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    "National Socialism derives from each of the two camps the pure idea that characterizes it, national resolution from bourgeois tradition; vital, creative socialism from the teaching of Marxism."

    National Socialism, most commonly in English referred to as Nazism and occasionally known as Hitlerism or German Fascism, is a totalitarian ethno-ultranationalist  Third Position  ideology. He believes that the state and as an extension society should be directly tied to the Volksgemeinschaft (tr. 'folk, people's community'), a 'national community' of sorts based on a shared blood, culture, and ancestry among a group of people. He believes that a strong, totalitarian state is the only way of achieving this, with a singular ruler heading the Volksgemeinschaft. Economically he incorporates elements of national syndicalism and corporatism, supporting class collaboration among the members of the Volksgemeinschaft. Unlike fascism however, he wants to abolish class distinctions through the Volksgemeinschaft. While he doesn't refute private property and as a matter of fact attempts to keep industry as private as possible, it should be noted that he also believes that ultimately all property belongs to the Volksgemeinschaft and subsequently the state, and that consequentially he is not afraid to seize or nationalize property and enterprises as he sees fit. He also believes in a significant social safety net and benefits to the working population, mostly to keep them compliant though also for genuine care for his people. This is in contrast to the left-wing faction of Nazis, known as Strasserists, who emphasized German worker's rights and collective ownership of the means of production. He lastly believes in the 'purity' of the Volksgemeinschaft and all other Volksgemeinschafts, and does not believe that they should mix together (of course [sometimes] except in the case of "Aryans"). His hatred for many ideologies, including communism, liberalism, capitalism, globalism and democracy is based in the belief that all of these are a Jewish ploy to corrupt and destroy his nation.


    Nazism is similar to Benito Mussolini's ideals in Italy and was independently formed around the same time. National Socialism was created by Anton Drexler and spread by Adolf Hitler, and the latter would become the dictator of Germany in 1933. After Germany's defeat in the first world war, they had to demilitarize the Rhineland, but it was remilitarized the land in 1936. Adolf Hitler would continue his influence in Europe by annexing Austria, called Anschluss, although it was not an act by force since the citizens voted on being annexed (Whether or not the vote was sabotaged is still unknown). Later again in 1938, Hitler demanded the annexation of Sudetenland, and he invaded all of Czechoslovakia instead, but this did not lead to the French and British declaring war on Germany. But then, it was the last straw. Germany invaded Poland on the 1st of September, 1939, leading to the second world war, Germany would later invade the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, and many more. But Germany would make a fatal mistake, in invading the the Soviet Union in 1941 without packing proper clothes or gear. Soon the Americans would join the war, and start a two-front war with Germany, and in 1945, the Soviets rushed Berlin. Hitler committed suicide on 30/04/1945. Two days later after his suicide, Germany surrendered, and that was the end of Germany's Nazism.



    Neo-Nazism is the spawn of Nazism, born after World War II. Filled with violent and criminal hatred towards Homosexuals, Cripples and Juden, Nazism wishes that you know that he is not related to Neo-Nazism in any way as he emphasizes on order and efficiency. Literally every Gen Z Teenager

    Racial views

    The racial views of Nazism are less a hierarchy and more of an ever-changing fluid mess of a one-story house. It's important to stress that Nazism used the term "race" (Rasse) sparingly, and instead preferred to use the term volk which effectively was used in replacement of the term "race"- but which did not exactly correlate to our modern understanding of race. Nazism, indeed, did believe in the existence of different races: but it did not believe in superficial terms like the "white race" or "yellow race". Rather, its concept of race was based upon that of ancestry: blood, ethnicity.

    The "Aryan Race"

    The Nazis, with a majority of Europe at the time, believed (correctly) that most of the peoples of Europe- that is the Indo-European speaking peoples of Europe, belonged to a grouping of peoples we would now know as Indo-European, at the time of course referred to as "Aryan". Their belief was that the Aryan race (Arier Rasse)- or "Indo-Germanics", had originated out of what is now Northern Europe, conquering the pre-European peoples there before going on to spread into Anatolia, Iran, India, Central Asia, all the way into modern day East Turkestan (or Xinjiang). They thought that as the Aryan race had conquered farther from their homeland of Northern Europe, the more non-Aryans they intermingled with and thus the less "pure" their blood was. The Nordic race, a sub-race of the Aryan race, was considered by the Nazis to be the most racially pure Aryans; that is the race which carried on their appearance, culture and genetics most closely.
    The Nazis did not group the Aryan peoples based on "how Aryan" they were, however. While it did acknowledge that the Nordic peoples were the most racially pure form of Aryan, it did not believe that they were inherently "better" or superior to the rest of the Aryans for that. The "Nazi racial hierarchy"- that is of the chart where Nords and Germanic peoples are at the top, Latins in the middle and etc. farther down is not a chart of superiority, but rather a chart highlighting how racially pure they are.

    The racial hierarchy

    If we are to ever understand Nazism's racial views, at least in the concept of why it compares everything to "Aryans", let us first examine the word "Aryan". "Aryan" (from Proto-Indo-Iranian *Áryas) has several reconstructed origins. It seems most likely however that the root of the word comes from the Indo-European "h₂er-", which literally means "to fit", but which is translated in this context usually as "fitting, proper"- that is 'noble'. Hence, the word "Aryan" can be understood as meaning 'noble one'. Now, we must examine the word "Herrenvolk". Normally, this is translated as "master race; master people". In the context of which the Nazis categorized the Aryan race as the "Herrenvolk" however, we find that the common translation of "Herr" as 'master' does not fit in this situation. While Herr indeed can be translated as master, it is almost always used in the concept of 'gentleman'- a title of respect equivalent again to 'noble'. Hence, when Nazism speaks of the "Aryan race" being the "herrenvolk", they were not saying that they were the 'master race', but rather a "gentlemanly race". In other words, calling the 'noble race' noble. The floor is floor. In contrast, we find that the common translation of "Untermensch" as literally meaning "subhuman" also makes little sense if we understand what it is contrasting to.

    The term "Untermensch" was previously used to refer not to racially inferior or genetically inferior people but rather to a morally or culturally inferior person. A gambler as an example would be considered morally inferior and thus "untermenschen". In Nietzschean philosophy, the term "Untermensch" is in contrast to "Übermensch". Nietzsche's description of the "Übermensch" was that of a person who had transcended the 'otherworldliness' of Christian values- that is values given by God, and instead that of which manifested the 'grounded, human ideal'. In other words- they were supposed to be a gentlemanly (noble) people. Such is confirmed with the 'last man'- the antithesis of the "Übermensch". The last man is described as tired of life, takes no risks, and seeks only comfort and security. If the Übermensch is the antithesis of this, then we can find that "Übermensch" hence means somebody who is appreciative or even loves the world and life, is willing to take risks, and rejects passive comfort and routine (security).

    Henceforth, we find in a sense that the term "Übermenschen" is a cognate with the term "Herrenvolk"- both mean 'gentlemanly people'- 'noble people'. In contrast we therefore find that the term 'untermenschen' refers to a culturally or morally inferior person.
    This description is further backed up by Dr. Walter Gross, the head of the Office of Racial Policy of the NSDAP. In a letter sent to Dr. Gross in response to another by Iraqi prime minister Rashid Ali Al-Gaylani, Dr. Gross had this to say.

    "The Germans do not fight the Jews because they are Semitic or because they come from the East, but for their character, egoism and their hostility to society."

    Nazi racial hierarchy, therefore, was based on the concept of gentlemanliness- of nobleness. It was not rooted in the belief of some races being inherently 'superior' physically or genetically (though the Nazis despised racial mixing), but rather in the concept of moral supremacy. The Jews were lambasted by the Nazis as being 'untermenschen' because of their supposed synonymity with the 'Untermenschen'. They were thought to be greedy, lazy, egoistic and self-serving and desired only passive comfort and security. Likewise, this is why there were 'noble Jews'- treated the same as 'Aryans'. Nazism ranked races therefore on their character: at least their perceived character. This hence is why Nazi racial hierarchies appear to be so self-contradicting: because nothing about the racial hierarchy was set in stone: it was always ever-changing with new perceptions of the supposed characteristics of races.

    Divide within Nazi circles

    Often (Serious) Nazi circles have a strong disdain for Neo-Nazis and are shown to often break the mainstream view of Aryanism. Nazism (In a serious sense) is seen as organic. In these circles (Mostly) they view Nazism as being able to be applied to any Aryan nation. Example: France can possibly support Esoteric Nazism since the connection with Blood and Soil regarding the Franks and among other forms. Other subjects within these circles are Slavs and Asians . There are more modern divergences and serious debates in underground discord and telegram channels.


    It is widely known that Nazism prefers to solve its problems by gassing and burning them. Human beings are no exception. Anyone considered an “Untermensch” (subhuman in German) will be thrown into a concentration/death camp by Nazism if he sees them. One way to tell if someone you know is considered an Untermensch is if Nazism puts three sets of parenthesis "((()))" around his/her name or pronouns. Nazism also uses the triple parenthesis to refer to entire groups he doesn’t like, mainly Jews. In practice, Nazism see genocide as a last resort, hence the term "Final Solution", and prefer to "humanely" deport Untermensch or use them as slave labor.

    Social Darwinism

    The argument that Nazi ideology was strongly influenced by Social Darwinist ideas is often found in historical and social science literature. For example, the philosopher and historian Hannah Arendt analyzed the historical development from a politically indifferent scientific Darwinism via social Darwinist ethics to racist ideology. Nazism views Darwinian evolution as justification for the belief in the supposed superiority of the Aryan race.

    To Nazism, people with inherited disorders are considered to be “useless eaters” and were killed/sent to camps on sight as they were regarded as "life unworthy of life" (German: Lebensunwertes Leben). Mental disabilities fare mildly better than physical disabilities depending on the severity of the disorder, but it usually ends up the same way even in minor cases.

    During Nazi Germany's early years, an infamous practice was promising treatment and care for cripples in state-owned hospitals, then either coercing or convincing their families to give up their disabled family member(s), only for the Nazis to euthanize them in their "hospitals".

    Nationalism and Dictatorship

    Nazism is very, well, nationalist; the Fatherland comes first. Always. In Nazism, the individual is nothing but a servant to the nation-state. Current leaders of Nazism, notably Adolf Hitler, are referred to as the “Führer” ("Leader" in German). As a leadership-based system, the Führer has nearly unlimited power over their subordinates, although they do tend to have ruling councils and bureaucracy based on WWII-era observations. Using this extreme nationalism, citizens under Nazism will often fight to the death to protect their land and leader.

    Acording to Götz Haydar Aly Nazis promoted the ideal of a social order in which all Germans of “pure aryan blood” were freed from traditional class barriers and had an opportunity to reach any level of success by serving the fatherland. Nazis could thus have viewed themselves as a form of continuation of Bismarck's paternalist legacy, viewed by them as only the beginning for all “real” Germans to obtain high quality of life. In some regards a majority of German families could maintain good standards of living even under bombardment of the Allies thanks to the spoils of war. Every country occupied by German army had to contribute in the interests of German people, and in 5 years Nazis took from various nations of Europe goods worth 2 trillion of dollars. Each time, Nazis first nationalized Jewish property only to privatize it away to German people or other deemed worthy. As estimated by Aly, robbery of resources in occupied states allowed most of German people to have more comfort than civil population in Great Britain.


    Nazism's religious beliefs are not entirely set in stone; there were many a Christian and even Muslims with the rare Pagan mixed in there, but it is undeniable that Nazism was a deeply religious movement which opposed all forms of atheism and antitheism. Most of the leading figures of Nazism, particularly Hitler and Goebbels, frequently made references to "the Lord", "providence", and "God" in their writings and speeches. Hitler himself stated that one of the reasons why he was opposed to Bolshevism was because he believed it preached "godlessness".

    Nazism as a religion

    It can be argued that Nazism considers itself to be a religion, such as in the case of Goebbels writing on October 16, 1928 when he proclaimed that "National Socialism is a religion".

    What does Christianity mean today? National Socialism is a religion. All we lack is a religious genius capable of uprooting outmoded religious practices and putting new ones in their place. We lack traditions and ritual. One day soon National Socialism will be the religion of all Germans. My Party is my church, and I believe I serve the Lord best if I do his will, and liberate my oppressed people from the fetters of slavery. That is my gospel.

    Joseph Goebbels

    As for the actual religious beliefs of the so-called "National Socialist religion", the consensus seems to be that it is a panentheistic religion, where the universe and God are understood to be one and the same. This connection between God and nature and the belief that God is nature (as in, directly) is among the many reasons why Nazism supported deep ecology and other such environmentalist movements.
    Nazism can also be characterized as an autotheistic religion due to the fact that Nazism reveres the Fuhrer, believing in him as an ideal, and attributing divine qualities to him. This contributed to the active cultivation of the cult of Hitler's personality in the Third Reich.

    Nazism was never exactly hostile to Christianity, but its belief that the Volksgemeinschaft and state take priority over religious authority often rendered Nazism to take hostile action towards certain Christian groups, such as that of the Catholics and Jehovah's Witnesses. An attempt was made to create a sort of positive Christianity that would have combined the teachings of Jesus Christ with Nazism, though this mostly went nowhere.


    A core element of society under Nazism is the basic family structure, with mothers producing and fathers providing, under the basis of the 3Ks: kinder (Children), küche (Kitchen), kirche (Church). Due to the declining birth rates during the Weimar Republic era, Hitler took measures to increase birth rates and succeeded with the increase from 1.6 average children per woman in 1933 to 2.6 average children per woman in 1940, by offering favourable loans and grants to newlyweds and encouraged them to give birth to offspring by providing them with additional incentives, and ban on abortion and birth contraptions. Although this issue isn’t as important to him as is Religion or Race.

    One of the lesser-known facets of feminist movements can be observed within the context of Germany, particularly during the rise of National Socialism. Despite prevailing viewpoints among some fellow National Socialists that feminism was incompatible, Jewish, or unfavorable, it is important to note that the Nazi movement garnered substantial support from women. In the presidential election of March 1932, approximately 26.5% of German women cast their votes for Hitler. Furthermore, in the September 1931 elections, Nazi candidates received approximately 3 million votes from women, representing nearly half of the total 6.5 million votes garnered by the Nazi party.

    The Frauenwerk, a government-sponsored women's activity organization, saw participation from over 4 million women. Additionally, 5 million women belonged to the women's division of the German Labor Front. The Nazi regime encouraged the establishment of such organizations with the aim of mobilizing women across various spheres of the Reich, promoting the rejuvenation of femininity. Notably, within the realm of Nazi feminism, Sophie Rogge-Börner, a teacher and writer, emerged as one of the prominent figures. Rogge-Börner, along with other members of the NSDAP's feminist block, based their feminism on the idealization of a semi-mythical Nordic Golden Age characterized by sexual equality. They believed that a true national community, founded upon harmony and class comradeship, would be unattainable as long as the state continued to discriminate against women based on their gender.

    Although Sophie Rogge-Börner never officially joined the NSDAP, she had been associated with various German völkisch groups, including the National Socialist Freedom Movement. Despite her non-membership, she remained a fervent supporter of National Socialism, actively participating in the völkisch literary movement. Like many German nationalists, she greeted the new Hitler government in 1933 with great enthusiasm. Upon Hitler's rise to power, Sophie compiled a memorandum, which was subsequently published as the lead article in the newly-established National Socialist journal, The German Female Fighter. Later, her work, along with multiple similar articles on Nazi feminism, was compiled into the 1933 book titled German Women Address to Adolf Hitler. This publication received a brief written acknowledgement from Prussian Reich Commissioner Göring.

    While the book was eventually banned by the government in 1937, it did lead to minor reforms. These reforms primarily focused on women's organizations, maternal support, affordable housing, and other pro-family and pro-mother policies, bearing similarities to those implemented under Italian Fascism and the BUF.

    Quoting from the memorandum:

    In all other areas of civic life the necessity of bringing in the foremost influence of women applies just as much. This claim to a greater area of responsibility cannot be dismissed as feminism. The Volk have an inalienable right to leadership by the best Germans of both sexes. The Volk comprises the entirety of the people; if it is to prosper it can therefore only be led through the whole of the people. The best men and the best women have to share in the leadership of the nation. Men and women must participate in every leadership office.” — Sophie Rogge-Börner, German Women Address to Adolf Hitler

    Sophie Rogge-Börner held the belief that the pursuit of gender equality was intricately tied to anti-Semitism and the notion of Nordic beauty. According to her perspective, the Germanic peoples possessed a historical foundation in which women enjoyed complete equality and the opportunity to fully manifest their potential. The Nazi feminists, including Rogge-Börner, advocated for the idea that women could be priestesses, leaders, and even warriors. They drew upon sources such as the Edda, Icelandic sagas, Hervarar saga, Gesta Danorum, and the writings of Tacitus to support their claims regarding this Nordic concept of feminism.

    These Nazi feminists utilized National Socialist principles, which held that Germanness represented the highest ideal, to argue that Germany should model itself after the Nordic era. This formed the basis of Volkish Feminism. It is important to note, however, that while many of Rogge-Börner's ideas regarding complete gender equality were not implemented by Hitler's regime, she remained loyal to National Socialism throughout World War II. Even after the war, Sophie continued to express support for Hitler and National Socialism until her death.

    Interestingly, the National Socialists even had a mural depicting various feminists, including Hedwig Heyl, Auguste Schmidt, and Helene Lange, with a caption that acknowledged their contributions.

    We respect all genuine achievements made in earlier times, because they correspond to the spirit of National Socialism.” — Adolf Hitler, The Path of Women mural

    A National Socialists mural showing various feminists

    In 1926, Emma Hadlich, a feminist, ignited a debate with an article in the National Observer, the official newspaper of the NSDAP. In her piece, Hadlich criticized Elsbeth Zander, the head of the women's organization affiliated with the NSDAP. This led to a series of charges and countercharges published in the newspaper from January to April 1926. Many of the issues raised during this debate resurfaced in 1933 with the publication of German Women Address to Adolf Hitler.

    Even after the National Socialists assumed power, Nazi feminists continued to express their views. They believed that while women were different from men, they possessed full capabilities, intelligence, and the ability to contribute to the German people in ways beyond motherhood. According to their vision of a truly German society, women would work and fight alongside men, collectively striving for the well-being of the community. Nazi feminists drew upon anthropological theories that postulated matriarchy as the earliest form of social organization. Moreover, they argued that in ancient Germanic society, men and women held equal importance. The debate between Nazi feminists and their opponents primarily revolved around the historical nature of Germanic society rather than the desired conditions for the future.

    While the arguments put forth by Nazi feminists aligned with National Socialist principles, one woman, Irmgard Reichenau, surpassed these boundaries and adopted lines of reasoning reminiscent of radical modern liberal feminism. In her essay on Gifted Women, which she sent to Hitler in March 1932, Reichenau argued that women must have access to influential positions not only for the benefit of the state but also for their personal fulfillment. She defended career women against accusations of causing unemployment and opting to remain single, as well as the notion that they lacked desire for children. Reichenau accused men of seeking comfort in marriage while avoiding strong, intelligent women. She asserted that talented women with careers would make better mothers than those solely focused on motherhood. To support her argument, she cited examples of accomplished women such as Maria Theresa, who had sixteen children, and Clara Schumann, who had eight. Reichenau warned that unused talents often manifested in other ways, such as hysteria, neurosis, and domestic tyranny.

    Beyond the ideological dispute itself, what is particularly intriguing about this debate is the absence of doctrinal rigidity. Alfred Rosenberg acknowledged that Hadlich's original article and Zander's response revealed the range of ideas held by these feminist Nazis. He suggested that it would be best to openly discuss these differences. Other writers noted that the conflict demonstrated the vitality of the movement. Ultimately, Rosenberg left the issue to the party leadership, emphasizing that all differences of opinion should yield to the central struggle against Capitalism, Marxism, and Jewry.

    In 1933, when these issues were raised again, Irmgard opened her book with two quotations from Hitler—one calling on anyone who perceived danger to the people to openly combat evil, and the other stating that "He who loves Germany may criticize us." Rosenberg clarified in the National Observer that his comments on Hadlich's article were not intended to imply that women were inferior to men, but rather to highlight the differences in their psyches and biology. Despite Rosenberg's efforts to conclude the debate in the newspaper, Nazi feminists continued to criticize him for his views. Irmgard even went so far as to accuse him of being a Jew for promoting sexism. Consequently, many feminists involved with the National Socialist movement faced censorship by the German state.

    For more information on Nazi feminists, one can refer to the book Mobilizing Woman For War by Leila J. Rupp. As depicted in the book, women held numerous positions within the Third Reich. They served in women's administrations, contributed to women's education, worked as professors and scholars, and served in the police and fire services, transportation, camps, offices, auxiliary military roles, and medicine as nurses, doctors, and military administrators. Women were also involved in politics and aviation. Several women received commendations such as the Iron Cross and the Golden Party Badge. The German Luftwaffe even had one of the first female pilots.

    A video on Hanna Reitsch

    In 1944, a significant number of women took on combat flights to release male pilots for active duty, while hundreds of women became gliding instructors. Among them was Hanna Reitsch, a renowned test pilot who had received numerous honors. In 1945, she participated in combat as she carried out the last flight into and out of Berlin.

    After the war in her last interview she said this:

    And what have we now in Germany? A country of bankers and car-makers. Even our great army has gone soft. Soldiers wear beards and question orders. I am not ashamed to say I believed in National Socialism. I still wear the Iron Cross with diamonds Hitler gave me. But today in all of Germany you can't find a single person who voted Adolf Hitler into power. Many Germans feel guilty about the war. But they don't explain the real guilt we share – that we lost.” — Hanna Reitsch, interview with Ron Laytner

    Additionally, delving into the role of Eleanor Bauer provides further insight into this topic. Bauer played a pivotal role as one of the key founders of the NSDAP, assisting Hitler from its inception. She initially served as a nurse during World War I and later provided support to the Freikorps Oberland troops during their conflicts against the Bavarian Soviet Republic and in the Baltic campaign of 1919. Bauer's arrest on March 11, 1920, for disturbing the peace after delivering an anti-Semitic speech at a women's rally in Munich ultimately resulted in her acquittal, solidifying her status as a hero within the Nazi movement. Notably, she sustained injuries during the Beer Hall Putsch and was the only woman to actively participate in this event. In recognition of her involvement, Bauer was honored with the Blood Order, one of the highest decorations awarded by the party and bestowed upon only 16 German women.

    Remaining a close confidante of Hitler, Bauer held a prominent position within his inner circle. Heinrich Himmler even appointed her as the welfare sister for the Waffen-SS, elevating her to the rank equivalent of an SS Oberführer, or a Waffen SS General. In 1934, Bauer established the National Socialist Order of Sisters, an organization dedicated to nursing, and assumed the position of honorary chairwoman in 1937. Her contributions were further acknowledged with the award of the golden party badge. Under the Nazi regime, she was promoted as the embodiment of the ideal Nazi woman, with Der Spiegel referring to her as "the nurse of the Nazi nation." Bauer received several medals, including the Silesian Eagle Order, the Silver Medal for Bravery, and the Baltikum Cross. Importantly, even after the war, Bauer never renounced National Socialism and remained steadfast in her convictions, displaying unwavering self-confidence.


    Homosexuality is considered degenerate in the eyes of Nazism. When they are present, gays and lesbians are considered to be untermensch and will be sent to prison or directly to concentration camps. Under these conditions, it is still unknown how Homofascism came to be. Ernst Julius Günther Röhm, one of the few homosexual Nazis who were eventually purged, was a fervent advocate of this ideology. After WW2, the National Socialist League (NSL) was founded as a neo-Nazi organization of gay men in the United States that existed from 1974 until 1984.

    Animal Welfare & Environmental Policies

    Nazism had elements supportive of animal rights. The Nazi government took several measures aiming to protect the animals. In 1933, the Nazis enacted a stringent animal-protection law that affected what was allowed for medical research (the law was only loosely enforced, and in spite of a ban on vivisection, the Ministry of the Interior readily handed out permits for experiments on animals).

    The Reich Forestry Office under Göring enforced regulations that required foresters to plant a variety of trees to ensure suitable habitat for wildlife, and the regime enacted the Reich Nature Protection Act in 1935 to protect the natural landscape, though some report it was done in a process of "Germanization" of forests in conquered territory, where they would be emptied to then be stocked with purely "Teutonic" species, including eagles, elk, and wolves.

    Nature worship wasn't introduced by Nazis in Germany as it goes back to the origins of modern romanticism, of which its influence has since then been transverse to german culture and its political spectrum, including Social Democrats and Marxists. However, Nazi ideology laid the blame for alienation, rootlessness and environmental destruction on rationalism, cosmopolitanism, and urban civilization - all of which they connected to jewry - instead of locating its source in social and economic structures. The “green” aspect of Nazism, such as its attitude towards forest preservation, stayed entirely within a conservative and/or reactionary conception of environmental policy. Furthermore, what is often stressed in Nazism as part of its environmental discourse: its exaltation of the virtues of rurality against cosmopolitan urban life; was actually from the Völkisch movement, and was surfing on an already present sentiment among youth culture which rejected civic engagement outright and embraced a communal, back-to-the-land lifestyle instead, both pertaining more to agrarian tendencies.

    By the late 1930s, what could be linked to environmentalism in Nazi rhetoric eventually moved out from their concerns as they prepared Germany for global conflagration, and disappeared after the war started. Thus, if perfunctory efforts were made to curb air pollution, little enforcement of existing legislation was undertaken once the war began.

    Nazi Economics

    Nazism present itself as an anti-capitalist and anti-communist ideology, deemed as a “Third Position” and beyond both Communism and Capitalism, being a Hegelian Dialectic of the two. However, neither Hitler nor any Nazi ideologues ever have qualified themselves as a “Third Position”—a term which appeared only years after the collapse of XXth century European fascist regimes, as a set of neo-fascist political ideologies that developed in the context of the Cold War. In fact, economics wasn't a structuring part of the Nazi ideology, as it has always been an accessory, or secondary aspect of it which primarily served its rhetoric depending on the context, resulting in a lack of any coherent theory. Though it is important to mention that Hitler actually believed that the lack of a precise economic program was one of the Nazi Party's strengths, saying: "The basic feature of our economic theory is that we have no theory at all". It is important to note that, the "socialism" in Nazism (and Fascism) is the totalitarian state's control of "private" and public production and industry, without the Marxist view of class struggle, but instead a struggle between the different races/ethnicities (Nazism) and/or Nations (Classical Fascism). Their "Socialism" is not a economic system in of itself, not the Socialism of Marx, and stands in opposition in both Capitalism and Communism. It would be accurate to say that Nazism's (and Fascism's) Socialism is the definitive social structure which is more comparable to the structures of Individualism (in Liberalism and Capitalism) and Collectivism (in Marxism and Communism), yet it also stands in opposition to those 2 as well. The totalitarian state controls every aspect of the individual and groups making the public and even the "private" sector compliant to it. This led Nazism to align with German capitalists’ interests and integrate the then traditional capitalist mode of production in its economic policies and ideology. To Hitler, "the capitalists have worked their way to the top through their capacity, and as the basis of this selection, which again only proves their higher race, they have a right to lead." Nazi ideology indeed held entrepreneurship in high regard, and private property was considered a precondition to developing the creativity of members of the German race in the best interest of the economy, and therefore the nation. Thus, in spite of their rhetoric condemning big business prior to their rise to power, the Nazis quickly entered into a partnership with German business leaders. Industrialists massively supported the Nazi accession to power once his accession to power was seen as unavoidable, from about mid-1932 onwards, and what oppositon was initially present among them disappeared as they decided to collaborate with the new regime following private interests and/or political and ideological affinities, and thus as early as February 1933. That month, after being appointed Chancellor but before gaining dictatorial powers, Hitler made a personal appeal to German business leaders to help fund the Nazi Party for the crucial months that were to follow. He argued that they should support him in establishing a dictatorship because "private enterprise cannot be maintained in the age of democracy" and because democracy would allegedly lead to communism. He promised to destroy the German left and the trade unions (those who did not get absorbed by the state), and in the following weeks, the Nazi Party received contributions from seventeen different business groups, with the largest coming from IG Farben and Deutsche Bank. The leaders of German capitalism therefore collaborated with the Nazis during their rise to power, and were willing partners in the destruction of political pluralism in Germany. In exchange, owners and managers of German businesses were granted unprecedented powers to control their workforce, collective bargaining was abolished and wages were frozen at a relatively low level. The Nazis granted millions of marks in credits to private businesses, and many businessmen had friendly relations to the Nazis, most notably with Heinrich Himmler and his Freundeskreis der Wirtschaft. German capitalists received substantial benefits from the Nazi state after it was established, including high profits monopolies and cartels. In this way, privatization was a tool in the hands of the Nazi Party to facilitate the accumulation of private fortunes and industrial empires by its foremost members and collaborators. This would have intensified centralization of economic affairs and government in an increasingly narrow group of collaborators to the Nazi regime made of capitalist leaders and economic elites. The Nazi government in 1930s Germany undertook a wide scale privatization policy. The Nazis privatized public properties and public services, only increasing economic state control through regulations already practiced by prior conservative governments. The government sold public ownership in several State-owned firms in different sectors. In addition, delivery of some public services previously produced by the public sector was transferred to the private sector, mainly to organizations within the Nazi Party. Ideological motivations do not explain Nazi privatization. However, political motivations were important. The Nazi government may have used privatization (worth to note that back in this time word "privatization" had opposite meaning of what we have today, and the "private" individuals running the mode of production is required to be compliant to the totalitarian state as to avoid cessation and take over of the state itself) as a tool to improve its relationship with big industrialists and to increase support among this group for its policies.

    The economy of Nazi Germany has even before the war been significantly relying on a maintained supply of slave labor comprised of homeless people, homosexuals, alleged criminals as well as political dissidents, communists, Jews, and anyone else deemed "undesirable" by the regime. They were systematically imprisoned in labor camps, a network of 457 complexes with dozens of subsidiary camps, scattered over a broad area of German-occupied Poland, which exploited to the fullest the labor of their prisoners, in many cases working inmates to their death. During the war, prisoners and civilians were brought into Germany from occupied territories. About 5 million Polish citizens (including Polish Jews) went through them. The shortage of agricultural labor was filled in german rural areas by forced laborers from the occupied territories of Poland and the Soviet Union, whose children were usually murdered inside special centers known as Ausländerkinder-Pflegestätte. Leading German companies including Thyssen, Krupp, IG Farben, Bosch, Blaupunkt, Daimler-Benz, Demag, Henschel, Junkers, Messerschmitt, Philips, Siemens, Walther, and Volkswagen, on top of Nazi German startups which ballooned during this period, and all German subsidiaries of foreign firms including Fordwerke (Ford Motor Company) and Adam Opel AG (a subsidiary of General Motors), relied heavily on slave labor : by 1944, one-quarter of Germany's entire work force was made up of slave labor, and the majority of German factories had a contingent of prisoners.

    Economic policies of the Third Reich :

    • Hitler appointed Hjalmar Schacht, right-wing liberal economist, as President of the Reichsbank in 1933 and Minister of Economics in 1934. Hjalmar Schacht created a scheme for deficit financing, in which capital projects were paid for with the issuance of promissory notes called Mefo bills, which could be traded by companies with each other, and which was vastly used for the Reich's military expansion. He opposed policy of German re-armament insofar as it violated the Treaty of Versailles and (in his view) disrupted the German economy. And was resigned as President of the Reichsbank in January 1939. In 1944, Schacht was arrested by the Gestapo.
    • The Nazis were hostile to the very idea of social welfare, upholding instead the social darwinist concept that the weak and feeble should perish. By the 1930s, the Great Depression had caused mass unemployment in Germany, and it had become politically untenable for the Nazis to write off the destitute as not worth helping. The Nazi regime thus established the NSV as the single Nazi Party welfare organ on 3 May 1933. The NSV wasn’t in fact social welfare, as the Nazis explicitly designed and ran it so that it could be granted only to individuals who could prove their value to the Volksgemeinschaft (the national/racial community). It also restricted its assistance to individuals of "Aryan descent" who met a range of conditions to be deemed worthy of support, officially stating that its aim was to promote "the living, healthy forces of the German people.” The list of those excluded from NSV benefits was composed of "alcoholics, tramps, homosexuals, prostitutes, the 'work-shy' or the 'asocial', habitual criminals, the hereditarily ill (a widely defined category) and members of races other than the Aryan.”
    • Real wages in Germany dropped by roughly 25% between 1933 and 1938. Along with the abolition of the right to strike, workers were also in large part rendered unable to quit their jobs. Labor books were introduced in 1935, and the consent of the previous employer was required in order to be hired for another job.
    • The Nazis hardly ever increased taxes on individual German citizens, on the contrary, top personal income tax rate in 1941 was 13.7% in Germany, as opposed to 23.7% in Great Britain.
    • The Nazi regime would at times resort to price control under the administration of right-wing liberal economists Hjalmar Schacht and Carl Friedrich Goerdeler, respectively as Minister of Economics and Price Commissioner. In sectors like agriculture, business monopoly rights were granted to private marketing boards to control production and prices with a quota system.
    • The Nazis banned all trade unions that existed before their rise to power, and replaced them with the German Labour Front (DAF), controlled by the Nazi Party. They also outlawed strikes and lockouts. The stated goal of the German Labour Front was not to protect workers, but to increase output, and it brought in employers as well as workers. By 1934, the DAF merged with the Chamber of Economics, which already absorbed all existing chambers of commerce, when it became the economics department of the DAF. This is about the only policy implemented by the Nazis that could be considered a form of corporatism, the rest of which much better fit more classical authoritarian capitalist ideas.

    Within the Nazi Party, the faction associated with what could be closer to anti-capitalist beliefs was the SA, a paramilitary wing led by Ernst Röhm. The SA had a complicated relationship with the rest of the party, giving both Röhm himself and local SA leaders significant autonomy. Different local leaders would even promote different political ideas in their units, resulting in Hitler purging Röhm and other radical members of the SA in 1934, during the Night of the Long Knives. Another figure of the Nazy Party sometimes seen as more economically left-wing was Joseph Goebbels, because of initial disagreements he may have hold against the main current of the Party regarding its economic beliefs. However, while first closer to the Strasserist wing, as he rose in prominence within the movement, Goebbles abandoned his former more socialist-ish ideas and completely aligned himself on Hitler’s thought. During power struggles taking place inside of the Party, as Goebbels and the Strasserists tried to turn Hitler against the right wing. In vain, but Hitler tempered, leaving an open door: in a speech on February 28, he essentially attacked “Marxism”. Goebbels knows that this is the chance to be seized, he prepares his betrayal: at the beginning of March, Strasser is seriously injured by communists during a meeting; this is an opportunity for Goebbels to meet the right wing. On March 12, he was invited to the lands of one of the supporters of the latter (in Franconia at Streicher's), then on March 21, in Nuremberg, he met Streicher and reconciled with Luid. On March 27, Goebbels made his self-criticism, writing an editorial with the evocative title: “There is something wrong with me!” That's the end of the "Strasserian" Goebbels; henceforth he is entirely Hitlerian. This betrayal does not prevent Goebbels from always having admired Hitler. He then puts his errors on the back of his bad advisers, in particular Hermann Esser, the head of propaganda for the NSDAP.


    Nazism detests communists, who are conveniently branded “political dissidents”. Nazism also has issues with Gypsies, freemasons, liberals, and anarchists.


    British Nazism/Leeseism

    British Nazism/Leeseism is based on the thoughts of British political figure Arnold Leese.

    He was born at Lytham St Annes, Lancashire, England, United Kingdom on November 16th 1878 while his father named Spencer Leese was a manufacturer that became an artist while his nephew named Sir Joseph Francis Leese was a judge that became a politician for the "Liberal Party" but then become a first-class cricketer and his second cousin named Sir Oliver Leese was a Lieutenant-General of the "British Army" since 1914.

    Arnold Leese was educated at Giggleswick School near Settle while his childhood was characterised by loneliness because he is the only child in the family but then in 1894, his father named Spencer Leese died so the family are in financial difficulties so Leese force to leave boarding school and then years later he attended the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons thanks to the financial help of his grandfather.

    In 1903, Arnold Leese graduated at the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons so he worked as an equine clinician in London but then in 1907, he accepted a post at the Civil Veterinary Department in the British Raj aka India in which he became an expert on camels while working alongside with the North-West Frontier but then in 1909, he published several articles on this animal along with its maladies so he was first appeared in the "Journal of Tropical Veterinary Science" while in 1910, a camel parasite called Thelazia leesei was named after him by Louis-Joseph Alcide Railliet and then in 1913, he was transferred to Italian Somaliland to work for the East Africa Government's veterinary department where he was posted at the outbreak of World War One (1914-1918).

    During World War One, Arnold Leese was commissioned in the Royal Army Veterinary Corps but then served as a camel purchase officer to the remount commission with the Somaliland Camel Corps while in France on the Western Front he was a veterinary officer for the Advanced Horse Transport Depot and during the war he was married to May Winifred King who is the daughter of a former landlord but then after the war Leese returned to the United Kingdom to be settled in Stamford as a practising vet until retirement in June 1928.

    In the early 1920s, Arnold Leese became interested in Italian Fascism while developed a fascination for Benito Mussolini but then in April 1923, he wrote a short pamphlet called "Fascism for Old England" that praised Mussolini while highlighting the significance of Fascism for Britain and then Leese joined the "British Fascists" lead by Rotha Lintorn-Orman shortly after it's creation while in March 1924, he established his own branch which soon gained 80 members but then Leese despised however the group's policies for allowing former Socialists or Jews in the party, contending that it was "honeycombed" with Communist infiltrators.

    Arnold Leese further explains that the "British Fascists" did not understand Fascism at all while he revolted against Democracy for a return to Statesmanship but also as an animal lover, he claimed that the style of animal slaughter was practised in Judaism that influenced his Anti-Semitism and then he joined an international think tank that was based in Switzerland called the "Centre International d'Études sur le Fascisme/International Centre for the Study of Fascism" (CINEF) whose aim was the promotion of Fascism while he served as its British correspondent.

    Arnold Lesse has become close to one of his neighbours such as the economist Arthur Kitson who is a member of "The Britons" lead by Henry Hamilton Beamish as an Anti-Jewish pioneer while Kitson persuaded Leese that control of money was the key to power while also the money was ultimately controlled by the Jewish people and then Kitson supplied him with a copy of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion book in which Leese explains the little book was true while he simply could not put it down until he had finished reading it but then the two men became friends until Kitson died at 1937.

    Arnold Lesse was elected councillor to the Stamford Town Council along with Harry Simpson becoming the first elected Fascist councillors in the United Kingdom but the "British Fascists" had generally chosen not to intervene in the despised democratic system while his own contempt for Democracy seems to have been paradoxically reinforced by the election so he says why he got voted by many people and the reason for this because he had cured their pigs or pets without the slightest idea about what the ideology stood as.

    In 1925, Arnold Lesse along with Harry Simpson joined a splinter group called the "National Fascisti" lead by Henry Rippon-Seymour because Lesse was generally unsatisfied with the policies of the "British Fascists" dismissing the group as Conservatism with knobs on but then In 1927, he published a piece of literature called "A Treatise on the One-Humped Camel in Health and in Disease" which remain a standard work in the British Raj later India for 50 years and in May 1927, he founded a splinter group called the "Fascist League" from the remnants of the "National Fascisti" but then in October 1927, he stepped down as a councillor after having served a single term along with retiring from his job as a Veterinarian since June 1928.

    In 1929, Arnold Lesse founded a political party called the "Imperial Fascist League" (IFL) while it was initially modelled more along the lines of Italian Fascism but under the influence of Henry Hamilton Beamish who served as vice-president began to focus on Anti-Semitism but then a blackshirted paramilitary arm called the "Fascist Legions" was created while it was lead by Leslie H. Sherrard & then Erskine Tulloch and the political party initially advocated policies such as Corporatism, monetary reform and the removal of citizenship from Jewish people while it has 150 to 500 members.

    The "Imperial Fascist League" (IFL) including the extensive publishing interests were funded out of Arnold Leese's own pocket but then in April 27th 1932, Leese addressed the "New Party" meeting lead by Oswald Mosley on the theme of "The Blindness of British Politics under the Jew Money-Power" that was been chaired and then Oswald Mosley along with Robert Forgan approached to Leese for suggesting that the "Imperial Fascist League" should be merge into the "British Union of Fascists" but the offer was declined but then Leese soon attacked Mosley for his failure to deal with the "Jewish question" even dub the (BUF) into the "British Jewnion of Fascists" or "Kosher Fascists" because of certain differences between the two political parties such the "Imperial Fascist League" that held a biological view of Anti-Semitism as a belief that Jewish people were inherently inferior as a race but in contrast to the "British Union of Fascists" whose eventual adoption of Anti-Semitism was framed in ideas about Jewish people that supposed undue influence at the top echelons of society.

    The "Imperial Fascist League" (IFL) soon shifted away from Italian Fascism after Arnold Leese visited to Nazi Germany to met with Julius Streicher but then its new programme wanted a 'Racial Fascist Corporate State' stressed in the supremacy of the Aryan race as the creator of civilisation with culture along with remodelled newspaper called "The Fascist" with the lines of "Der Stürmer" newspaper and the political party enjoyed a higher profile than its membership might suggest but in a large part due to the funding that it received from Nazi Germany paid through the English correspondent for the "Völkischer Beobachter" newspaper by Dr. Hans Wilhelm Thost.

    In 1933, the "British Union of Fascists" (BUF) lead by Oswald Mosley decided to act against the renegade "Imperial Fascist League" (IFL) with a paramilitary unit called Stewards attacking a number of meetings but then the campaign culminated in an incident in Great Portland Street in London with 50 Stewards disguised as Communists invaded the stage to attack Arnold Leese before they caused considerable damage to the hall in an attempt to force a large repair bill onto him even the (BUF) passed fabricated evidence of an (IFL) plot to attack its headquarters to the home office and then in July 1935, Lesse along with printer Walter Whitehead published a newspaper issue of "The Fascist" entitled "Jewish Ritual Murder" which later appeared as a pamphlet by proposing the mass genocide of Jewish people by the use of gas chambers that earned him a prison sentence in 1936.

    Arnold Lesse along with Walter Whitehead was charged along with six counts related to two articles published that lead to a fine for causing a public mischief but then Leese was jailed for six months for being convicted of this but after his release, he edited a pamphlet entitled "My Irrelevant Defence" as lengthy work in defence of his earlier claim that Jewish passover celebrations has included the sacrifice of Christian children but also he used the materials distributed by the "Welt-Dienst" news service headed by Ulrich Fleischhauer while he wrote for it and then the "Imperial Fascist League" denounced Benito Mussolini as a Pro-Semite while claiming that the Second Italo-Ethiopian War (1935-1937) had been organised by Jews.

    The "Imperial Fascist League" (IFL) was linked to the "Nordic League" lead by Captain Archibald Maule Ramsay through Commander E. H. Cole who is a staunch advocate of the book called The Protocols of the Elders of Zion served as chancellor of the group as well as being a leading member of the (IFL) but then in 1939, the influence of the "Imperial Fascist League" (IFL) was diminished but the rivalry had cooled to the point that the "British Union of Fascists" bookshop in Canterbury was prepared to stock (IFL) pamphlets and then when World War Two (1939-1945) has started Arnold Lesse declared loyalty to King George VI while renaming the group into the "Angles Circle" but that stance was rejected by some Pro-German members such as Tony Gittens, Harold Lockwood & Bertie Mills.

    In 1940, Arnold Leese was one of the last men of the Fascist movement to be interned in the United Kingdom during World War Two under the Defence Regulation 18B but he claimed that his primary loyalty was to Britain but had been somewhat critical of Adolf Hitler while in June 1940, he reacted with bitter anger when an internment order was issued for him and before November 9th 1940, he set up a series of hideouts from which he published several pamphlets that were critical of the war while he was evaded capture until the end even he is enraged by what he saw as a slur on his Patriotism.

    Arnold Leese violently resisted arrest but then smashed up his holding cell as he saw the war as a "Jew's War" but also he strongly repudiated the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact while castigated Nazi Germany for the invasion of Norway and then Leese labelled his political creed "Racial Fascism" because he disliked the term "National Socialism" which was used by the Nazi Germany during the war although he along with other members of the "Imperial Fascist League" supported Nazi Anti-Semitism.

    In 1944, Arnold Leese was released from detention due to his health following a major operation but then after World War Two, he offered to testify at William Joyce's trial along with preparing to give evidence on the Jewish issue at Nuremberg in defence of the German National Socialists while described the Nuremberg Trials as a Jewish & Masonic affair like a procedure in the United Kingdom the Defence Regulation 18B as an act of revenge and then Leese set up his own "Jewish Information Bureau" for a reason.

    Arnold Leese, began publishing his own journal called the "Gothic Ripples" which was largely concerned with attacking the Jewish people while he believed that there were 2.5 Million Jews in the United Kingdom but in reality there was only 410,000 Jews but also the journal contained a strongly Anti-Black bent with a regular column entitled "REDACTED Notes" appearing and then in 1947, Leese returned to prison with a one year sentence long with seven other former members of the "Imperial Fascist League" for helping escaped German Waffen SS prisoners of war.

    In 1948, Arnold Lesse formed the "National Workers Movement" while in December 1950 he stood trial for criminal libel on Harold Scott who is commissioner of the Metropolitan Police but was acquitted but then in 1951, Lesse essentially retired from politics because of the rival leaders of the movement such as Tony Gittens & Anthony Baron and then he published his autobiography called the Out of Step: Events in the Two Lives of an Anti-Jewish Camel Doctor.

    Arnold Lesse acted as mentor to Colin Jordan & John Tyndall and then he died at London, England on January 18th 1956.

    National Socialism Association/Taiwanese Nazism

    The National Socialism Association (NSA) was created by Hsu Na-chi and Chao Lahn, citing dissatisfaction towards the political factions in Taiwan as one of the factors of founding the NSA. The association stresses on the "restoration of Confucianism" and "fostering greater nationalism in Taiwan", while denying claims of antisemitism and racism despite Confucianism and Nazism are contradictory and incompatible, specifically in terms on stances towards meritocracy.

    Personality and Behaviour

    Nazism is typically portrayed as easily annoyed and quickly prone to violence. He is incredibly anti-Semitic and will also often kill anyone who calls him a "leftist", as well as any other ideology he does not identify with. He speaks with a thick, stereotypical German (or in several cases, Austrian) accent.

    Stylistic Notes

    Nazism can be depicted as a talented and compelling villain, antagonist of the year, 80 years running apart from being a stereotypical yandere. However, he could also be depicted just as easily as a raving, incoherent, opportunistic maniac. His weapon of choice is the stylish Luger Pistole Parabellum or occasionally a "flammenwerfer".

    • He may be depicted with a strong German accent.

    How to Draw

    [!] Note: Some countries (See: Strafgesetzbuch section 86a) and most social media platforms (especially Facebook) banned Nazi imageries such as this flag, therefore for the censored version, replace the swastika with the Iron Cross/+/f letter (Refer Polandball guidelines on drawing swastika)/Poorly-drawn swastika (refer Hale Hortler meme) symbol.

    Flag of Nazism

    The flag is based on the flag of Nazi Germany, used between 1933 to 1945 or the party flag of the NSDAP.

    1. Draw a ball.
    2. Fill the ball in with red.
    3. Add a white circle in the middle.
    4. Draw a black Hakenkreuz, also known as a Swastika, inside the white circle.
    5. Draw the eyes.
    6. OPTIONAL: Draw Hitler's peak cap/Stahlhelm/Wehrmacht/Schutzstaffel military cap and you're done.
    Color Name HEX RGB
    Red #DE0000 222, 0, 0
    White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255
    Black #202020 32, 32, 32


    As his actions and beliefs are almost universally regarded as gravely immoral or downright evil, he's generally hated. Nazism however does find some support occasionally from his less talented understudies.

    Übermenschen (Friends)

    • Volksgemeinschaft, Lebensraum, Führerprinzip - Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Führer!
    • Ultranationalism - That's ze best form of Nationalism Ich vant.
    • National Syndicalism - MANDATORY UNIONS ARE BASED! Except labour unions.
    • Corporatism - Best economics. Was do you mean I don't even understand it?
    • Cameralism - Der Staat muss benefit from ze economy.
    • Irredentism - Ve must reclaim Deutschland's lost area.
    • Imperialism - Ve must show ze strength of ze Aryan Race.
    • Protectionism - It only makes sense to protect ze industries of ze Vaterland.
    • Esoteric Fascism - If you ignore all ze LARPing and the paganism, he's pretty epic.
    • Technocracy - Technocracy is based when done by the Aryan master race! Gottfried Feder happens to like you a lot and so do I. However, he and I disagreed sometimes concerning the war effort. Still, had I have won WW2, you would've definitely had a place in my Reich.
    • National Primitivism - My primitivist son, who devised a plan to deal with the Slavs. He's pretty much a primitive, LARPing caveman compared to me, though.
    • Pan-Germanicism-Long live Great Germany!
    • Fascism - You're ze building blocks of my system! Admit it, you zink I’m one of ze most based ideologies out zere.
    • Eco-Fascism - I love the environment! And I'm proud to be vegetarian!
    • Volkism - Ve must restore the glory of our Volk by all means necessary! Also, can you calm down with the paganism around The Church?
    • Aryan Nationalism - Ze Aryan Race is best, and ve must show ze truz of zat shall be heard all around ze Lebensraum!
    • Eugenicism - Ze survival of ze fittest is ze natural order of zings, as shown by ze struggle between ze races. Ze Aryans are ze most evolved humans in the vorld!WDYM Germans are inferior because zey lost?
    • Totalitarianism - It's obvious.
    • National Agrarianism - Blut und Boden! Wait, why doesn't your Lithuanian variant like me?
    • Nazi Transhumanism - GERMAN SCIENCE IS THE WORLD'S FINEST! Science und technology are essential to preserve our derl Aryan race. Zat’s vhy ve invented stuff like Volkswagen, V2 rockets, Krupp Stahl und jet engines.
    • Maternalism - German mozers shall follow ze zree Ks: Kinder, küche, kirche. Ich will reward you ze Ehrenkreuz der Deutschen Mutter for giving birth to more babies!
    • İttihadism - Who, after all, speaks today of ze annihilation of ze Armenians?
    • Clerical Fascism - Sorry, I prefer Positive Christianity than you... Pavelic was so evil that I told him to stop after the horrible things he did.
    • Yellow Socialism - A real socialist like me zat understands zis is about class collaboration, social improvement and fight against judens!
    • Christian Socialism - I oppose both, it zeems 'reactionary', but when I met ze man behind ze movement, I regard Dr. Karl Lueger of ze Christlich-sozialistische Movement as ze most eminent type of German Burgermeister. Zhere is zuch a change in my attitude towards ze Christian-Socialist Movement!
    • Police Statism - Ze Gestapo was Wunderbar
    • Blueshirtism - I made a movie in support of Ireland.

    Ehrenarier (Honorary Aryans)

    • European Federalism - A brainchild of mein friend Walter Hallstein but still a degenerate.
    • Jihadism - Ze only religion ich respect is Islam, Ze only prophet ich admire is ze prophet Muhammad.
    • Imperial Japan - Fellow Axis member. Cool it with China though. He's still mein old friend.
    • Chinese Theocracy - The Chinese, along with the Japanese, belong to ancient civilizations.
    • State Shinto - Why didn't we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good?
    • Hungarism - Hungarians are honorary.
    • Francoism - I'd rather have my teeth pulled than speak to you again! Nice job winning that Civil war. But when will you join the Axis?
    • Peronism - He always lends me refuge when things go down for me.
    • Falangism - Mein Spanish friend. But why the race-mixing??!!1!
    • Boseism - Respected Leader Bose and I worked closely together to instigate an anti-British revolution in India during the War. A true friend of mine, yet one who was torn ideologically between me and the Bolsheviks.
    • Indigenism I would have given you your land back in America if I won. and you are the Aryan's of america.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8]
    • Authoritarian Capitalism - Basically a better version of him, but still not socially oriented enough. The NSDAP implemented a robust social safety net to protect working-class Aryans just to make them loyal subjects to the Thousand-Year Reich.
    • State Capitalism - Like the above but better. But I still prefer Corporatism.
    • "True Socialism" - Marxism is a Juden strategy to subjugate Deutschland and ze world, it is a mental and politikal form of slavery. Nationalsozialismus is true Socialism!
    • Positive Christianity - Look mein Kind, you're no good to mir if you can't even prove that Jesus wasn't a Jude.
    • Alt-Right - Danke for defending me online, mein friends. Even though most of you are un-Aryan inferior degenerates.
    • Cultural Nationalism - Our culture must be protected but the Aryan race is far more important.
    • National Capitalism - Mein economically far right son. Hjalmar vas a big help to the Reich even if ve disagree on many economic issues. But why tf did you harbor filthy Judens? Just why man?

    Mischlinge (Mixed)

    • Homofascism - Verdammt Ernst Röhm..
    • National Bolshevism - Mein economically far left son. You take inspiration from ze worst untermenschen in matters of economy, but at least your social views are based and you support me, and Bose was a great ally in India. Besides, my friends Goebbels and Ribbentrop seem to have some sympathy towards you. But Paetel and Niekisch are a disgrace.
    • Classical Liberalism - Capitalism and Liberalism are nicht gut but your "Manifest Destiny" was wunderbar.
    • Odalism - Mein Norwegisch nephew who, for some reason, wants to undo mein modernization. And turn down zat heathen sound you call black metal! (Ich like your lyrics, though.)
    • Anarcho-Fascism - I agree with you on a lot of things, but we need a state to purge all the enemies. That being said at least one of your variants are tolerable.
    • Authoritarian Conservatism - Carl Schmitt is a good friend, but Dollfuss stood in the way for German Unity.
    • Khomeinism - I admire your actions against the Zionists, but you are very religious and your reformists are very decadent. Why are you telling me that I respect Islam for personal gain?! I am not secular and I removed atheism from German society and I respect religion, but that is not a reason to accept religiosity.
    • Christian Democracy - He helped me get in power but Adenauer is a traitor who hated me.
    • Mediacracy - The press is (((their))) scam as long as it's not run by Goebbels. Why do you keep comparing me to zis clown?
    • Tridemism - Wir were friends once, too bad he and mein Asian friend are sworn enemies. At least, John Rabe is a friend of the Chinese. Just ignore how I went after the Chinese in Germany.
    • Ilminism - He learned a lot from me, but he hates him.
    • Black Islamism - You're all a bunch of Schwarzes but also Farrakhan praises Hitler and hates (((them))) so that's based.
    • Jewish-Nazism - Filthy Jude and a useful idiot.
    • Kemalism - Ich admired you, why don't you like me anymore?
    • Stalinism (Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact) - Ich totally will not invade you sometime in ze future. Ich verspreche. Although I would give you East Poland.
    • Capitalism - I have to regulate you a bunch, but you were a good help to Deutschland, but I hate ((( International Bankers))) But don't think I like you.We never ask the capitalists to please help the society, we say capitalists should help society. Comply or we'll happily seize your property like we did the (((jews)))
    • Strasserism - Mein Bruder. We were once good friends, but he has no appreciation for Realpolitik.
    • Thalassocracy - Carl Schmitt calls you cringe and the US and Britain are variants of you, but on the other hand, I am thinking about reclaiming my lost colonies. I will talk with the boys back in the Reichskolonialbund.
    • Norse Pagan Theocracy - Himmler likes you but I'm not so sure about you.
    • Christian Theocracy - Meh, As long as you work with me, you are alright.
    • Catholic Theocracy - I allowed Catholics to join my party but I also persecuted the church.
    • Monarchism - Friedrich der Große ist mein idol but that Kaiser Wilhelm II with his gay cabinet is a total disgrace.
    • Buddhist Theocracy - I didn't steal your symbol, the swastika is an ancient Indo-European image of the sun. But Himmler considered you as based.
    • Bismarckism - I like you for uniting Germany, and I even named a ship after you. What do you mean I am a failure? And stop complaining about darwinism and paganism.
    • Welfare Chauvinism - Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt is based, but stop caring for cripples and the mentally ill. Welfare makes us weak.
    • Reactionary Liberalism - The Clockcrossroad gang seems based but you don't like me also too democratic and liberal.
    • Alt-Right Libertarianism - Thanks for your compliments but you're weird and like some of (((them))) . Rothbard denied the Holocaust? Based![20]
    • National Feminism - Mein gott, der fick ist das Scheiße? Well, at least you hate the Untermenschen too and I allowed many of you to fight in the Wehrmacht in WW2.
    • NLPism - A lib that zare to compare me to the reds but some of them joined my party and also they have been always loyal to the german national spirit.
    • White Nationalism - How can you believe that Aryans are equal to ze filthy anglos and french? I don't know why mein sohn likes you.

    Untermenschen (Enemies) SIE IST OHNE EHRE!!

    • Der Juden - FILTHY JUDEN!!! I will succeed in completely eradicating your "people" when I return to power!
    • State Liberalism - FILTHY DEGENERATE!
    • Gandhian Socialism - What do you mean I must stop the war?[21] Besides, you are an impure non-Aryan disgrace and you deserved to be ruled by Britain!
    • Kleptocracy - DAS WEIMAR GOVERNMENT IST RUN BY CRIMINALS WHO SEEK DEUTSCHLAND’S DESTRUCTION!!! Ignore that I recruited criminals like Dirlewanger to suppress the Poles.
    • Marxism - Filthy (((Judeo-Bolshevik))) rat! Based take on "On the Jewish Question" I must admit.
    • Churchilism - We could have been great allies, Churchill. But you f*cking threw it all away to ally with the communists. I´ve bombed London many times and will continue until your eventual surrender. Operation Vegetarian? Interesting...
    • Stalinism (post-1941) - HA HA HA, I never considered you a true ally! Prepare to die, inferior Georgian Judeo-Bolshevik!
    • Anti-Nazism - Lol get rekt.And yes, you are just idiots comparing everything you don't like to me
    • Marxism–Leninism-YOU DESERVED IT, THÄLMANN! Thanks for enabling me, you moron. Now off to the camps you go. [Note 2]
    • Honeckerism - I told you (((commies))) want to divide Germany. Ich should have sent you to the gas chamber, Honecker.
    • CDUism (Later on) - Adenauer is a libtard traitor who divided Germany like the man above and sold it to the (((bankers))) of the west, but he did shelter Heuss. Even so, he is a NATO puppet who completely banned me in FRG and did propaganda against me!
    • Social Democracy - Was ist dieser Weimar garbage?
    • Iron Front - Same as above. But a nice punching bag for the SA/SS.
    • Anti-Germanism - You’re him but even worse somehow! Pure Rassenschande!
    • Jewish Capitalism - I will break up interest slavery that has kidnapped productive capital, filthy (((bankers))) want to destroy the Aryan race.
    • Democracy - Weak and disgusting system that promotes degeneracy!
    • Plutocracy - Why is democracy here twice?
    • Juden Feminism & Luxemburgism - Feminism is a Jewish conspiracy, thank you for admitting it, filthy Juden!
    • Bundism, Labour Zionism, Leninism, & Trotskyism - Thank you for admitting it, filthy Judeo-Bolskeviks!
    • Kahanism - [comment removed by moderator] We can compromise with the Haavara agreement though.
    • Neoliberalism - Arbeit Macht Frei, in die Lager mit Ihnen!
    • Pink Capitalism - Und das gilt auch für dich!
    • Juden Anarchism - Auch du, degenerierter!
    • Queer Anarchism - Gottverdammt, wie oft muss ich das machen?!
    • Democratic Socialism - I've changed my mind. Imagine combining the above with Sozialismus, ugh!
    • Neoconservatism - Imperialism is based but your wars are to "spread democracy" for Israel. Go f- yourself, Juden!
    • Nordic Model - Are you not just him again? You ruined the glorious Nordic Aryans by letting the weak live.
    • Social Capitalism - Filthy free-marketeer who also wants to let the weak live. Appointing me to senior positions of your cabinet was fucking based though and thank you for assisting Eichmann.[22]
    • LGBTQ+ - TO ZE GAS CHAMBERS YOU FILTHY DEGENERATES!! AND I’VE BURNED YOUR BOOKS! Röhm used to be based until he backstabbed me...
    • Homoconservatism - I don't care if you are conservative or not, to ze gas chamber, NOW!
    • Progressivism - Absolutely Weimar und entartet.
    • Left-Wing Nationalism - NEIN! this is NOT what I meant by "National Socialism"!
    • Fourth Theory - Fucking neo-Bolshevik Muscovite scum! Europe will resist the Eurasianist masses!
    • Putinism - Really using me as a scapegoat to invade Ukraine? Shove your "de-Nazification" up your ass, and tell your friend to do the same.
    • Zelenskyism-Same as above,you Jewish Slavic scum
    • Satirism - Damn you (((Chaplin and various makers of Downfall parodies))). Now almost no one takes me seriously!
    • Trumpism - You're nothing like me, you kakistocratic orange polluting Jüdisch puppet! I'd never build a stupid wall around my enemies like some isolationist wimp!!
    • World Federalism - It seems the Zionists are now openly admitting to their plans for world domination, pathetic. You will die like the rest of the worthless untermenschen.
    • Esoteric Socialism - Guess what I did to Freemasons?
    • Objectivism - Filthy Jüdisch individualist.
    • Globalism - NEIN! NEIN! NEIN! NEIN! NEIN! NEIN! NEIN...
    • Alter-Globalism - ...NEIN! NEIN! NEIN! NEIN! NEIN! NEIN! NEIN!!!
    • Black Nationalism - Rhineland bastard! Prepare to be sterilised. Kanye was based
    • Helvetic Model - "Switzerland possesses the most disgusting and miserable people and political system. The Swiss are the mortal enemies of the new Germany."
    • Kakistocracy - Hey kid, wanna go camping?
    • Feminism - The only duty of Aryan women is to serve their husbands and raise kids. Ignore that I allowed 500k women to enlist in the Wehrmacht.
    • Socialism - “‘Socialism’, he retorted, putting down his cup of tea, ‘is the science of dealing with the common weal [health or well-being]. Communism is not Socialism. Marxism is not Socialism. The Marxians have stolen the term and confused its meaning. I shall take Socialism away from the Socialists.”
    • Anarcho-Capitalism - Ze same zing as above but applied to capitalism.
    • Council Communism - YOU BURNED THE REICHSTAG!!! Not that I need that building since the Führer's powers are absolute.
    • National Democracy - Ich banned you und killed your entire early movement.
    • Rockefeller Republicanism - Verfluche dich, Berlin shall rise again! Nicht that kind of Rockefeller.
    • Steiner-Vallentyne School - Das war ein BEFEHL! DER ANGRIFF STEINERS WAR EIN BEFEHL!! WER SIND SIE, DASS SIE ES WAGEN, SICH MEINEN BEFEHLEN ZU WIDERSETZEN?! So weit ist es also gekommen? DAS MILITÄR HAT MICH BELOGEN! Jeder hat mich belogen, sogar die SS! Die gesamte Generalität ist nichts weiter als ein Haufen niederträchtiger, TREULOSER FEIGLINGE! Wait, I am talking to the wrong guy
    • Left-Wing Populism - Aren't you just ze guy above? And he's a filthy Jude to boot.

    Further Information





    1. Throughout World War II, Hitler often compared himself to Frederick II the Great, and he kept a copy of Anton Graff's portrait of Frederick with him to the end in the Führerbunker in Berlin.
    2. Ernst Thälmann and the Communist Party of Germany targeted Social Democrat politicians instead because they thought Nazis coming to power would accelerate the collapse of capitalism, which at the time seemed preferable to the slow and reformist nature of moderate Marxists in the SDP


    1. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/304701425_The_Modernism_of_Nazi_Culture
    2. The Nazis Weren't Fascist? by Ryan Chapman
    3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_Nazi_Germany
    4. http://www.ub.edu/graap/nazi.pdf
    5. https://www.hmd.org.uk/resource/2-may-1933-dissolution-of-german-trade-unions/
    6. Hitler's Socialism (Short Version) by TIKhistory
    7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_companies_involved_in_the_Holocaust
    8. https://www.aeaweb.org/articles?id=10.1257/jep.20.3.187
    9. https://www.amazon.com/Killing-History-Left-Right-Political-Spectrum/dp/0961589310, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCkyWBPaTC8, https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XSfE7i6CagK9WqeHqZuoBfarSAsm7L2DDWtwrq5K6Nk/edit#gid=0, https://aeon.co/ideas/fascism-was-a-right-wing-anti-capitalist-movement
    10. This is the best compromise because Hitler did the same economics as Ataturk and Lenin by using state capitalism and some corporatism. third position represents on this page the ongoing debate between capitalism and Marxism. It is the best compromise so far
    11. https://pt.findagrave.com/memorial/194237719/armando-zanine_teixeira-j%C3%BAnior
    12. Gregor Strasser, Heinz Neukirchen, Friedrich Elchlepp, Rodzaevsky and others.
    13. Rudolf Höss , Otto Von Bolschwing, Klaus Barbie and others
    14. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernst_R%C3%B6hm
    15. Was Hitler Part-Jewish?
    16. "It is true that in the National Socialist Letters, Goebbels put the accent on Socialism rather than on Nationalism, to such an extent that he sponsored an alliance between a Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia; he also flirted with an ideological alliance with other rebellious ‘have not’ counties such as India and China." © Curt Riess, Joseph Goebbels: A Biography, Doubleday & Company, Garden City, New York, (1948) p. 24
    17. Goebbels admired Dostoevsky, and also wrote that "Russia is our natural ally against the devilish temptation and corruption of the west."
    18. Quisling is a military man by education.
    19. https://www.upi.com/Archives/1995/11/27/Belarus-leader-defends-Hitler-praise/9348817448400/
    20. Libertarians and holocaust denial
    21. #
    22. #



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