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Revision as of 17:54, 27 August 2023

"In principle, Eurasia and our space, the heartland Russia, remain the staging area of a new anti-bourgeois, anti-American revolution... The new Eurasian empire will be constructed on the fundamental principle of the common enemy: the rejection of Atlanticism, strategic control of the USA, and the refusal to allow liberal values to dominate us. This common civilizational impulse will be the basis of a political and strategic union."

Fourth Theory is a reactionary, authoritarian, and economically third positionist (but tolerant of other forms of economic illiberalism) ideology that seeks to go beyond the 3 modern political theories, Liberalism, Communism and Fascism. Fourth Theory deems that Liberalism and its associated post-modernism have successfully defeated their 2 major political opponents ( Marxism–Leninism and Fascism) and are currently destroying politics as a whole. So, therefore, it is necessary to combat liberalism with a fourth political theory, inspired by fringe ideas from communist and fascist movements, but rejecting the orthodoxy of both of them. Fourth Theory rejects the ideas that the main subject of politics is one of individualism, class or nation but one of Dasein, a concept of Heideggerian philosophy that roughly refers to the experience of being unique to humans. The Fourth Theory also wants and calls for a return to traditionalism and theology, because it seeks to return to a set of values that oppose those of the current liberal modernity.


Aleksandr Dugin

Aleksandr Gelyevich Dugin is a Russian political philosopher, analyst, and strategist known for his anti-liberal, and anti-western views. Aleksandr Dugin is believed to have close ties to Vladimir Putin's regime and influenced aspects of Putin's foreign policy over the past two decades.

In the 1980s, during the late days of the Soviet Union, Dugin was an anti-communist dissident and worked as a journalist before becoming involved in politics just before the fall of communism. In 1988, he and his friend Geydar Dzhemal joined the ultranationalist group Pamyat (Memory), which would later give rise to Russian fascism. After the fall of the Soviet Union, Dugin helped to write the political program for the newly reformed Communist Party of the Russian Federation under the leadership of Gennady Zyuganov.

Dugin published the book Foundations of Geopolitics in 1997 which has been used as a textbook in the Academy of the General Staff of the Russian military and is been by western analysts as the Russian version of Manifest Destiny. In Foundations of Geopolitics, Dugin calls for Russia to take back control over regions that once belonged to the former Russian Empire and unite Eurasia against the US and NATO and liberal values.

Dugin supports Vladimir Putin and his foreign policies and "military operations" in Chechnya, Georgia, Syria, and Ukraine (Although he believes that Putin hasn't gone far enough).


Fourth Political Theory to Supersede the Three

Fourth Theory believes that there are three main political ideologies which are Liberalism, Communism, and Fascism. Liberal politics were based on individualism, Communist politics is based on class, while Fascist politics was based on nation. Fourth Theory itself then believes to be itself a completely new ideology away from the orthodox three considering it as superceding the three. Thus Fourth Theory politics are based on what's known as Dasein also known as existence itself along with ethnos which is cultural phenomenon as a community of language, religious beliefs, daily life, and sharing of resources "as an organic entity."


Dasein is a Heideggerian concept and one of the main ideas of Fourth Theory. Dasein can be translated as "being here/there", and it is Heidegger's understanding of human nature. It is a human Being which is always embedded in concrete historical, temporal, cultural and local reality. Dasein is particular, not universal. It is shared with other members of a community, but not with all of humanity. It can be understood as subjectivity.


Fourth Theory really hates liberalism and believes that Liberalism has beaten the other two ideologies, Fascism and Communism. Therefore, despite having disagreements with both of those ideologies, it seeks to create an alliance of anti-liberal forces in a common struggle against liberalism because it sees it as way worse and satanic. It rejects modernity and wants a return to Tradition. It is often anti-American and sees America as responsible for global liberalism. It doesn't like modern technology and sees it as a tool of the globalists, but nevertheless doesn't completely reject it because it would leave Russia and other illiberal countries defenseless against the "Great Satan".

Fourth theory considers liberalism racist because it sees it as intolerant of illiberal cultures, and views it as a form of cultural supremacism.

Foreign Policy

Probably the most well known and most understandable part of Fourth Theory is its imperialist foreign policy. Fourth Theory wants Russia to retake lost Russian land. Russia then unites the Eurasian continent together in an allied effort to combat the liberal west. Due to this belief, it is often called "Russian Manifest Destiny" and evoke Russian chauvinism. Fourth Theory is often considered a fascist ideology along with its reactionary views. Much of the Alt-Right are also attracted to the views of Dugin. It is rumored that Fourth Theory has been the one who influence Putin to invade Ukraine.

However, it sees Russian imperialism as liberating and claims to want to preserve distinct cultures within the Russian Empire, as opposed to Western liberalism which it views as wanting to destroy local cultures. It also sees Russian imperialism and foreign policy, as well as the policy of all countries, as constrained and determined by geopolitical "big spaces".


Similar to how Nrx.png Neoreactionaryism is often portrayed as the Alt-Right's more "intellectual" brother, Fourth Theory is also portrayed as Nazbol's smarter, less GANG focused brother. Like Marxism-Leninism, Fourth Theory possesses a heavy Russian accent.

He's often calm enough towards other balls in spite of his litany of insults towards anything liberal, while his eccentric and anti-Western views make many balls hate him, with others taking him as an ally of convenience - which he reciprocates, allowing his hatred of the Western world to surpass any other hate he might feel towards them. Often resorting to violent solutions and hard power regarding global issues, Fourth Theory has earned a reputation of fear and hatred from many, particularly those he considers Atlanticists. He expects other political balls to either side with him or his arch nemesis, with many refraining from doing so.

How to Draw

Flag of Fourth Theory
  1. Draw a ball
  2. Fill it with black
  3. Draw 4 sets of double-pointed yellow arrows at 45-degree angles from one another (The Symbol of Chaos)
  4. Add eyes, and you're done!
Color Name HEX RGB
Black #141414 20, 20, 20
Yellow #FFCD01 255, 205, 1


Friends of Eurasia

  • National Bolshevism - So close!
  • Reactionary Socialism - Nice cultural policies.
  • Conservative Socialism - On a good path. Your Patriotic Socialism variant is especially based as well.
  • Putinism - The Western media outlets will always think that I'm your ideological brain. Your moves in Syria, Ukraine, Georgia and others are great but you should be way more hardline, for we need to have more ideological institutions. Regardless, we MUST win against the Nazis, for there can only be one Eurasia, and that is under our great leader.
  • Ba'athism - A great bulwark against the West.
  • Saadehism - Can also be an ally.
  • State Socialism, State Capitalism, Corporatism, and Welfare Chauvinism - The economic systems of most of my followers.
  • Authoritarian Conservatism - You know how to run things.
  • Khomeinism - Iran is based for how it stands up to the West.
  • Gaddafism - Libya was way better under you.
  • Anti-Centrism - Beyond left and right and against the center.
  • Combatocracy - There should be an Aristocracy of warriors who are chosen by how well they fight!
  • Irredentism - Ukraine and Finland have always been a part of Russia and we are simply rebuilding our traditional heritage.
  • Neo-Bolshevism - Eurasia forever!
  • Chavismo & Peronism - Latin America needs to unify to achieve true sovereignty.
  • Khanism - The Tatar yoke was not as bad as people usually think (or at least that's what Lev Gumilyov says).
  • Juche - Best Korea!
  • Socialism of the 21st Century - Very based despite most of you being catholic. Also, Latuff has some based takes against libtards.
  • Xi Jinping Thought - The most based Chinese leader so far. Why won't you cut the economic ties with Westoids completely though?


  • Fascism - Some good ideas but you need to accept socialist economics!
  • Marxism–Leninism - And you need to reject left-wing cultural positions!
  • Kleptocracy - Putin is based for how he stands up to the West, but Western oligarchs still cringe.
  • Orthodox Theocracy - The current Eastern Orthodox Church is cringe, but society still needs a religious revival.
  • Catholic Theocracy - The Catholic Church is a “natural ally” but I am not Catholic and in modern times you have connections to liberalism. At least you understand my daughter's death was a mistake.
  • Jewish Theocracy - Honestly, I don't know what to say. On one hand, you're one of (((them))). But hey, maybe you can drop the Talmud and embrace a new tradition mixing the Torah with Kabballah. Then we'd be good. Or is that wishful thinking?
  • Lolbert Useful Idiot - You are a variant of liberalism; that's stupid. Your isolationism allows me to conquer things unchecked, however, so you can be a useful idiot for my goals.
  • Paleoconservatism - Your cultural policies are too moderate and why do you hate imperialism? You still would let me do conquests like lolbert, however, and unlike him, I think we could become allies against the Westoids.
    • - Nah, I don't care. All I want is to sit isolated and not trade one imperialist for another.
  • Archeofuturism - You want a return to tradition as well. But stop with the transhumanist cr*p, and stop stealing my ideas. And your idea to unite Eurasia and North America betrays the very purpose of Eurasianism. We want to create a Eurasian big space to force the USA to finally leave Eurasia alone.
  • Reactionary Modernism - You are a modernist reactionary like me, but i don't like the transhumanism at all. Same as above, but more realistic.
  • Bonapartism - On the one hand, you are a stupid enlightened liberal who fought against Russia. On the other hand, you wanted to build a monarchist, tellurocratic Eurasian empire. That was actually pretty based.
  • Neoreactionaryism - On one hand, you are often a stupid liberal, and many of your transhumanist ideas are dangerous. And Nick Lands' plans are outright disgusting. But often, your ideas are derived from the same sources as mine and you often have a certain respect for tradition.
  • Liberalism 1.0 - You're a liberal, but you're the worst enemy of the limitless hedonism and total individualism of Liberalism 2.0, so you got my respect.
  • Posadism - Progressive transhumanist, but we both agree that dolphins will be philosophers.
  • Esoteric Fascism - You provided great info about ancient traditions and Catharism. But stop with the racism and Christianity bashing, that is not helpful.
  • Neo-Ottomanism - I helped resolve that conflict between you and Putin. You're also one of only a few countries that pay attention to me. But I won't count you as a friend until you become less like him and more like him. Also, stop being friends with this nut.
  • Dengism - You want a multipolar world led by a socialist too. That's based. But I won't count you among my friends until you break with the West completely. Don't hesitate because you're making so much money off selling cheap shit to them.
  • Trotskyism - You have some good ideas, Anti-Liberalism is based, But can you tone it down with Permanent Revolution? You're acting like him. Although they oppressed workers, but we need cooperate with them anyway because we need an alliance to oppose libtards. We're not trying to conquer the world but limit ourselves to Eurasia only, understand?
  • Alt-Lite - Bannon likes me, but many of you are fake lib owners, for they ignore non-cultural libtard aspects, and sometimes hang out with them if they fit culturally.
  • Alt-Right - An improvement of the above but Spencer betrayed me for the Westoids.
  • National Capitalism - Hmm, the Wagner group was great before the backstab, but people like Videla, Banzer, Barbie, and Cao Ky all worked with neocucks. And a saboteur from the Azov regiment literally killed my daughter!
  • Authoritarian Capitalism - Gazprom is incredibly based, but many of your variants are US-backed puppet states.
  • Social Authoritarianism - Lukashenko, Duterte, Rahmon, and Juan Velasco are all great, and it's good to see Schroder eventually shed atlanticist and third way filth to fully side with Russia, but Thaksin and authoritarian Third Wayists are cucked.
  • Right-Wing Populism - Alex Jones is ultra-based for a Westerner! Tucker has some nice takes, and Orbán is also pretty good, but AfD is literally a mixed bag, while Salvini and Meloni are damned traitors.
  • Bismarckism - As far as Westoids go, you were probably the best they had to offer since Napoleon. Germany and Russia really should've retained their tellurocratic alliance. Wish you were more accepting of socialist economics though.
  • Longism - Huey Long is entertaining and atypical. He was right on Welfare and progressive tax and much more, but still he can`t be attributed to Fourth Theory. But still, let's hope that the united states will return to your ideas
  • Integralism - You seem to place the Catholic religion above the Eurasian order, but we still can be allies against the godless libtards, right?

Soulless Atlanticists

  • American Model - My archenemy. The treasonous American 'Revolution' and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race! Besides, if you remained under British control, their resources would be too stretched to mess with Mother Russia that much.
  • Liberalism - Your time to go has come!
  • Neoliberalism - You too, degenerate!
  • State Liberalism - This is what liberalism leads to, people.
  • Landian Accelerationism - Honest liberal, funny to see how other liberals trying to exclude you from their club when I speak with them.
  • LesbiaNRx - Postmodern anarchist degenerate who happens to be influenced by his disgusting ideas and plans to create even more disgusting ideas and plans that will do much more harm to the world. People like you are truly the result of liberalism, fucking degenerate scum.
  • CyberFeminism - You're pretty much like above except not explicitly influenced by him. Still pretty bad and equally as degenerate.
  • Thaksinism - I’ve heard strange rumors about you from Thai Ultraroyalists that you’re funding recent pro-democracy protests with the purpose of turning Thailand into a US proxy against China. That’s why I’m supporting Prayuth and Vajiralongkorn!
  • Liberal Conservatism - Out of the three main forms of conservatism, you are indeed the worst. But Berlusconi is good diplomatically
  • Social Liberalism - You also must go!
  • Social Democracy - Same as above. I don't know why he calls you a social fascist.
  • Nazism - While grouping people based on race is amazing, you still slaughtered millions of Soviets! I don't know why dad likes you so much. And there is nothing wrong with race mixing. Although we wouldn’t have gotten the Dasein without Heidegger, who was a member of your ranks.
  • Strasserism - Fuck you Strasser, you are a pan-european retard who want to destroy glorious Russia!!!
  • Neoconservatism - Your warmongering imperialism has destroyed so many lives and your obsession with forcing American culture on the rest of the world is disgusting. Eastern Europe and the Middle East are in ruins because of you. What exactly are you conserving, to begin with? Screw you, Bush! Although I have to admit that I am an imperialist, myself. If my geopolitical strategy succeeds, we'll split up the world again. I can justify anything I do by saying you were behind it.
  • Third Way - Are you not just Neoconservatism again? Fuck you, Clinton and Obama!
  • Pink Capitalism - The worst mutation of liberalism possible.
  • Homoconservatism - The worst variant of conservatism in the world. Only acceptable if you are patriotic.
  • Globalism - Stop trying to force your culture on me!
  • Zionism - Bullshit secular state. Also, Israel controls America, and both are controlled by shadow governments.
  • Esoteric Socialism - A great example of an esoteric ideology that is genuinely and diametrically OPPOSED to us (although the economics and Gumilyov are based).
  • Progressivism - The worst possible expression of Liberalism.
  • Revolutionary Progressivism - This is even worse than above! Are you insane?!
  • Illuminatism - Jean Parvulesco showed me that you are the ones controlling the USA and Great Britain. And you are probably an ancient Seth-worshipping cabal who already corrupted Atlantis.[1] [2]
  • Transhumanism - You will be humanity's self-destruction and you are the end point of modernity and the ultimate evil.
  • Jihadism - You're a mass-murdering psychopath who wants to tear Russia apart and kill everybody who doesn't agree with you. You're also a puppet of the Atlanticists. We will bury you!
  • İttihadism - Forget it, Enver. Turkestan will always be Russian. Also, fuck you for killing millions of Armenians, Assyrians, and Greeks, who are brothers of the Russian people.
  • Kemalism - Same as above but even worse. He may have killed more people, but he was also less liberal.
  • Tridemism - You're basically him but without the redeeming values. May he crush you one day!
  • Existentialist Anarchism - Degenerate Ancom who wants to tear Christianity apart... AND WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU READ HEIDEGGER AND FOLLOW HIS TEACHINGS?! GGGAAAAAHHHH!!!
  • European Federalism - I will destroy you, you f*cking European Libtards. You're also a puppet of the USA.
  • Zelenskyism - How's that counteroffensive going for you?
  • Ingsoc - Weirdo who always has been at war with Eurasia.
  • Schwabism - Come out of your Davos fortress and fight me! Our duel for the fate of the world will go down in history!


Further Information




