White Nationalism

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White Nationalism, also known as White Supremacism is an ideology that believes that the white race is superior to all other races, and thus should dominate society. He advocates for a white racial state and for the "deportation" (or just genocide if they don’t want to leave) of all nonwhite races. He is very culturally right but can be economically and civically variable (usually Authoratian Right and/or Third Positionist). He usually sees race as something more important than the nation and believes that all white nations need to "stand up" against other races.


Personality and Behaviour

White Nationalism is generally extremely racist. He uses racial slurs a lot including the n-word, along with another million similar ones. He is usually seen as someone very angry, especially with people he doesn’t like such as Black Nationalism and Anarcho-Communism. He is generally very similar to ideologies such as Racial Nationalism and Alt-Right.

Stylistic Notes

White Nationalism speaks with a Southern accent. He’s very loud and passive-aggressive to pretty much everyone (except all the racist ideologies, who he is seen working with). He’s an admirer of nations like the Confederate States, Nazi Germany, Rhodesia, and Apartheid South Africa, and wants to bring back black segregation laws like the Jim Crow laws and Apartheid, apart from in favour of repealing the 13th, 14th, 15th (and sometimes the 19th) Amendments. Most of the time he keeps whining about "White Genocide" and the "White Replacement Theory" when he saws an interracial couple (especially if one of them is white) in advertisements. He also blamed Jews, boomers, and feminism for causing the decline of White birth rates and population and claimed that Whites (excluding Hispanics) will be the racial minority in the United States by the 2040s.


White Capitalism

White Capitalism is a version of capitalism that is specifically designed to bread out non-white competitors while building up what it seen as the "superior race" through resilience, since it sees things like welfare as ploys to weaken the white race. This can be seen as a version of national capitalism practiced by many people in the alt-right.

Rhodesian Nationalism




Christian Identity

Christian Identity is an interpretation of Christianity which supports the belief that only Celtic and Germanic peoples, such as Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian, or Aryan people are the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and therefore descendants of the ancient Israelites. It is practiced independently by individuals, independent congregations, and certain prison gangs. Adherents also oppose interracial marriage, LGBT+ rights, and a banking system and advocate for the death penalty for such.

This variant of White Nationalism dates back to the 1880s through the 1920s from followers of British Israelism by authors who viewed Europeans as the "chosen people" and regarded Jews and non-whites as cursed offspring of Cain who they believed was a "serpent hybrid", commonly called the serpent seed or two-seedline doctrine. Many of these teachings were later adopted by several white supremacist gangs and sects.

Christian Identity promotes the idea that people who are not of pure European descent would either be exterminated or enslaved in order to serve the white race in a Heavenly Kingdom on Earth under the reign of Jesus Christ, stating that only "Adamic" people can achieve salvation and enter Heaven. Most adherents to the ideology are Millennialists.

Followers of the ideology support scientific racism, the pseudoscientific belief that empirical evidence exists to justify racism.

Christian Identity adherents also oppose a banking system, believing that it is controlled by Jews. They also cite Exodus 22:25 and Leviticus 25:35-37 to support their opposition to a banking system and Ezekiel 18:13 to justify anti-Semitism. Christian Identity followers believe in the Second Coming and Armageddon with varying predictions.

Daily Stormer




Golden Circle Model

The Knights of the Golden Circle (KGC) was a secret society founded by George W. L. Bickley that existed in the United States from 1854 to 1863. Made up mostly of supporters of the confederation, the organization had the goal of creating a new country called the "Golden Circle". The territories that made up the Golden Circle were Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and part of the coast of South America, all of which would be annexed to the Confederate States of America to form a slave super-empire. The motives for this project were to increase the number of slave owners in the confederation, which was considered low by supporters of the Golden Circle.

The Knights of the Golden Circle gained various adherents, including figures of great power. The KGC planned a plot to kidnap Abraham Lincoln and put John C. Breckinridge in power, which would be discovered and end in failure. One of the supporters of the idea of ​​the Golden Circle was William Walker, who made expeditions in Mexico to declare the independence of Baja California and Sonora, which were a failure. Later, Walker along with his army of filibusters overthrew the government of Nicaragua and declared Walker himself as president, who reintroduced slavery. Because Walker represented a danger due to his expansionist plans, the other Central American nations made an alliance to expel Walker from Nicaragua, starting the Filibuster War. In the end, Walker was overthrown and peace returned to Central America. Walker attempted further raids in the following years, but they were unsuccessful and in 1860 he was captured by the British Navy and executed in Honduras.

KKK Model




Tarrantism is a culturally far-right, economically third-positionist, nationalist, and fascist ideology based on the views of Brenton Tarrant, the Australian terrorist responsible for the 2019 Christchurch mosque shootings that killed 51 people. Tarrant describes himself as an Eco-Fascist, Ethno-Nationalist, and a "Kebab remover".

Tarrant grew up in Grafton, New South Wales, Australia, where he spent the first 23 years of his life. He grew up playing video games and spending time on the internet, and started to browse 4chan when he was 14 (around 2004-2005), during the site's infancy. Tarrant was reserved as a child, having few friends at school, and he claimed to have had social anxiety during his childhood, as well as believing that he might be autistic or sociopathic as he grew older. He began expressing racist views at a young age, with two incidents occuring: the first when he spoke about his mother's former partner's Aboriginal ancestry, and the second after he was dealt with twice by his high school teacher for anti-Semitism. Tarrant began working as a personal trainer at a gym in his final year of high school, where he remained until an injury in 2012 and became unemployed for the rest of his life leading up to the terrorist attacks. He originally aspired to become either a personal trainer in a major Australian city, join the Airfield Defence Guard, or attend university or community college to study and become a real estate agent or financial advisor, but he never followed through on these plans.

Tarrant began travelling the world with the money he inherited after his father died in 2010, spending the entirety of 2014 until 2017 travelling to various countries in Asia, Europe, and Africa, among others. He went to historic battle sites where European Christians and the Ottoman Empire fought. Tarrant became increasingly concerned about the high number of Muslim immigrants in France after visiting during the 2017 presidential elections between Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron, which was likely one of the catalysts for his views against Islam and immigration becoming more extreme. The election results, and the fact that the " globalist capitalist" won by a landslide over the "milquetoast civic nationalist," made him lose all hope for a democratic solution for solving political issues. The death of 11-year-old Ebba Akerlund in a truck attack by Islamic extremists in Sweden also served as motivation for his future terrorist attack.

Tarrant moved to Dunedin, New Zealand in August 2017 to train for his proposed terrorist attacks, and it was in this country that he eventually carried them out less than two years later. He applied for a gun license soon after he arrived, and joined a rifle club and started to purchase weapons and ammunition after it was approved.

Tarrant donated to numerous organisations, including the Daily Stormer, National Policy Institute, The Right Stuff, Rebel Media, Freedomain, and Generation Ident, and even emailed Identitarian leader Martin Sellner to express his gratitude. He was a member of the Facebook page of the United Patriots Front, an Australian political group, and praised its leader, Blair Cottrell. Tarrant posted numerous memes and links to materials related to Alt-Right views on his Facebook page shortly before the shootings in early 2019. He shared images and memes praising Anders Breivik, Dylann Roof, Timothy McVeigh, and Otoya Yamaguchi, the assassin of the Japan Socialist Party chairman Inejiro Asanuma. Tarrant's usernames on various websites also included references to historical politicians George Lincoln Rockwell and Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim.

Tarrant lists Oswald Mosley as a figure with political views similar to his own in his 87-page manifesto, The Great Replacement, and claims that the People's Republic of China, a country he had spent months in multiple times while travelling, as being the nation with political and social views most similar to his own. He cites extreme right-wing terrorists Anders Breivik (his biggest inspiration), Dylann Roof, Luca Traini, Anton Lundin Pettersson, and Darren Osbourne as influences, having read Roof's manifesto and Breivik's manifesto downloaded. He denies being a Nazi or Neo-Nazi, claiming that the former haven't existed in any political or social force for over 60 years and that the latter are a very broad category of people. He does, however, prominently feature the Black Sun (Schwarze Sonne), a Nazi Germany symbol used by Heinrich Himmler, in his manifesto and even wore a Black Sun patch during the attacks.

How to Draw

Flag of White Nationalism
  1. Draw a ball,
  2. Fill it with white,
  3. Add a near-black Celtic cross,
  4. Add the eyes and you’re done!
Color Name HEX RGB
White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255
Black #202020 32, 32, 32


White Master Race

Tolerable Coloreds

  • Alt-Lite - You're cool but you're too moderate on race issues.
  • Bidenism - You worked with me in the past, but your crime bill is cringe.
  • Jewish-Nazism - K*ke, but exposed the truth about (((them))). Bobby Fischer, Weev and Loomer are based though.
  • Anarcho-Fascism - Anarchism goes against a white racial state!
  • Marxism–Leninism - Evil anti-white commie created by these Judeo-Bolsheviks . At least he's against Israel and has based foreign policy views.
  • National Bolshevism - Based socially, but you're still a commie.
  • Strasserism - Same as above.
  • Stransserism - Same as Strasserism but degenerate.
  • Homofascism - A degenerate like the above guy, but still based, generally speaking
  • Aung San Suu Kyi Thought - Not a big fan of democracy, but I like how you're a Kebab remover.
  • National Feminism & Conservative Feminism - Feminism is cancer, but other than that both of you have great social views. Mostly the former but still...
  • Democratism - I used to support them until they began to simp towards those [redacted] and [redacted]s in the 1980s. But legalising Jim Crow is based.
  • GOPism - Now I back him up but many of them are Jewish puppets. There’s still some hope for him since I'm making entryism.
  • Blueshirtism - Is Irish which is cringe but also hates blacks and tans.
  • Hutu Power - Is black but hates those cancerous Tutsis.
  • National Conservatism - Based cultural views, but doesn't like white supremacy. I still vote for him every election.
  • Reactionary Socialism - Your views on Jews and tradition are based, but they go too far. Also not a fan of socialism.
  • Ba'athism - The enemy of my enemy is my friend, well... sort of. He hates them but he's also a socialist, which is cringe.
  • Gaddafism - Like the above but worse due to [Redacted] simping.
  • Black Islamism - Black and hates whites, buuuuut he also has worked with me in the past and hates (((them))) even more than we do.
  • Black Nationalism - Look, we are not superior to you, jk, yes we are you goddamn [redacted], all we want is to be separate from one another.
  • East Asians - East Asians are honorary whites because they have high IQ and a good culture, but keep them there where they belong.
  • Black Zionism - Is a [redacted] and [redacted] which is terrible but hates other [redacted] (which is pretty based NGL).
  • Theodemocracy - You used to adhere to my ideology. Why did you turn your back on us? At least the FLDS church still subscribes to us.
  • Dengism - Chicom but I like the way you trigger those progressives and how you deal with minorities, also Andrew Anglin, Fuentes and Tarrant admire you for resisting the ZOG empire.
  • Putinism - Similiar as above. Why did you denunce Anglo Colonialism btw?!?
  • Peronism - Nice try, but Argentinians are not white, good quote about the boers though.
  • Showa Statism - Japanese are honorary whites TBH, even Imperial Germany in the 19th century had "yellow fever" towards you. But tone down the imperialism, please.
  • Juche - G**k commie who helped these [Redacted] but the idea of a white Juche sounds nice.
  • Ho Chi Minh Thought - Another g**k commie who BTFO'ed these ZOGbots.
  • Ilminism - *psst* I'll give you honorary white status. Will you maintain diplomatic relationships with South Africa? No? Why? ALSO TELL YOUR YOUNGER SON TO STOP TAKING AWAY OUR WHITE WOMEN! REEEEEEEEE!!!
  • Tridemism- Also a honorary white.
  • Gandhian Socialism - Paj**t but his quote on blacks is based.
  • Hindutva - Another Paj**t who has based and redpilled views, as long as you keep them there where they belong.
  • Andy Ngo - While Ngo is a g**k f*g, he is overall based. Thanks for providing kill lists.
  • Pol Potism - That's WAY too hateful, even for me.
  • Trumpism - Getting rid of B**ners from the border sounds based, but being a Jew bootlicker sounds cringe.
  • Neoconservatism - Neck yourself, Shabbos goy race traitor. But pissing off Blacknats and funding Apartheid were based.
  • Neoliberalism - Same as above, but Thatcher helped me fight against ANC.
  • Classical Liberalism - You know we both funded America stop denying, they're even proves .
  • Churchillism - The Brits believe that you did great things. BUT YOU DESTROYES OUR GLORIOUS THIRD REICH!!!
  • Posadism - Insane dolphin-f*cker commie but nuking down these [REDACTED]s seems really based. WAIT, YOU WANT TO NUKE OUR WHITE ETHNOSTATE TOO?!?!!?

[Comment Removed by Moderator]

  • Zionism and other k*kes - Comment removed by moderator, muted indefinitely. But NGL, Israel is the ideal ethnostate. Also, I'll ignore the fact that you are good friends with Apartheid South Africa.
  • Sankarism - [redacted] commie, need I say more?
  • Black Anarchism - [REDACTED] anarchist, I don't think I need to explain why I hate this one.
  • Leninism & Trotskyism - REEEEEEEEEE Judeo-Bolsheviks!
  • File:Progress.png Progressivism - Black lives don't matter, sorry not sorry. But I like the term "Latinx" that you coined for these B**ners, because that term annoys them.
  • Mugabeism - Libtard [Redacted]. Rhodesians never die!
  • Lukashenkoism - REEEEEEE STOP FLOODING EUROPE WITH SAND [REDACTED]], YOU GLOBETARD SL*V!!! That comment on Hitler was based though.
  • Hibernocracy - Stops people from hating the actual problem: The Jews. (you suck too)
  • Indigenism - Redskin savage!
  • Indigenous Anarchism - A redskin anarchist.
  • Bundism - Is a k*ke but also a commie, truly disgusting. At least you hate Zionists.
  • Liberalism & Conservatism - Both are cucks that hate white supremacy.
  • Progressive Conservatism - Another cuck like the aboves that hates white supremacy
  • Marxism - Is a filthy commie and also a Jew.
  • Civil Libertarianism - Nah dude, the White ethnostate should be an authoritarian and patriachal nation.
  • LGBT Conservatism - You're not even a conservative, so why are you claiming to be one?
  • Bull Moose Progressivism - I've once write a poem titled: "Ni**ers in the White House" to mock his acceptance towards these [redacted]. Based comment on the Redskins tho
  • Cultural Marxism - Worst form of evil in the world.
  • Frankfurt Socialism - The Frankfurt School are one of the most diabolical groups ever!
  • Mutualism - Same as above but also an anarchist. (At least your founder was right about Jews.)
  • Anarcho-Communism - REEEEEEE stop hitting me with that baseball bat you race traitor cuck!
  • Insurrectionary Anarchism - JUST LET ME HURT THE RAPEFUGEES YOU CUCK!
  • Anti-Fascism - REEEEEEEE STOP BASHING ME!!!!!
  • Revolutionary Progressivism - REEEEEEE GET THE F*CK AWAY FROM ME!1!1!1!
  • Jacobinism - You destroyed traditional European society and created him.
  • Titoism - Mean Slav commie and [redacted] lover who threw many of my buddies into pits and abolished racial laws set up by Nazi collaborators.
  • Falangism - Cuck fash who likes race mixing.
  • Maoism - You ch**k commie! Why you help those [redacted]? No honorary white status for you! Nazi-Maoism sounds based though
  • Guevarism and Castroism - Sp*c commies who help those [redacted] too.
  • Marxism–Leninism–Maoism & Maoism–Third Worldism - [REDACTED] Commies who really f*cking hate Whites but standing up against these ZOGbots is based.
  • Stalinism - REEEEEEEEEE I could beat up a [redacted] in America and walk away scot free but you sent me to the gulag for that!
  • Islamic Theocracy - [REDACTED] White Sharia sounds based tho.
  • İttihadism, Neo-Ottomanism and Kemalism - FILTHY KEBAB TURKROACHES! Ignore the fact that Ittihadism influenced Nationalsocialism.
  • Liberal Feminism - Rape culture?! These muzzies and sp*cs are the real "rape culture"!
  • Marxist Feminism - REEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
  • Pancasila - I don’t care if you don’t like that Race Traitor you’re still br*wn
  • Primal Primitivism - "Bix Nood", "muh dik", "Ooga Booga". This is what [redacted] 's are!
  • State Liberalism - REEEEEEE I'm not getting into that helicopter commanded by [Redacted] tr**n f*male pilots!
  • Objectivism - K*ke who promotes individualism among whites to prevent us from achieving racial awareness. At least you hate that Civil Rights Act
  • Krautism - Ha ha ha Stupid race denialist, your @$$ was kicked by Alt-Hype, Sean Last and other fellow members of the alt-right I enjoy your videos criticising Islam,SJWs, Communism and leftist ideologues

Further Information




Media and Websites



  1. Most White Nationalists view pornography, especially BBC interracial porn as a Jewish ploy to morally and socially corrupt the White race, as notable porn industry director such as Greg Lanskey (Blacked.com) are of Jewish descent.
  2. Some individuals of Asian descent, such as Michelle Malkin are labelled as White supremacist sympathizers


  1. Parts of Breivik's manifesto were taken from Kaczynski's manifesto, with the words "black" being replaced with "Muslim" and "leftist" replaced with "Marxist".
  2. https://stormer-daily.rw/i-stand-with-the-queen/
  3. https://stormer-daily.rw/myanmar-democracy-savages-fill-streets-with-trash-to-protest-patriarchy/
  4. "I will see you all in Valhalla!"
  5. Quoted Pope Urban II in his manifesto.
