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    Revision as of 10:51, 1 April 2023 by Lion2000 (talk | contribs) (they are against the movement, but not against individuals)

    Alt-Lite, a portmanteau of " Alt-Right" and "Lite" is a broad ideological label describing a set of movements which portray relatively moderate views while still maintaining a right-wing opposition to mainstream politics. It is economically centre-right to far-right, civically variable and culturally centre-right to far-right.

    Alt-Lites are generally distinguished by having a much lower interest in the issues of race as compared to Alt-Rights, usually favoring some form of Civic Nationalism or Cultural Nationalism. Instead Alt-Lite is usually much more concerned with over the issues of culture, economics and what is being pushed by the state.

    They are found in the right side of the Political Compass, with the overwhelming majority of them being in the Authoritarian and Right Unity side, with a few on the Libertarian side.


    The term "Alt-Lite" began to be used around 2017, mostly following the aftermath of the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in reference to those who had criticized the rally and tried to dissassociate themselves from it. However, people within the western online right-wing held to similar views since long before then. The people who in 2017 would be associated with the Alt-Lite were associated with the 'Gamergate' controversy in 2014.



    Anti-SJW is an overarching but predominantly capitalist and conservative ideology and an opposition to "SJWs", "woke culture" and "cancel culture". It emerged in mid-2011, when SJW became a derogatory term and meme on Twitter and KnowYourMeme. Anti-SJWs are currently on Twitter, Reddit, KnowYourMeme and YouTube, opposing feminism, euphemisms along with SJWs hypersensitivity and generally opposing left-wing ideologies as quite a few SJWs are communist. They oppose gender ideology and the current LGBTQQIP2SAAONPND+ movement, even though some Anti-SJWs are LGBT, such as Blaire White. Some claim that Anti-SJWs have gotten just as hyped up as SJWs, and that a portion would be sexist and racist. Other things Anti-SJWs are supporting the purchase of Elon Musk from twitter and claiming that some feminists are hypocritical about the world of Islam, some use SJWs as a political campaign, self-proclaimed defenders of free speech (except on a few occasions) and an opposition to File:Prog.png Progressivism, claiming it is SJW. (In this text, the word SJW was said 12 times with no definition whatsoever)


    Bannonism is a culturally right-wing to far-right, economically centre-to-centre-right ideology based on the views of Steve Bannon, former chairman of Breitbart and chief strategist of Donald Trump. He can be considered as being in between Alt-Right and Alt-Lite, as he's more moderate than the former but also more radical than the latter. Other than drawing from standard right-wing populist rhetoric, he has been influenced by more radical reactionary thinkers such as Julius Evola, Aleksandr Dugin, and Curtis Yarvin.

    Bennettism/Liberty Hangoutism

    Bennettism/Liberty Hangoutism is the political philosophy of Kaitlin Bennett, aka The Kent State Gun Girl, and Liberty Hangout, a media outlet which until recently self described themselves as being Libertarian. Bennett first gained media attention in 2018 for open carrying an AR-10 on the Kent State campus after graduating. A year later she married her husband Justin Moldow, the founder of Liberty Hangout. The two of them run Liberty Hangout, which used to describe themselves as a libertarian media outlet, and now describes themselves as a Conservative media outlet. However many describe it as promoting Catholic Fascism and Monarchism. Liberty Hangout are known for their inflammatory tweets such as wanting Donald Trump to declare himself king,[12]or saying that those who want a separation of church and state are "losers and Satanists."[13] Due to these outrageous tweets some have speculated that their Twitter account is actually a Satirical account.

    Carl Benjamin Thought

    Carl Benjamin Thought or Sargonism is a culturally centre-right to right-wing, nationalist, civically moderately libertarian and economically centre-right ideology based on the views of English political commentator Carl Benjamin, also known as Sargon of Akkad (his YouTube nickname), whose online content is principally against File:Progress.png progressive, globalist, feminist, communist, and anti-capitalist viewpoints in politics and culture.   Benjamin has previously called himself a "classical liberal", despite his strong support of conservative and nationalist movements such as Brexit, with him being a former member of UKIP. He has since moved away from using the term to describe himself as has gone on to criticise the doctrine of liberalism.[14] Benjamin initially also used to identify as a social liberal, due to his strong support for socialised healthcare and welfare, even calling himself centre-left; however, he has since become more economically right-wing, believing that the welfare state should be reduced.

    Revolutionary Capitalism

    Gavin McInnes Thought/Proud Boys Ideology

    Gavin McInnes Thought is a culturally and economically right-wing, nationalist, civically varied (though he has claimed to be a libertarian) ideology based on the views of British-born Canadian political commentator and satirist Gavin McInnes. McInnes co-founded Vice Media in 1994 and also created the Proud Boys in 2016 in New York City, where he has resided since 1999. Much like Bannonism, he is more radical than Alt-Lite, but more moderate than Alt-Right, having openly disavowed white nationalist identity politics and preferring to call himself a "Western Chauvinist," claiming that it allows you to have black conservative friends who care about preserving traditional Western values as well.


    Seibtism is culturally right-wing and right-libertarian, in which it is based on the political views of political activist and self-styled " anti-Greta" Naomi Seibt. It is based on Anarcho-Capitalism, especially influenced by F.A. Hayek, defense of Direct Democracy, opposition to immigration (what got her into politics), opposition to abortion and maritime rescue and covid denial, especially against the PCR test. One of her most controversial things is her denial of climate change, especially activist Greta Thunberg, also being against climate protection measures. Along with accusations of her being Alt-Right, especially for herself declaring a fan of Stefan Molyneux and her saying in 2019 that whites come in being oppressed by Jews . She stated that she has the possibility that Planned Parenthood would be trading body parts from aborted fetuses and that she was temporarily convinced that the Wayfair company would offer children on its website, she also had dealings with QAnon. In 2021, her YouTube account was banned.

    Libs of Tik Tok/Chaya Raichik Thought


    Personality and Behaviour

    Alt-Lite is like a more watered-down version of Alt-Right. He usually looks to Alt-Right for his ideas but thinks he is a LARPing schizo. He usually tries to de-radicalize Alt-Right, though that rarely works. He also likes to play AltLife a lot.

    Alt-Lite hates to be associated with Alt-Right, so he calls himself "Classical Liberal" or "Libertarian" (even if both of them absolutely hate him for hijacking their movements) and accuses him of being a leftist movement, alternative he can also portrays himself as an Anti-Sexist MRA or being a Centrist who says that feminism and the left has respectively gone too far or always has been mysandric and so extremist that everyone else is in the far-right also saying that they're the true bigots and intolerants.

    Acts like the stereotypical edgy 14-year-old with right-leaning culture war beliefs you'll see online. Usually calls anyone they don't like or who disagrees with them as either a "cuck" or "leftist" and likes to complain about normies. In addition, he constantly brings up the "free speech" card when someone attacks him.

    How to Draw

    Flag of Alt-Lite
    1. Draw a ball
    2. Draw 6 blue spokes
    3. Fill half the spokes in the same shade of blue
    4. Add the eyes and you're done!
    Color Name HEX RGB
    White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255
    Blue #00017F 0, 1, 127


    Anti-SJW Squad

    • Right-Wing Populism - Power to the people!
    • National Conservatism - The best carrier of my ideas!
    • Trumpism - Standing by Mr. President!
    • National Liberalism - Now that's what a liberal should be!
    • Reactionary Liberalism - Same as above but on steroids. Sometimes says things that are extreme even by my standards.
    • Conservative Liberalism - More moderate than the above ideologies, but you still have nice cultural policies. PragerU, Peterson and Whatifalthist make good videos indeed.
    • Manosphere - An excellent comrade against cultural decadency and in the defense of men's rights. We both like Andrew Tate.
    • National Libertarianism - A pragmatic libertarian who understands that nationalism is good and isn't necessarily fascism.
    • Cultural Nationalism - Our nation's culture must be protected!
    • Civic Nationalism - I don't give a f*ck about people's race as long as they're not illegals. But it won't stop me from making racist jokes.
    • Isolationism - Globalism is a threat to our way of life.
    • Paleoconservatism - Essentially me, but more religious, traditionalist, and isolationist. He's my boomer equivalent! But imperialists like Shapiro and TPUSA are not that bad
    • Classical Conservatism - Same as above but British.
    • Maternalism - See leftards? We're not misogynists, we're venerating women, especially housewives![15]
    • National Democracy - All-Polish Youth is The Best organisation that ever existed in Poland.
    • Korwinism - You also old based man, restore the crown of Poland!
    • Braunism - Wake up!
    • Paleolibertarianism - He knows the importance of conservative values for responsible and prosperous individuals.
    • Hayekism - He knows how to destroy socialism in epic style.
    • VOXism - Viva VOX!
    • Salvinism - Prima gli Italiani!
    • Melonism - Forza Giorgia!
    • Yiannopoulism - Feminism is cancer!
    • South Park - South Park is my favourite show due to how they make fun of SJWs.
    • Shapiroism - I love how you DESTROY lefties with FACTS and LOGIC.
    • Molyneuxism - A great philosopher who has associated with many members of our movement, but you should avoid hanging out with him too much, and many leftists falsely accuse you of being a white nationalist who promotes scientific racism, but you seem to have drifted away from politics in recent years and focused more on the philosophy of relationships, among other things, ever since your undeserved YouTube ban.


    • Alt-Right - You're really cool and all, but please cut it out with the racism.
    • Conservatism - You're barely conservative but less crazy than him.
    • Liberal Conservatism - Cuckservative but sometimes you do good things.
    • Libertarianism & Classical Liberalism - I like guns and hate taxes, therefore I'm one of you! What does "hijacking" mean?
    • Anarcho-Capitalism - Capitalism is cool, but I'm not really sure if the anarchism part is practical.
    • LGBT Conservatism - See, we accept gay people within our ranks! As long as they don't act like one. Milo is based and now he claimed that he's an ex-gay heterosexual.
    • Paternalistic Conservatism - I like your social values, but you're very similar to Succdem.
    • Ultranationalism - I agree that globalism is a great threat to people and that national identities and sovereignty are important, but you went way too far sometimes.
    • Hoppeanism & Nilssonian Anarcho-Fascism - Fringe ancaps but with very interesting ideas.
    • White Nationalism - We both love GypsyCrusader, but please keep your distance. The Great Replacement is real though.
    • Zionism - Please leave the Palestinians alone, I know that Jews are being killed too (by Palestinian terrorists). But Steve Bannon loves you though.
    • Social Libertarianism - Invites me on his podcast from time to time, but he's kind of a cuck.
    • Eugenicism - Yeah dysgenesia is a real problem but please quit abortion, forced sterilization and use genetic alteration in non-born only for things like dyslexia or bipolarism.
    • Libertarian Feminism - Camile Paglia and Christina Hoff Summers are kinda based but you don't need feminism.
    • Conservative Feminism - Oxymoron but tolerable. Still prefer her over you.
    • Civil Libertarianism & Piratism - Why won't you accept me? I literally made a whole website that's dedicated to free speech (except for lefties, there just really needs to be an exception for them ok?), so I'd expect you to at least somewhat appreciate me.
    • Men's Liberation - Experto en Igualdad is based, and you are great at pointing out male issues, but please don't be a feminist. Also, what do you mean "toxic masculinity" isn't misandristic? And why does everyone keep calling me a "hijacker"?
    • Anarcho-Fascism - You're weird man.
    • Anarcho-Conservatism - Same as above.
    • Austrolibertarianism - I often like the Mises Institute, but Bannon really hates you except Hayek.
    • Fourth Theory - Bannon likes you and your opposition to the current thing is based, but I only hate the cultural aspects of liberalism.
    • Objectivism - Too pro-immigration, pro-choice and militant atheist but you have some based takes like "You can ignore reality, but you can't ignore the consequences".
    • Moderatism - Believe it or not usually I'm center-right. Most of the time.
    • Neoconservatism & Neo-Libertarianism - TPUSA, PragerU, Murray and Shapiro are certainly nice, but some of us are isolationist and think you are too moderate culturally, like him.
    • Corporatocracy - I'll make a 10 minute video on you using gay flags to sell products but can you still give me ad revenue?
    • Conservative Socialism - Cringe commie but he also hates these Identity Politics-obsessed SJWs.
    • Liberalism - I. Am. You. Whether. You. Agree. Or. Not! Start fighting for freedom rather than admiring File:Prog.png Buttman.

    CRINGE SJW CUCKS!!1!1!one!


    Further Information


    Concepts and events

    Organisations and media


    Online Communities

    YouTube channels and other video portals





    1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Cs8tqP9PMrg&pp=ygUSS2V2aW4gbG9nYW4gc2FyZ29u The descent of Man-osphere - Episode 62 - Sargon's clown-car election campaign special
    2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 These figures are often seen as overlapping both the Alt-Lite and the Alt-Right.
    3. https://youtu.be/tcecjV0XQhE
    4. https://www.snopes.com/news/2020/02/21/liberty-hangout-holocaust-tweet/
    5. [1]
    6. HEATED DEBATE: Sargon of Akkad Deconstructs Liberalism
    7. While Benjamin has previously been critical of radical libertarians (i.e., anarcho-capitalists) due to formerly being a social liberal, he has supported many libertarian ideals and figures and has described himself as a moderate libertarian on the civil axis.
    8. Gavin has said that he was an anarchist when he was a young punk rocker and that his views haven't really changed since then, aside from the fact that he used to be more left-wing.
    9. Enrique Tarrrio promised the end of the war on drugs in his political platform. McInnes himself has also said that he is for the legalization of all drugs.
    10. [2]
    11. https://archive.is/7uUbH
    12. https://twitter.com/libertyhangout/status/1346886192990744580
    13. https://twitter.com/libertyhangout/status/1336153789024374786
    14. Five False Assumptions of Liberalism
    15. https://web.archive.org/web/20190822004848/https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounders/proud-boys


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