, but poor Chinese and Koreans, they belong to important cultures too, respect them. Anchovy UwU
  • Welfare Chauvinism - Ensuring the people's welfare by means of unitary nationalism is one of my goals. Commies should stop acting like you being my social variant is a bad thing.
  • Alt-Right - Modern online supporters.
  • Reactionary Modernism - The only reactionary I really like. Keeping our traditions while we embrace modernity is something we want to do. Not to mention, how technologies will be helpful for increasing life quality of nation and its strength through new military weapons.
  • Francoism - Defeating the Spanish Republican degenerate coalition of libtards, succdems, and commies was very based, and so was your white terror and Catholic traditionalism. I sent my brigades to assist you in the Spanish Civil War. Can you please join the Axis, though?


  • Esoteric Fascism - Can you stop calling me a "christcuck"? And wtf is this Jewish souls business? Please take your meds.
  • Futurism - I love your art! Although you may have dragged me back in 1919, I'm still glad to see many of you joining my movement.
  • Islamic Theocracy - I would grant you religious freedom if you promise that your people do not come to my country in mass. Though, they did gave me the title of "Protector of Islam"
  • State Socialism - I'd support Bismarck's State Socialism but you are different from that previous one.
  • State Capitalism - Statocracy is great but I don't think we have the same definition of it. We also both like nationalizing industries, albeit for different reasons.
  • Anarcho-Fascism - Son, are you serious? How can you have "everything within the state" without a state?
    • It's "Everything within the commune", father. Everything within the commune, nothing outside the commune, nothing against the commune.
    • Son, I think you have a problem.
  • National Anarchism - Same as above but mutualist.
  • Illiberal Democracy - “The nationalist state was an aristocratic state, enforcing itself upon the masses through the power conferred upon by its origins. The fascist state, on the contrary, is a popular state, and as such, a democratic state par excellence.” - Giovanni Gentile
  • Social Authoritarianism - Authpilled Succdem. Can be nice with some nationalism and conservatism there. But many of you hates me for being too ultranationalist and autocratic, which is cringe.
  • National Bolshevism - His c*mmie son. At least he has good social and cultural views. And Nicola Bombacci is a good friend.
  • Fourth Theory - Same as above, but good job at hating liberals.
  • National Capitalism - His c*ppie son. At least he has good social and cultural views. And Alberto de' Stefani was a good friend until he started to criticize the regime.
  • Racial Nationalism and White Nationalism - "Race! It is a feeling, not a reality; ninety-five percent, at least, is a feeling. Nothing can make me believe that biologically pure races currently exist." Don't bring up my racial laws
  • Reactionary Liberalism - Obsolete conservative bourgeoisie but at least Pareto is sometimes called a proto-fascist.
  • Stratocracy - You advised me to enter a war I couldn't win, then switched side, asshole! But then I wouldn't exist without you.
  • Strasserism - A great child of mine, but what's up with the socialism?
  • Neosocialism - Same discourse for the guy above.
  • Yellow Socialism - You're a socialist just like him, except you're yellow rather than red. At least you support class collaboration, unlike him.
  • National Liberalism - Another obsolete bourgeois liberal, but thanks for your back up in the Risorgimento, A.K.A. the good old times.
  • Kahanism - You’re kinda like me, but a lot more Jewish and economically rightist. Also most of my children and him hate you.
  • Chiang Kai-shek Thought - Based white terror, but your opposition to Japan’s imperial ambitions and the declaration of war on Axis were just cringe, and so was your attempt at democratization in the 1940s. At least you did white terror again back in Taiwan for another two and a half decades.
  • Pinochetism - Nationalism, Authoritarianism, and Anti-Communism all sound great in theory but free-market economics aren't the way to go. Not to mention how you're basically their puppet.
  • Enlightenment Thought - You gave us nationalism which is awesome! Fraternity is cool too. However, your ideas of tolerance and liberty are not that good. Only through the absolute state can the individual be free.
  • Reactionaryism - "History does not travel backwards. The Fascist doctrine has not taken De Maistre as its prophet. Monarchical absolutism is of the past, and so is ecclesiolatry. Dead and done for are feudal privileges and the division of society into closed, uncommunicating castes." At least we both like the Roman Empire and oppose hippie garbage
  • Authoritarian Conservatism - We both embrace Authority and share common enemies, but you can also be quite reactionary at times. Overall, some of your variants are cool while I oppose others .
  • Salazarism - We do have a lot of ideas in common, but can you stop calling me a pagan? I'm a Catholic too, you know? (at least mostly)
  • Secularism - In my opinion, theocracy is reactionary, but secularism is also stupid because the country's religion and faith must be in politics, otherwise, the nation's motivation and resistance will be greatly reduced. A true fascist is neither theocratic nor secular.

Nemici d'Italia

  • Liberalism - Aren't you just communism again?!
  • Classical Liberalism - Obsolete and tends to be degenerate, you're the reason Italy was in such a deplorable state after WW1. But we were temporarily allies to defeat them.
  • Democracy - “Democracy is talking itself to death. The people do not know what they want; they do not know what is best for them. There is too much foolishness, too much-lost motion. Democracy is beautiful in theory; in practice, it is a fallacy. You in America will see that someday.”
  • Kleptocracy - I wish I was successful in getting rid of you.
  • State Oriental Orthodoxy - We colonized you, admit it and stop crying you n*gro orthodox scum.
  • State Liberalism - Supercapitalism, culture destruction, and globalism? DIE!
  • Progressivism - You don't understand what true progress should look like. Keeping the traditions of the nation is important.
  • Capitalism - Degenerates who want to make everything controlled by bankers who hate the nation. Some based takes though.
  • Marxism-Leninism - Mean jerk who keeps calling anything he disagrees with the moderate wing of me! He also destroyed the glorious Axis on the Eastern Front! Just ignore that we had a honeymoon period[8]
  • Anarchism - All her children are degenerates, especially when it comes to him! Be grateful I translated Kropotkin's degenerate works into my glorious language! And they are okayish.
  • Revolutionary Progressivism - A perfect representation of everything that I oppose...
  • Constitutional Monarchism - You're a traitor for surrendering to the Allies!
  • Neoliberalism - Degenerate like the last one but a lot smarter
  • Homoconservatism - Trans-Human Rights? More like TRASH-UMAN RIGHTS!
  • Anarcho-Pacifism - Blood alone moves the wheel of history.
  • Kemalism - You should have listened to Recep Peker. Also, you are anti-imperialist and progressive and opposed to my ambitions.
  • Socialism - "You cannot get rid of me because I am and always will be a socialist. You hate me because you still love me. Do not believe, even for a moment, that by stripping me of my membership card you do the same to my Socialist beliefs, nor that you would restrain me of continuing to work in favor of Socialism and of the Revolution."
  • Social Democracy - Democracy? Human rights?? Progressivism??? Free markets???? CRINGE!! Plus, you support free-market economics mixed with a welfare state and I want the opposite: a planned economy and forced labor. I don't know why tankies label you as the social welfare version of me when we look nothing alike. But we both used to be socialists and we both like Keynes
  • Italian Resistance - STOP HUNTING FOR ME!!!!
  • National Communism - A living contradiction.
  • Anarcho-Nihilism and Illegalism - Danger to a nation and people!
  • Supercapitalism - "At this stage, supercapitalism finds its inspiration and its justification in a utopia: the utopia of unlimited consumption. Supercapitalism's ideal is the standardization of the human race from the cradle to the grave. Supercapitalism wants all babies to be born exactly the same length so that the cradles can be standardized and all children persuaded to like the same toys. It wants all men to don the very same uniform, to read the same book, to have the same tastes in films, and to desire the same so-called labor-saving devices"

Further Information






Online Communities


  1. Whilst authoritarianism and nationalism are both vital elements of fascist doctrine, they aren't sufficient enough to describe the ideology as a whole.
  2. <<In the myth of the New State elaborated by Fascism, the figure of the Duce assumed characteristics similar to those of the Pontiff in the Church, of a supreme ruler invested with a charismatic role and function of command. Even the Totalitarian State recalled, in the lines of the constitution and in the prospect of development cherished by the fascists, the forms of organization of the Catholic Church. For the fascists, this represented a model of "totalitarian" institution, an already existing mystical political body, formed through a millenary historical experience on the decadent structures of another "totalitarian" historical model, the Roman State: both, like the fascist State, creation of the Italian lineage.>> Emilio Gentile, The myth of the new state - from anti-giolittism to fascism, p. 255.
  3. https://ia601009.us.archive.org/9/items/OriginsAndDoctrineOfFascismGiovanniGentile/Origins%20and%20Doctrine%20of%20Fascism%20-%20Giovanni%20Gentile.pdf
  4. <<The fascist State fully claims its ethical character: it is Catholic, but it is fascist, indeed above all exclusively, essentially fascist. Catholicism integrates it, and we declare it openly, but let nobody think, under the philosophical or metaphysical species, of changing the cards on the table.>> Benito Mussolini, "Scritti e Discorsi", vol. VII, pp. 104-105.
  5. Hizbullah Official In Beirut Receives Visiting Far-Right 'Alliance For Freedom And Peace' Party Members From UK, Italy, Belgium, Germany, And Croatia by Memri TV
  6. Fun fact: Fascist Italy didn't outlaw homosexuality since Mussolini believed that Italians were too manly to be gay anyways.
  7. James Strachey Barnes, Universal Aspects of Fascism, Williams and Norgate, London: UK, 1928, pp. 113-114
  8. Italo-Soviet Pact

