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The historical shift from tribal confederacies to monarchies marks a significant transformation in the organization of human societies. These changes reflect a complex process of political, social, and cultural adaptations that vary depending on the region and historical context.
=== Centralization of Power ===
One of the fundamental aspects of the transition from a tribal confederacy to a monarchy is the centralization of power. In a tribal confederacy, power is dispersed among various tribes or clans, each maintaining a certain level of autonomy. The shift to a monarchy entails the consolidation of power under a single ruler or royal family, overseeing the entire territory. This process may involve negotiation, alliances, or military conquest to unite the disparate tribes under one authority.
=== Establishment of a Bureaucracy ===
To effectively govern a larger territory with a diverse population, a monarchy necessitates an organized bureaucracy. This includes the creation of administrative divisions, tax collection systems, and legal structures. Consequently, the transition to a monarchy typically involves the development of a more formalized and hierarchical governing system, allowing for efficient management of the state's affairs.
=== Creation of a Common Identity ===
In a tribal confederacy, tribes or clans may possess their own distinct cultures, languages, and traditions. The establishment of a monarchy often necessitates the development of a shared identity to foster unity among the diverse population. This process can involve the adoption of a common language, the establishment of shared cultural practices, and the promotion of a national myth or narrative that links all people together.
=== Expansion of Military Capabilities ===
A monarchy typically requires a larger and more organized military to maintain control over its territory and protect against external threats. The transition from a tribal confederacy to a monarchy may involve the creation of a standing army, the development of new military technologies, and the establishment of military academies or training facilities to ensure the state's security.
=== Infrastructure Development ===
A unified monarchy may require the construction of new infrastructure to support its administration, defense, and economic growth. This can include the building of roads, bridges, and fortifications, as well as the establishment of new cities or the expansion of existing ones. These infrastructure developments facilitate trade, communication, and the overall functioning of the state.
=== Changes in Social Structure ===
The establishment of a monarchy can lead to changes in social structure, with the creation of new classes or the reorganization of existing ones. For example, a new aristocracy might emerge, composed of individuals who have been granted land and titles by the monarch. Additionally, the roles of tribal leaders or elders may change, with some being incorporated into the new governing system while others may lose their influence or authority.
=== Legitimization of the Monarchy ===
The transition to a monarchy often requires the development of a system of legitimacy, which can involve religious or ideological justifications for the ruler's authority. This might include the promotion of a divine right to rule or the creation of a new state religion that supports the monarchy. This legitimization process reinforces the ruler's authority and consolidates their power.
=== Conclusion ===
The transition from a tribal confederacy to a monarchy involves a significant reorganization of political, social, and cultural structures. While the specific changes may vary depending on the historical context, the process generally entails the centralization of power, the establishment of a bureaucracy, and the creation of a shared identity among the diverse population.

Revision as of 19:37, 29 December 2023

"For monarchy to work, one man must be wise. For democracy to work, a majority of the people must be wise. Which is more likely?"

Monarchism is an ideology that believes in a government with a monarch at the head. Monarchs are rulers who govern a country until they die or are abdicated and hold titles like king or queen. Monarchism can be in any quadrant as most ideologies authoritarian or libertarian, conservative or progressive, economically left or right, can have a monarch if they want to.

The child of Tribalism, he is one of the oldest ideologies in the Polcompball canon, being born at the cradle of civilization itself (possibly born even 12,000 years ago).


The historical shift from tribal confederacies to monarchies marks a significant transformation in the organization of human societies. These changes reflect a complex process of political, social, and cultural adaptations that vary depending on the region and historical context.

Centralization of Power

One of the fundamental aspects of the transition from a tribal confederacy to a monarchy is the centralization of power. In a tribal confederacy, power is dispersed among various tribes or clans, each maintaining a certain level of autonomy. The shift to a monarchy entails the consolidation of power under a single ruler or royal family, overseeing the entire territory. This process may involve negotiation, alliances, or military conquest to unite the disparate tribes under one authority.

Establishment of a Bureaucracy

To effectively govern a larger territory with a diverse population, a monarchy necessitates an organized bureaucracy. This includes the creation of administrative divisions, tax collection systems, and legal structures. Consequently, the transition to a monarchy typically involves the development of a more formalized and hierarchical governing system, allowing for efficient management of the state's affairs.

Creation of a Common Identity

In a tribal confederacy, tribes or clans may possess their own distinct cultures, languages, and traditions. The establishment of a monarchy often necessitates the development of a shared identity to foster unity among the diverse population. This process can involve the adoption of a common language, the establishment of shared cultural practices, and the promotion of a national myth or narrative that links all people together.

Expansion of Military Capabilities

A monarchy typically requires a larger and more organized military to maintain control over its territory and protect against external threats. The transition from a tribal confederacy to a monarchy may involve the creation of a standing army, the development of new military technologies, and the establishment of military academies or training facilities to ensure the state's security.

Infrastructure Development

A unified monarchy may require the construction of new infrastructure to support its administration, defense, and economic growth. This can include the building of roads, bridges, and fortifications, as well as the establishment of new cities or the expansion of existing ones. These infrastructure developments facilitate trade, communication, and the overall functioning of the state.

Changes in Social Structure

The establishment of a monarchy can lead to changes in social structure, with the creation of new classes or the reorganization of existing ones. For example, a new aristocracy might emerge, composed of individuals who have been granted land and titles by the monarch. Additionally, the roles of tribal leaders or elders may change, with some being incorporated into the new governing system while others may lose their influence or authority.

Legitimization of the Monarchy

The transition to a monarchy often requires the development of a system of legitimacy, which can involve religious or ideological justifications for the ruler's authority. This might include the promotion of a divine right to rule or the creation of a new state religion that supports the monarchy. This legitimization process reinforces the ruler's authority and consolidates their power.


The transition from a tribal confederacy to a monarchy involves a significant reorganization of political, social, and cultural structures. While the specific changes may vary depending on the historical context, the process generally entails the centralization of power, the establishment of a bureaucracy, and the creation of a shared identity among the diverse population.




King Culture

On the internet there are some men-focused movements and groups which are opposed to the ideas of both Manosphere and Men's Liberation. It dislikes Manoshere's toxicity and hatred towards women and its usual non-traditional and one sided view of relationships. It does, however, also dislike, even more, Men's Liberation's attempt to "free" men from traditional masculinity and its general progressivism. Instead it wants men to embrace traditional masculinity and work on self-improvement. It is generally against the "modern wester lifestyle" and wants men to free themselves from modern degeneracy, such as pornography and extreme consumerism. Work out and read good litterature (such as the Bible or philosophy) is what it believes men should do instead of partaking in the lifestyle which western society promotes.



British political scientist Vernon Bogdanor justifies monarchy on the grounds that it provides for a nonpartisan head of state, separate from the head of government, and thus ensures that the highest representative of the country, at home and internationally, does not represent a particular political party, but all people.[18] Bogdanor also notes that monarchies can play a helpful unifying role in a multinational state, noting that "In Belgium, it is sometimes said that the king is the only Belgian, everyone else being either Fleming or Walloon" and that the British sovereign can belong to all of the United Kingdom's constituent countries (England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland), without belonging to any particular one of them.[18]

Private interest

Thomas Hobbes wrote that the private interest of the monarchy is the same with the public. The riches, power, and humour of a monarch arise only from the riches, strength, and reputation of his subjects. An elected Head of State is incentivised to increase his own wealth for leaving office after a few years whereas a monarch has no reason to corrupt because he would be cheating himself.

Wise counsel

Thomas Hobbes wrote that a monarch can receive wise counsel with secrecy while an assembly cannot. Advisors to the assembly tend to be well-versed more in the acquisition of their own wealth than of knowledge; are likely to give their advices in long discourses which often excite men into action but do not govern them in it, moved by the flame of passion instead of enlightenment. Their multitude is a weakness.

Long termism

Thomas Hobbes wrote that the resolutions of a monarch are subject to no inconsistency save for human nature; in assemblies, inconsistencies arise from the number. For in an assembly, as little as the absence of a few or the diligent appearance of a few of the contrary opinion, "undoes today all that was done yesterday".

Civil war reduction

Thomas Hobbes wrote that a monarch cannot disagree with himself, out of envy or interest, but an assembly may and to such a height that may produce a civil war.


The International Monarchist League, founded in 1943, has always sought to promote monarchy on the grounds that it strengthens popular liberty, both in a democracy and in a dictatorship, because by definition the monarch is not beholden to politicians.

British-American libertarian writer Matthew Feeney argues that European constitutional monarchies "have managed for the most part to avoid extreme politics"—specifically fascism, communism, and military dictatorship—"in part because monarchies provide a check on the wills of populist politicians" by representing entrenched customs and traditions. Feeny notes that:

European monarchies—such as the Danish, Belgian, Swedish, Dutch, Norwegian, and British—have ruled over countries that are among the most stable, prosperous, and free in the world.

Socialist writer George Orwell argued a similar point, that constitutional monarchy is effective at preventing the development of Fascism.

"The function of the King in promoting stability and acting as a sort of keystone in a non-democratic society is, of course, obvious. But he also has, or can have, the function of acting as an escape-valve for dangerous emotions. A French journalist said to me once that the monarchy was one of the things that have saved Britain from Fascism...It is at any rate possible that while this division of function exists a Hitler or a Stalin cannot come to power. On the whole the European countries which have most successfully avoided Fascism have been constitutional monarchies... I have often advocated that a Labour government, i.e. one that meant business, would abolish titles while retaining the Royal Family.’

Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn took a different approach, arguing that liberty and equality are contradictions. As such, he argued that attempts to establish greater social equality through the abolishment of monarchy, ultimately results in a greater loss of liberty for citizens. He believed that equality can only be accomplished through the suppression of liberty, as humans are naturally unequal and hierarchical. Kuehnelt-Leddihn also believed that people are on average freer under monarchies than they are under democratic republics, as the latter tends to more easily become tyrannical through ochlocracy. In Liberty or Equality, he writes:

There is little doubt that the American Congress or the French Chambers have a power over their nations which would rouse the envy of a Louis XIV or a George III, were they alive today. Not only prohibition, but also the income tax declaration, selective service, obligatory schooling, the fingerprinting of blameless citizens, premarital blood tests—none of these totalitarian measures would even the royal absolutism of the seventeenth century have dared to introduce.

Hans-Hermann Hoppe also argues that monarchy helps to preserve individual liberty more effectively than democracy.

Natural desire for hierarchy

In a 1943 essay in The Spectator, "Equality", British author C.S. Lewis criticized egalitarianism, and its corresponding call for the abolition of monarchy, as contrary to human nature, writing,

A man's reaction to Monarchy is a kind of test. Monarchy can easily be 'debunked'; but watch the faces, mark well the accents, of the debunkers. These are the men whose tap-root in Eden has been cut: whom no rumour of the polyphony, the dance, can reach—men to whom pebbles laid in a row are more beautiful than an arch...Where men are forbidden to honour a king they honour millionaires, athletes, or film-stars instead: even famous prostitutes or gangsters. For spiritual nature, like bodily nature, will be served; deny it food and it will gobble poison.

Political accountability

Oxford political scientists Petra Schleiter and Edward Morgan-Jones wrote that in monarchies, it is more common to hold elections than non-electoral replacements.


  • Monarchism will take on characteristics of a stereotypical king or queen (which depending on your view might be anything from a warrior hero to lazy, inbred, sexually deviant, pious, entitled proto-bourgeoisie).
  • He uses divine right to rule and believes that God has ordained them their reign. Even though some monarchs are secular, they often believe that religion is necessary to unify the people.
  • He has hundreds of mistresses/concubines/harem which usually hang out in his castle (or bedroom).
  • He fights a lot with Feudalism, which sometimes gets violent.

How to Draw

Flag of Monarchism
  1. Draw a ball with eyes
  2. Fill it with purple
  3. Add a crown on top (Gold for the crown, and red for the jewels)

And you're done!

Color Name HEX RGB
Purple #B83DBA 184, 61, 186
Gold #FEE400 254, 228, 0
Red #FF0000 255, 0, 0


Loyalists and Family

Questionably Loyal

Filthy Peasants

  • Dennis - I order you to BE QUIET!!!!!!
    • : "Come and see the violence inherent in the system! Help! Help! I'm being repressed!"
  • Longism - Take that crown off, now. You're not a king and neither are those you claim to made into kings.
  • Enlightenment Thought - Dirty peasant kicked me off my own estate!
  • Roman Republicanism - The Roman Republic shall be reorganized into the FIRST ROMAN EMPIRE!
  • Jacobinism - Get that guillotine away from me!
  • American Model - 1776, never forget!
  • Marxism–Leninism - You destroyed the Romanov dynasty! Filthy red bastards!
  • Kritarchy - What do you mean I have been judged guilty of murdering 19 children and multiple instances of genocide, incestuous relationships and forced marriage?
  • Nazism - National and racial identity is a modernist concept made by those Enlightenment freemasons for fooling the peasants, you dirty populist rat! Germans should only obey for a Kaiser, not a modernist crap named "Fatherland"! But we both dislike those hook-nosed bankers.

Further Information



Examples of Monarchies and Royal Families


Online Communities

